Tube Toons: Captain America (1966)

Welcome back to another Tube Toons update here at Rotten Ink, the themed updates where we take a look at the complete run of a classic cartoon series. For this one we are continuing our look at the 1966 Marvel Super-Heroes series and will be looking at the cartoons of Captain America! It’s a shame that today’s youth does not get to experience the joy that was Saturday Morning Cartoons. The morning was filled with so many great cartoons. They would be based on the toys or comics that were on the shelves at your local stores, and the commercials played was for toys, cereals, fast food, video games, candy, junk food and movie releases all things that us kids thought we needed. In modern times kids get their cartoons from stations like Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and Cartoon Network and many watch the streaming services that have cartoon on tap making Saturday Mornings lame on stations like ABC, NBC and FOX. But here at Rotten Ink Saturday Morning Cartoons will live on with these Tube Toon updates, and with that, let’s see what Captain America and his mighty shield has in store for us!

Marvel Superheroes Tube Toons Vol 2 Logo Cap copy 2

The Marvel Super-Heroes was a cartoon series produced by Grantray-Lawrence Animation that started to air in 1966 and featured such Marvel Comics Superheroes as Iron Man, Thor, Namor, Hulk and Captain American. These cartoons would be 30 minutes long with each hero’s segments being done in 7 minute chapters, and this animation was used around the classic comic book art that they would crudely animate. With Captain America, much of the artwork used was that done by the legend Jack Kirby making the cartoon a much see for fans of The King. The series would run for just one season and would be pretty popular with the kids at the time and would even gain kind of a cult following over the decades for fans of Marvel Comics and classic animated shows. Sandy Becker was the voice actor for Captain America and had lent his voice to such other cartoons as “King Leonardo And His Short Subjects”, “The Beagles” and “Go Go Gophers”. While Paul Kligman would voice Red Skull, Vita Linder would voice both Peggy and Sharon Carter and Gillie Fenwick would voice Baron Zemo with other voice actors like Henry Ramer, Jack Creley, Max Ferguson, John Vernon and Paul Soles lending their voices to characters. In the Boston area actor Arthur Pierce would dress like Captain America and would film live segments to add to the awesomeness of the airing. The cartoon is very iconic and is one you have to track down and see if you are a fan of Cap like I am. Also the theme song for this cartoon is awesome, and if you don’t know it make sure to look it up on YouTube and be ready for it to be stuck in your head all day long!

Marvel-Super-Heroes Cartoon Ad 2 Cap

Growing up I had seen many of the 1966 Captain America cartoons thanks to them being released on VHS, and I can remember being really into them as they featured the classic looking Cap as well as many of his big villains like Red Skull and Baron Zemo. You would also get cameos from many of the other classic superheroes. And to be honest I am very much looking forward to watching these cartoons again for this Tube Toons update as it’s been way too long since I last watched them, and I truly hope they keep their charm like they did for me when I was a youth. I would like to thank an Ebay seller for having this DVD in stock and making this update possible. For these Tube Toons updates I will be telling the plot and then reviewing each episode as well as giving the episodes a star rating of ½ – 4 stars. I will also be showing screen grabs from the episode to help give you a look into these cartoons. So let’s turn on the TV and see what kind of adventures Captain America has in store for us.

Captain America 1966 Cartoon DVD

Captain America
Year: 1966      Type: Animated      Brand: Marvel      Episodes: 13

Episode 1: The Origin Of Captain America

World War II is going on, and America is having a draft. The government is working on a secret project that is taking place in a lab basement underneath a storefront. Steve Rogers is a very small man who volunteers for the experiment and drinks a secret formula that turns him into a muscular super soldier, but sadly the doctor who created the formula is killed by a Nazi Spy before Steve could stop him. Steve Rogers becomes the masked superhero Captain America and enters the fight of World War II, and even keeps his identity a secret, as around Camp Lehigh he is Steve Rogers, a clumsy private. As Captain America, he stops and brings down many of the attacks attempted by the enemy, but he makes a slip one night and young Bucky Barns finds out Steve Rogers is Captain America! The two end up becoming Nazi bashing partners as Bucky Barns puts on a mask as well as a costume and becomes hero Bucky. The two even stop a Nazi submarine by beating up its crew and then using explosives to blow it up! Meanwhile back in the states at a theater show, Sando and his freak friend Omar perform a hypnotist act and predict the future and the events happen. This causes Captain America and Bucky to investigate this act and soon Cap finds out that they are frauds! But Sando and Omar have help as they areapart of the Nazi party and have taken Bucky and a female news reporter hostage, who is really Agent 13 (Peggy Carter). While across town a Major in the army is attacked in his study by the sinister Red Skull who uses a gas to wipe the mind of the military man. Meanwhile Captain American, Bucky and Agent 13 end up beating up Sando and his men after Cap and Bucky find out about the attack on the Major. Cap and Bucky start looking for who could be responsible for this attack, and they split up with Bucky finding the hideout of the Red Skull. He is attacked, but Captain America soon finds him and comes to his rescue and starts beating up the baddies as the Red Skull is furious that his men are failing and makes his escape. The next day a new fighter plane is being tested and while in the air its engines blow and it crashes as Steve and Bucky watch on. Later that night as Cap and Bucky, they find that Red Skull and his men were the ones behind the crash, and before they can capture Red Skull, he makes his escape again thanks to his men who open fire on the superheroes. Later back at Camp Lehigh, Bucky and Steve are peeling potatoes and thinking of ways to stop the Red Skull.

Review: This first episode of the 1966 Captain America cartoon is a very cool one as we get a very fast origin story on how Steve Rogers became Captain America and how the government is keeping his identity a secret, all the while he is busting heads and kicking butts. The one downside to the cartoon is that at times you are not sure if it’s taking place in America or overseas as they do a poor job of really explaining that. We also see in this episode that Captain America gets a sidekick in Bucky after the youngster finds out the secret of Steve being the man behind the Cap mask. Captain America in this episode is very proud of America and will do whatever he can to protect it as well as deal out justice to those who mean to do it harm as well as harm the innocent people. Cap leaps into action at the drop of a dime and is such a skilled fighter. He makes short work of many of those who get into his way. Bucky is a great sidekick as he as well loves America and fights hard, but in this episode he does get captured twice by the enemies and has to be saved. Agent 13, who is Peggy Carter, shows up and alsowants to bring down the spies that are infecting the area with their sinister plans. The main villains of this issue are Red Skull, Sando and Omar, who of course are all part of the Nazi party and who have sinister plans for the world as they do what they can to cause fear, panic and destruction for America and it’s allies. Of course Red Skull is the most evil of the baddies, and while he is run off this time, he is not fully stopped. One scene in this cartoon that made me laugh is when Red Skull runs and jumps out of a window. It’s so stiff and weird. This first episode is packed with lots of action as well as some great humor as The Sargent’s dislike for Steve Rogers is slapstick level as at one point the Sargent even trips over a bowl of peeled potatoes that Steve left on steps. A super fun episode and a great kick off to the series as we get an origin story, lots of fights and even showcases Red Skull who is the biggest villain in the history of Captain America.

Grade: ***1/2

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Episode 2: The Sentinel And The Spy

The Red Skull is at his hideout and is planning his next attack, to steal the American secret weapon called Project Vanish by using a spy prisoner they have in a camp who gets to go on supplies runs after the the original prisoner is shot and killed trying to escape. While in the army truck the spy prisoner uses a hidden gas grenade to make his escape as Steve Rogers and Bucky Barns go after him. The spy prisoner uses more of the gas to knock out the guards watching over the Project Vanish that is a massive gun that with one shot makes whatever it hits disappear. By the time Steve and Bucky get there it’s too late as the weapon is in the spy’s hands and he is not afraid to use it! As Bucky heads to get help, Steve becomes Captain America and is going to try and stop this madman from getting the gun to Red Skull. Captain America uses his shield and even a shot from a tank does not bring the spy down, but it does end up hurting the leg of Cap. The spy ends up blowing himself up by accident when he turns the Project Vanish gun on full blast and it over loads, but Captain America is hurt and Bucky has to sneak him his army uniform so when he is found it’s Steve Rogers who’s injured. A few days pass and on orders Steve, Bucky and the rest of his platoon are sent on a rest break, and this angers Steve who is being taken away from the war and finding Red Skull…plus he knows that it also removes Cap from the war. While on the ship heading to their rest area, an enemy submarine attacks and sinks it, and while the others get away, Steve and Bucky are hit by the torpedo and are left behind injured, but they were at least able to change to become Captain America and Bucky. The Red Skull sends his men to the ship and after using gas they are able to take Captain America prisoner, and Red Skull tells of how he became the crimson-headed villain that serves on the side of Germany. And then with the help of a mad scientist, the Red Skull is able to brainwash Cap into following his orders! While outside Bucky is lined up with other prisoners to be killed via a firing squad, but Bucky leads the prisoners in a escape. Meanwhile Captain America on the orders of Red Skull is set to kill a top ranking American military leader and before he can carry out the order, his friend Bucky is able to stop him and together they bring down a group of German soldiers.

Review: This second episode once more has Captain America and Bucky clashing with the sinister Red Skull, who this time around is hell bent on stealing a top secret weapon as well as having one of America’s top military men assassinated by a brainwashed Cap! And of course his plans are shut down and he is once more defeated, but again not captured. Captain America in this episode goes through a lot as he is injured in three explosions, is taken captive, is punched, gets brain washed and must fight to save America from the evil doers. The one thing you can say about Cap in this episode is even when he is down, he is not out. Bucky is a hero in this one as he helps not only snap Cap out of his mind control but also saves the lives of prisoners when he leads them in a escape. With the Red Skull once more being the main villain, we are treated to his backstory of why he is who he is, and also we see that even his own side fears him and his crazed madness for power and respect. We also get to see that Red Skull seems to enjoy toying with his enemies as well as he likes to sometimes be short to the point with wanting them dead. Some of the animation in this episode for the Red Skull in his hands and facial expressions make me wonder if some of Ren Hoek’s animation from Ren & Stimpy Show was inspired by it. The action is pretty hard hitting in this episode as Captain America even gets injured, but because he is such an amazing superhero he still is able to shake it off and save the day. A really fun episode, and it’s great to see Cap always shutting down Skull on all his antics.

Grade: ***

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Episode 3: Midnight In Greymoor Castle

Steve Rogers and his platoon are called into action, and Bucky Barns is forced to stay back at the camp due to his young age. After most of the soldiers are gone, the camp is attacked, and Bucky must put on his mask and try to stop this attack on his own…he fails and is taken as bait to a castle to lure in Captain America. Inside the castle is Dr. Rollins, a man who has turned on America as he wants fame, money and power and doing science for his own country has left him with a metal hand. While in battle Steve Rogers finds a telegram about Bucky’s capture that is to the Red Skull and it calls for the young hero’s death. Changing into Captain America, he heads to the castle to rescue his friend. While at the castle Dr. Rollins gets word that Cap is on his way and starts using Z-Rays on Bucky as part of an experiment. Captain America hijacks an enemy’s plane and heads for the castle as Dr. Rollins sets a trap for the hero by using an explosive tank hidden on the table they have Bucky chained to, and all the while Dr. Rollins’ own sister tries to talk him out of turning on America to serve Germany. Once Cap gets to the castle and inside, he is warned by the Dr.’s sister that it’s a trap but after beating up some soldiers, he tries to free Bucky. The room fills with gas from the hidden tank, and Captain America is knocked out. When he awakens he finds himself in chains alongside Bucky and the Dr.’s sister. They are then loaded into a rocket to be blown up all the while Dr. Rollins begs for them to not to do this to his sister…they just smack and mock him. Cap is able to wake up before being loaded in and starts fighting back against the Germans, and this gives Bucky time to recover as well and fight off his attackers. During the fight, the sister is shot and as she is dying she is able to tell Cap that his fellow soldiers are being attacked. As she dies, Rollins uses his rocket to attack the Germans that have surrounded Cap’s men and as this happens, the castle catches fire and crumbles with Cap and Bucky being the only ones to escape.

Review: In this episode, Steve Rogers and his fellow rangers are sent on a mission that they complete, but soon he has to turn into Captain America when he finds out that Bucky has been taken prisoner to a castle and is to be killed on the orders of Red Skull. Once inside the castle, our hero of course saves the day and also sadly has to watch as an innocent woman dies and her brother who was a traitor burns to death, but not before he makes things right for America. In this episode, Cap is hard hitting and really wants to bring down the Germans as they have caused harm to so many, and when they once more try and kill his teenage sidekick, he is pushed to fight even harder to save his friends life. Bucky as well in this issue fights hard against his enemies and is very much a help to Cap in several fights. Dr. Rollins is an American who has turned on his country as he feels that they did not respect his work even when it cost him his own hand, and his own sister begs him to not to help the Germans…and this of course costs him his sister who dies, his sanity and well as his respect as the Germans mistreat him worse! And if you think about it, Dr. Rollins would be the main villain of the episode as his castle and his weapons are what come into play to try and take down Captain America and the American Rangers, and after two episodes of Red Skull, it is nice to see that Cap has made other strange baddies who wants to bring him down. This is a fun paced episode that truly feels like the comic from that time coming alive, and much of the action is lots of fun! I should also say that the cartoon does not say that the Germans are Nazis and even Hitler is replaced as the leader by just a generic looking guy, so I give them credit for trying to not show any logos or people that are connected to hate.

Grade: ***

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Episode 4: Return Of Captain America

On a submarine Iron Man, Thor, Wasp and Giant Man find the floating body of Captain America and bring him inside, and when the masked hero wakes up he is confused and goes on the attack…but finally calms down and tells his new friends of his last memories before waking up in their sub. His memory was falling from a missile into the water. As it exploded, it killed his sidekick Bucky who was holding onto the missile trying to deactivate it. The group of heroes do not at first believe that he is the real Captain America as he was missing for over 20 years, but after they test his fighting skills they learn that the masked hero is still alive and in great shape as it appears he has not aged a day since his disappearance. The heroes introduce themselves to Cap and tell him that they are known as The Avengers and that they fight for what is right, and they welcome Cap into their ranks. As The Avengers arrive back home in New York, they are meet by the press and among them is a criminal who fires a gun at them and turns Iron Man, Wasp, Thor and Giant Man into stone statues! Captain America was asleep on the sub, and when he wakes up he sees the statues and is confused by why they left him and all the big changes to the city, and heads to a hotel and meets Rick Jones who asks Cap to help him find The Avengers. Cap and Rick do some research and find a clue that shows the man with the gun who turned The Avengers to stone. Cap then follows leads and tracks him down, and after beating up some evil henchmen, he gets the man and forces him to return The Avengers to normal. And while The Avengers go looking for the madman with the gun who’s name is Bull is able to slip away after he turns them back. Captain America is welcomed to stay at The Avengers Mansion. That night Bull and his gang try to attack Cap in the mansion but soon learn they made a big mistake as they are defeated with lighting speed.

Review: This episode is the first one that removes Captain America from World War II and places him in then-modern New York and has him meeting and then joining The Avengers! It’s pretty fun as in the cartoon Cap is not even in a block of ice, and they just find him floating in the ocean where he has been for over 20 years! They also kind of make Cap a sad sack for a bit as he seems to be really depressed by the loss of Bucky and even thinks Rick Jones is him for a very short time. The Avengers are around but are turned to stone pretty early on, and they return in the very end to fully welcome Cap to the team. The main bad guy is Bull, a crime boss who has a gun that turns people to stone, and while he is dangerous, and while the gun is pretty dangerous, he is defeated pretty easily! In fact The Avengers are defeated really easily by Captain America as well when he awakens on their submarine and is confused about where he is. While it is cool to see Captain America in New York and the war being over, it still is a little strange as I feel that we still had lots more adventures during the war that seem unfinished. Plus the episode is humorless as gone are the silly moments between Steve Rogers and the Sargent. And I have to say while I enjoyed this episode, I do feel it is lacking something that made the past few episodes special, and The Avengers really do just seem like a second thought in the episode as they are around and are mostly statues throughout.

Grade: **1/2

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Episode 5: Zemo And His Masters Of Evil

Baron Zemo is at his jungle hideout reading a science journal that was brought to him by a pilot who flew in to deliver it as Zemo is looking for a way to get the glue that holds his mask in place off his head. He then tells the story of how it got glued on to the pilot after seeing a picture of Captain America in the journal. You see, Zemo created the glue foam that is unbreakable and it was to be use as a weapon of destruction, but Cap found his hideout and during the fight his head was covered in the glue causing his mask to forever be sealed to his face. Zemo then gives the order to set The Masters Of Evil loose on New York in order to get Captain America to appear so that they can kill him once and for all. First to attack the city is Black Knight who sprays the glue foam all over the streets! Meanwhile Melter is using his powers to melt metal as well as spray the glue foam all over while Radioactive Man as well is spraying the foam with the hopes to draw out Cap. And this plan works as Cap alongside Thor and Iron Man appear and try to stop the super villains. But while Thor and Iron Man are held at bay, Cap finds himself foamed glued to the street! Iron Man is able to cut out some of the concrete around Cap’s feet and lift him away so that they can free him at The Avengers lab. Once in the lab, Iron Man gets the idea that the only person who can free Cap from the foam glue is Paste Pot Pete, who knows all things to do with sticky stuff, and he gives Iron Man a formula that works and now Cap is free again. After tricking Melter, Radioactive Man and The Black Knight into spraying the un-stick formula around the city, our heroes defeat the villains and Zemo escapes…sort of as Thor uses his hammer to create a tornado that carries Zemo and his pilot away after they shoot Cap with the bullet only fazing him.

Review: This is a pretty fun episode as Baron Zemo is in a full rage when he finds out that Captain America is still alive and wants nothing more than to finally kill his arch nemesis! In order to try and get his revenge, he hires the help of super villains Radioactive Man, The Black Knight and Melter who are all armed with guns that fire the foam glue that Zemo created and is what has caused his mask to be stuck to his face forever. A part that made me laugh is how easy Thor and Iron Man give up the fight at the start of the battle, as they just kind of half heartedly try to defeat the baddies, and Iron Man even gives up on trying to save Cap from the glue with Melter only firing one shot at him. But in the end both Iron Man and Thor prove that they are heroes and not only help defeat all the super villains but also save Captain America from being stuck in the foam glue for the rest of his life. Baron Zemo is so overtaken with rage and the want for revenge that he even tries to fist fight with Cap as he wants to end the hero’s life so badly as he truly blames him for his life of torment of wearing the mask that is glued to his face. And because of his rage he fails to see that a way for him to remove his mask is there, but he looks past in in order to try and kill his foe. The episode has lots of action and Captain America is focused on saving New York as well as bring down Baron Zemo, and that is why this is a very cool episode as I also think that it brings back Thor and Iron Man back to being heroes.

Grade: ***

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Episode 6: The Revenge Of Captain America

Time has passed, World War II is over and his friend Bucky is long been deceased as Cap has a workout where several pro wrestlers try and attack him. He of course is too much for them and tosses them around. Once home Captain America is lost in his thoughts and depression as he feels he failed Bucky all those decades back, and it is because of him that Bucky passed away at the hands of Baron Zemo! And when Rick Jones makes the mistake of dressing in Bucky’s old uniform, he sets Cap off in a rage who swears that he will bring Zemo to justice and get revenge on him. Meanwhile in the jungles Baron Zemo is in control of a tribe and is using them to harvest gold so that he can hire a team of mercenaries to help him kill his enemy Captain America. The next day one of Zemo’s agents attack Cap and Rick at the park. As they try and kidnap Rick, they open fire of Cap who blocks the many bullets with his shield, and all the while our hero knows that Zemo is the one who set up this attack. Rick Jones is taken to Zemo’s hidden jungle empire as Captain America follows them in order to rescue his friend, and even in the sky Cap in his plane must fight off Zemo’s planes who have orders to try and kill the masked hero. Once Cap beats the plane he then out maneuvers the tanks that are trying to blow him out of the sky. Cap lands to the ground after a scary parachute accident and finds himself trapped in a deadly pit. Zemo goes and gets his men to help finish off the American Hero, but Cap escapes the pit and uses Zemo’s own weapons against him and this causes Zemo’s men to flee leaving their leader screaming with anger. Cap is able to free Rick, and together they defeat the mercenaries and Cap is able to defeat Zemo who is crushed to death under falling rocks.

Review: The sixth episode of the series takes Captain America out of World War II and drops him into the 60’s with a new teenage partner this time it being Rick Jones who you readers will also remember from the Hulk cartoons from 1966. And Captain America is very much filled with rage, anger, sadness and pride throughout this episode as he has been thinking lots about his now gone friend and sidekick Bucky and wants nothing more than to avenge him by taking down the baddie who killed him way back when. Rick Jones is a hip modern teenager who once followed the Hulk around and is now following Captain America around and wanting so badly to be a hero like him. Baron Zemo is a very evil man who treats his own men poorly as he beats them with whips and gives sharp toned orders, he also has lots of gold and will hire blood thirsty mercenaries as well to do his bidding! And because Zemo is crazy and driven by ego, he is responsible for his own death as he fires the shot that brings the rocks down that crush him. While this episode is a fun watch for some reason for me it just lacked something to make it a great episode and it kind of just putted along. I think also the harsh time jump from Cap being in the war to now being in then modern time with zero explanation also was a very odd choice for the cartoon series to do and as well makes the episode a little jarring (well I guess I should blame episode 4 for this time jump). The one cool thing about this episode is that it’s our second appearance of Baron Zemo in the cartoon series and it also looks like it might be his final appearance.

Grade: **1/2

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Episode 7: Let The Past Be Gone

Captain America is alone at The Avengers Mansion and looking through a photo album of his past as butler Jarvis brings him a cup of coffee. After drinking it, he checks the mansion and finds an intruder that looks like an enemy he faced in World War II that had been dead for years who quickly disappears, and then he starts hallucinating even more thinking he is kicking German butt with Bucky and even finds his old Sergeant in the Mansion given orders for soldiers to march! Captain America passes out and sees war all around him gunfire, explosions, death and destruction and it’s Jarvis who snaps him out of it, or is it Jarvis? We find out that Super-Adaptoid was posing as the butler, and this imposter had slipped something into the coffee of Cap and has taken the real Jarvis hostage. The Adaptoid then takes the appearance of Captain America, and we learn that this creature is working for A.I.M, a group of rogue scientist and creators who want to destroy Captain America once and for all! But shortly the real Cap wakes up and fights with his Adaptoid Clone knocking him out and keep him captive so that the now returning Avengers can see this odd new villain….and once they see him Giant Man, Wasp and Hawkeye all leave once more and this gives the Super-Adaptoid the chance to clone bits of all the Avengers and he once more makes a play at killing Cap. The two fight on land and in the air with Super-Adaptoid showing just how powerful he is, but Cap finally finds out Super-Adaptoid weakness is water and the two fight near a large body of water and in the end both fall into the water with Captain America surviving the fall and Super-Adaptoid meeting his end.

Review: This episode has Captain America with Jarvis at The Avengers Mansion on watch, and after drinking some coffee he feels odd and starts having visions and flashbacks and we learn that those creeps at A.I.M are to blame as they have created and sent a Super-Adaptoid to attack and clone himself to be Cap and as well learn and steal the powers of the other Avengers in order to stop all our heroes once and for all. And of course Cap is not having it as he goes after this cloning villain with extreme force and even brings him down for the count. Super-Adaptoid is truly a foe that could be a force to be wrecking with, if he did have the weakness of water that is! I like that Super-Adaptoid cloned all the powers and strengths of The Avengers he seen and for some reason decided to turn himself green! And his fight with Cap in the final really does show that he could be a threat, but also it showed his mind was not as sharp nor was he as smart as Captain America. I do like that for some reason Hawkeye has shown up and is in The Avengers and that Thor seems to be lost to the sands of time as they at least mention and show Iron Man’s suit. Also we see that A.I.M has it out for Captain America and that they have the feared Cosmic Cube at their headquarters, and if you readers know, that is a very dangerous item in the Marvel Universe. Over all this is a really fun episode as we get to see Captain America fight and out smart his foe, and we also clearly are taking the series in the direction of A.I.M being his new major foes for a bit, a very entertaining episode.

Grade: ***

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Episode 8: Coming Of The Swordsman

The Swordsman has broken into The Avengers mansion and has a quick fight against Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, claiming he wants to join them, but also is fighting them with cheap shots. Finally Scarlet Witch brings him down with her magic, and Captain America shows up after the fight, and once they find out that the Swordsman is a criminal he is able to escape by cutting the power and slipping away in the dark. A few days later Cap decides to become a part time Avenger in order to help fight evil around the world, and this angers his fellow Avengers…but soon Hawkeye finds out that this was an evil plan from Swordsman and rushes to help Cap who has stepped into a trap. In a warehouse Captain America and The Swordsman have a big fight that leaves Cap on the losing end, and when the rest of The Avengers find him the Swordsman has him prisoner and will kill him if they do not name him the new leader of the team. But Cap breaks free and along with his fellow Avengers they fight with Swordsman…while in a castle in China, The Mandarin watches and uses his 10 Rings to bring The Swordsman to him. As Hawkeye and Cap argue and the archer explains he knows the Swordsman and once feared him as he tried to kill him as a youngster. Meanwhile The Mandarin wants The Swordsman to kill Iron Man and bring down The Avengers Mansion, and if he does so, he will make sure he leads the superhero team! The Mandarin upgrades his sword and sends him back to New York with the tools to fight The Avengers only after using a fake Iron Man to planet the seed of the team accepting The Swordsman. But once inside the mansion and a bomb placed, The Swordsman has a change of heart and removes the bomb and comes clean with The Avengers…in the end The Mandarin is mad over this betrayal.

Review: This is a very fun episode as Captain America is pushed to his limit by a foe that is skilled with a sword, but like always, no matter how hard this baddie tried, he is defeated by our hero. But to be fair, The Swordsman does get the upper hand several times and it takes The Avengers to truly stop him, that is until he has his big change of heart and decides to save their lives instead of end them. I also find The Swordsman to be a very strange villain as he does not think he is a baddie even though he acts like a heel and all he really wants to do is join The Avengers and most important to him is lead them. We also get a second villain in this episode as The Mandarin appears and tries to get an ally in his quest to kill Iron Man, but of course his ego is what causes the team up to be short lived and his evil plot to be unfinished. We also get the first cartoon appearances for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver and we also get Hawkeye and they build up his jealous nature for Captain America. We also see Iron Man, but it is a fake one just merely a hologram. Lots of fun action and drama in this episode and another very entertaining one, also I have to point out throughout this cartoon series there are times that the animation is so bad as they try to add mouths and hands in spots that just look awkward and weird and even laughable at times.

Grade: ***

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Episode 9: Bitter Taste Of Defeat

At The Avengers Mansion it seems that tempers are out of control as both Captain America and Hawkeye are always at each others throats while poor Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have to get in the middle to cool down the situation. We soon find out that The Enchantress along with her muscle bound goon Power Man are who is causing this drama with her powers. She then starts using her magic to create monsters that only they can see, and when doing battle with it they are causing damage and fear in New York as on one is seeing what the heroes are. Power Man even uses his might strength to knock out Quicksilver and leaves him on subway tracks to be run over, but lucky for him, his fellow Avengers show up to save him…but this is all an illusion as well and ends up costing The Avengers lots of money as well as respect…and as a fight breaks out between Cap and Hawkeye they get a letter from the government that says they must disband The Avengers! They all part ways as Captain America tries to keep them together as he has figured out that the stuff they are seeing and the sour mood are the work of The Enchantress. Captain America is mocked by The Enchantress and our hero ends up fighting off her magic and tracking her down but not before she is able to take Hawkeye hostage. But once Cap tricks the villains into telling their crime, he frees Hawkeye and along with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver bring down the villains and clear their name and become a team again.

Review: This episode features the disbanding and the reunion of The Avengers and also builds up the rivalry between Captain America and Hawkeye on who should be the one leading the team into battles, and of course it is shown that Cap is the better leader and by the end the two become friends. Captain America is the first of the superheroes to figure out that he and his team have been tricked into not only fighting among themselves, but also into seeing things that are causing them to attack delusions in the own minds that is causing destruction and fear around New York as people thing that the heroes have lost their minds and are causing chaos in the streets. But of course all the bad stuff is being done by the very sly and powerful The Enchantress who is teaming with the power house fighter Power Man to try and defeat Captain America and The Avengers for her own amusement. She fails of course and Power Man proves to be no true threat to The Avengers. They also show that Scarlet Witch is the member who tries to keep The Avengers together and from fighting and that she truly does respect Cap. Meanwhile I have to point out that Captain America fakes his own suicide by jumping from a bridge all to get into a disguise and trick Power Man into bragging about the sinister plan they are pulling off on The Avengers. Over all this is a fun above average episode that’s main attraction for me was the heated fights between Cap and Hawkeye as well all want to see Cap book the hot shot archer in his place.

Grade: **1/2

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Episode 10: Doorway Of Doom

Captain America is standing watch at The Avengers Mansion and informs Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver that he has been given thought on retiring from the team. They try and talk him out of it as they all then head out for the evening. The Avengers get a call from an Asian country that is calling for help on the words that they are under attack, as in reality this is a trap done by their mountain of muscle General who is stealing money from his own people and wanting to show his power by bringing down the heroes of America. Once in the country The Avengers soon find out that it was a trap to get them there and they start fighting off the Generals men with each hero showing their power and bringing down these criminals. But with the help of a trap door the baddies capture Scarlet Witch and keep her prisoner as the other three Avengers try and save her they are knocked out with gas! When they wake up they find that Scarlet Witch will be killed unless they fight the General one at a time, first up is Cap who he defeats and then Hawkeye is the next to fall…but Quicksilver’s speed tries and also fails. But in the end it’s Scarlet Witch that beats The General who turns out to be a robot! Once back home Captain America decides not to quite and stay on as the leader of The Avengers.

Review: This episode is very weird and clearly is out of order as in this one it says that Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are brand new members of The Avengers when as we have seen they have been around for several episodes now. And Captain America is once more talking about stepping away from The Avengers and it also is kind of the start of the bad blood between he and Hawkeye. The mission they are on pits them against a mountain of a man who has the power of The Hulk, but turns out to be a robot an is destroyed in the end giving all the people it ruled over freedom. And truly the main hero of this episode besides Cap is Scarlet Witch who uses her hex power to save the day several times. While the bad guy in this episode is not an iconic villain he serves his purpose well and is a true challenge for our heroes. And it’s odd to see Captain America in his own cartoon not be the one to save the day and in fact is beat in combat by the robotic General! Not much more to say here besides a fun episode that takes our heroes to Asia.

Grade: ***

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Episode 11: The Sleeper Shall Awake

Captain America in Avengers Mansion is telling Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Hawkeye old war stories and about his fights with Red Skull. That night Cap has a terrible nightmare about his last battle with Red Skull during World War II and how even an exploding hand grenade did not stop his foe, and he remembers that Red Skull warned him that in 20 Years he would return and that his sleeper agents as well will awaken and cause chaos. The first Sleeper awakens and his a giant robot, and Cap flies to it and tries to slow it down from meeting with the other two. Sleeper 1 is very powerful and all Cap’s attempts fail to slow it down but he has an idea to use missiles against it and races to an old military base just as Sleeper 2 awakens and can fly and is causing lots of damage to the surrounding towns. And Cap is helpless as he watches as Sleeper 2 and Sleeper 1 combine into an even more destruction machine! Captain America is able to get the help of the US Army and they attack the Sleepers with all they got while in another location Sleeper 3 is about to be awakened that is a mechanical head that looks like that of the Re Skull and is a bomb! The now full combined Sleepers head towards the North Pole with the plan to dig into the center of the Earth and explode the bomb that would explode the world! But Cap armed with a blowtorch is able to blow up the bomb in the air stopping the rampage of The Sleeper and saving the world from the Red Skulls final plan.

Review: This was a fun and strange adventure for Cap as he flashes back to his past and his then final battle with Red Skull were the villain on his “death bed” threatened the world with big end of the world destruction but only 20 Years from that day that he was defeated…a very strange plan indeed that involves robots and the Earth’s core and agents that are loyal to Red Skull for two decades after he has “died”. Most of the episode has Captain America following and trying to stop the Sleeper robots from pulling off their plans and only by luck and a blowtorch is Cap able to stop them and save the day. The Sleeper Robots are very cheesy looking and yet so fitting for the 1960’s versions of bots, Cap for the most part is being out muscled by these machines, but thanks to his quick mind and battle strategies they are defeated and brought down. One strange part of this episode is that The Avengers do not join him on this mission and they would have been very helpful in trying to help stop The Sleepers. Over all not much to day about this one besides it entertained me as it is one of the more cheesy episodes in the series and Cap is a hero who uses a blowtorch.

Grade: ***

Captain America 1966 Cartoon 31Captain America 1966 Cartoon 32Captain America 1966 Cartoon 33

Episode 12: The Girl From Cap’s Past

Captain America is lost in his thoughts of being a hero out of time, and worse is when he watches a TV Documentary about World War II that shows a picture of him looking shocked, and Cap starts to remember back to the day he lost his true love during one of the final battles of the war as she lost her memory. While in modern times a group of very bad men have lost their powerful weapon Inferno 42 that can burn a city down in seconds to a secret agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and send Batroc The Leaper to get it back. Meanwhile Cap decides to go for a walk and sees a girl that looks like his lost love who does a hand off for a package and is confused by it all as he thinks is it really her and what is in the secret package. Batroc ends up going after the mystery woman and this causes Captain America to fight with him to protect her and the package. As Cap and Batroc fight the woman runs away with the package that is the missing Inferno 42 and later the two fighting masked men must work together to try and get it back as the package has cracked and the weapons awesome power could be released at any moment killing everyone in the city. As Captain America and Batroc give chase the woman who is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D uses all types of traps to shake them off her trail, as she does not realize her life is in danger…until its to late as she passes out from the leaking Inferno 42 and this causes Batroc to turn on Cap and kick him out of a window to make an escape with the package an deliver it to his shady bosses. But Captain America finds the criminals hideout and fights with Batroc and beats him up but the masked criminal is able to escape, Cap then rushes back to find the woman very sick and being taken away by paramedics and just like that he feels that he lost his lady love once more.

Review: In this episode we learn that Captain America had kind of a girlfriend during World War II and he lost her during a celebration after a hard fought fight when she was injured and her mind goes blank and she wondered off, but in modern New York he sees a woman that looks just like her who is working for S.H.I.E.L.D and once more he fights to save the world…but possibly loses her again when she falls very ill due to the mission she was on that had to do with a very dangerous chemical. While Captain America’s love life is the biggest part of the episode for me it was great to see Batroc The Leaper make his first appearance in this cartoon series as he was one of Cap’s big iconic villains in the early days of the comic series and it was cool to see him and Cap go at it all over a package that holds a world changing weapon…not pressure on Cap at all to get it back safely. It is really weird that they will not say the name of the woman Cap is in love with throughout the whole episode, nor do they say the S.H.I.E.L.D agents name that looks like her. And for those wondering, the original woman was Peggy Carter and the woman in modern times would be her niece Sharon Carter. Over all this is a good action packed episode that has some drama thrown in for good measure.

Grade: ***

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Episode 13: The Red Skull Lives

A rocket ship lands in New York and a group of masked men start running wild in the streets, but oddly Captain America is the only one who can see them and chases them off. He then wonders if he is losing his mind and visits a Doctor and while at the visit one of the mask men attack again and like before only Cap sees him and the Doctor thinks the superhero is cracking. We soon learn that Red Skull is still alive and is working with A.I.M, and thanks to a special helmet, he is the one behind these masked men attacks as the helmet blocks everyone else from seeing the attacks! The next goal is to commit a murder and then blame it on Cap, but our hero stops the attempt and is able to knock the helmet off the mask man showing that these creeps are real to the New York crowd. Later Cap even saves the life of an A.I.M worker who warns that Red Skull has the powerful Cosmic Cube in his hands and this could be very dangerous for the whole world! Captain America makes it to the island were Red Skull is and has many obstacles to over come as he becomes temporarily blind due to a gun shot flash and even is knocked out by gas! In the end Red Skull is controlling the powers of the Cosmic Cube and Captain America fights with the madman and is able to knock the Cube into the ocean and Red Skull dives after it but is buried under rocks in the water and is presumed dead. Captain America stands victorious as he as stopped the Red Skull and Cosmic Cube for now!

Review: Captain America in this final episode showcases all his skill and proves why he is one of the world’s best superheroes as he uses his fighting skill and his mind to bring down the Red Skull as well as get rid of the Cosmic Cube for now. The Red Skull who for a brief time is teaming with A.I.M is very sneaky and uses hypno-waves in order to mess with the mind of Cap as he sends masked goons around New York to cause some trouble, but once Cap figures it out and learns of the Red Skull’s return the menace’s time is ticking down. The two bitter enemies have a showdown on a beach, and like always, good brings down evil as Cap is able to trick and defeat the Skull who even haves great cosmic powers on his side. I also like in the episode how A.I.M quickly learns that they made a mistake on trusting Red Skull and tries to stop him and when that fails they alert Captain America to his sinister plan. The final episode has lots of action and fighting, and I feel that it is very fitting that the final baddie he faces is Skull who is his most iconic villain in the comics. And what really makes this a great final episode is that it ends with Captain America looking into the sky while on top of some rocks that are in the ocean. While the animation style and voice acting might not be for everyone I myself really did enjoy this classic Captain America cartoon series and it held up after all these years.

Grade: ***1/2

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The Marvel Comics 1966 cartoons are really an acquired taste, and compared to modern cartoons they are very, very primitive, but to me they have lots of charm and hold that classic Marvel feel that I love. And what I really liked about this Captain America series is that it featured all of his top villains that included Red Skull, Baron Zemo and Batroc The Leaper. Plus fans of The Avengers get many guest appearances from Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Scarlett Witch, Wasp, Giant Man and Quicksilver! And while I myself wish the episodes had way less of The Avengers, it was nice having them around. Captain America has always been one of my all time favorite heroes in comics, and it was great to take some time and watch his first ever cartoon series again as it has been decades since I had seen them last thanks episodes being on old VHS tapes. And with this being the second in my Tube Toons updates, I want to remind you all to please check out my first update that covered the 1966 Incredible Hulk Cartoon here, and if I had to choose which was better between Hulk or Cap I would say slightly over all I enjoyed Hulk more but story wise Cap was better. But as you can see, this Tube Toon update has come to an end, and I really enjoyed this one and I think will continue on with this themed update series, but speaking of updates our next one will keep us in the land of cartoons but will take us far away from superheroes as I will be chatting about Grape Ape! So until next time, read a comic or three, watch a cartoon or two and as always support your local horror host! GRAPE APE, GRAPE APE!

Grape Ape Preview Logo

From Horror Movie To Horror Comic: Wolf Blood (1925)

Welcome back to Rotten Ink and to another “From Horror Movie To Horror Comic” update. This time around we will be taking a look at a silent horror film that is also very much a romantic drama that was made in 1925 and is the oldest surviving werewolf film known as of this update’s posting. I am talking about Wolf Blood, a film that is often overlooked when people speak of early silent horror cinema. Now this update is going to be a little different as Blood Scream Comics the company I own and am the editor-in-chief of is the one who released this comic series, so I will not be giving the issues any kind of star ratings as I feel that would be very cheesy of me to do so. So instead I am just going to talk about the plot of the issue and “review” what is going on after as well as some of the twists that we added to spice it all up. So with that, let’s hike ourselves into these woods and let’s talk about a werewolves and people who get blood from wolves!

Wolf Blood 1

Before we dive too deep into this spooky update, let’s take a look at the “werewolf” named Dick Bannister! Dick is the foreman at Ford Lumber in the woods of Canada and is kind of new at his post but does have the respect of his men as he shows them respect and gives them chances even after they make mistakes. He also knows some basic medical care, and when his men are injured, he cares for them or sends for help in order to truly treat them. He is a skilled fighter with his fists and he very loyal to his co-workers as well as his boss Edith Ford who he gets a crush on, even though she is set to be married to her doctor boyfriend soon. But after a bad fight that leaves Dick almost dying, he has the blood of a wolf transfused into him to stay alive and this is when he starts having some mental issues as people fear him when word gets out. He also starts to get more angry and violent as he thinks the wolves of the woods are calling to him. But even in his state of madness, he is not dangerous and does not kill a living soul and is more of a danger to himself as he almost leaps off a cliff! Not a danger to a living person at all and not a werewolf, Dick Bannister is just a normal man who for a brief time has a mental break and can be killed like any normal person from shooting, stabbing, beating or burning making him one of the weakest killers or monsters we have covered on a From Horror Movie To Horror Comic update…but while he might not be a killer, he does throw a mean punch and that has to count for something.

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So while Dick Bannister might just be a man with a mental breakdown for a short time, he still made his mark on werewolves in cinema. And now let’s take a look at the film that he is from and that’s the 1925 film Wolf Blood. Like always, we will be taking the film’s write up from our pals at IMDB and after I will write about the film’s production and my thoughts. So if you are ready, let’s wander into those woods and keep our eyes open for wolves as we chat about this underrated silent horror classic.

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Wolf Blood (1925)

“In this tale of the great Canadian forest, Dick Bannister, the new manager of the Ford Logging Company receives a transfusion of wolf blood, followed by strange reactions that he begins to think he is neither beast nor man.”

Wolf Blood is a silent film from 1925 that was produced by the Ryan Brothers and was released by Lee-Bradford Corporation. It was based on the story by Cliff Hill with the screenplay by Bennett Cohen. The film is set in Canada and is about two feuding lumber companies that lead to a man being injured and to save his life he gets a blood transfusion from a wolf and this causes people to think that he will turn into a werewolf after false rumors are spread around and this drives the man mad. The film is a mix of drama, horror and romance and directing the picture was the team of Bruce Mitchell and George Chesebro, who would also play the lead role of Dick Bannister. And sadly the horror aspect is really cut down as they focus more on the romance aspect. Other actors brought into the cast include Marguerite Clayton, Raymond Hanford, Milburn Morante and Frank Clark. The main star George Chesebro was known for being a western actor and would have a very long career in Hollywood and would pass away on May 28, 1959 at the age of 70 and was pretty much active almost to his death. The film, while a werewolf film, more plays up on the mental madness of a man after getting some wolf blood to stay alive. He thinks that he is becoming a wolf even chasing after phantom wolves that act as his pack, so those who are looking for a transformation will be disappointed. The film was met with mixed reviews, and to this day it has that same reaction as many enjoy the simple story of love finding a way, while others wanted more scares with their horror. The film was released with such other horror films in 1925 as The Phantom Of The Opera, The Lost World, The Monster and The Unholy Three to name a few. While not a full fledged horror movie, thanks to home media this film as gained a cult following over the decades. And at some point I will be doing a Forgotten Reels update about this film.

I am going to start off saying that I am a big fan of Wolf Blood and can see what impact it had on early werewolf cinema as it deals with the mental strain that a person goes through when they fear the moon and what they may become once the beast side takes over. Actor George Chesebro plays the role of Dick Bannister so well that you believe his confusion and pain throughout his mental breakdown. I really think that George Chesebro is a silent actor that should get more credit as he was fantastic at his art and had that classic Hollywood leading man look. Actress Marguerite Clayton plays Edith Ford in this film, and she has that classic beauty to her. She does a great job in the film as many of the film’s key moments also fall on her performance, and she knocks it out of the park as she and Chesebro seemed to have good chemistry on the screen. And yes, I would have loved to have seen an early transformation from man to wolf in this film, but I can also step back and enjoy that the film plays more up on the mental disease of lycanthropy as well as the power of persuasion of how planting a seed in someone’s mind can grow to truly affect them and others around them as they might believe a little white lie that will grow into a full fledged nightmare. While the horror elements of the film are pushed to the back in order to play up the romance aspect of love can conquer all, there are still some truly great moments that are spooky for the time like Dick’s decent into the madness and even the phantom wolves that run around the woods can add a classic chill to viewers of the more early horrors of the world. One aspect that makes me laugh when watching this film that Edith Ford and Doctor Eugene Horton are slated to be married and quickly Edith falls for Dick Bannister and by the end of the film Edith acts as if Eugene owes Dick the apology for telling a lie that the wolf blood might effect him to her that Dick overhears…when in this film Dick steals Eugene’s lady, chokes him and without Eugene he would be dead…owed an apology indeed! The film’s finale is also very well done as Dick who is filled with madness after thinking he killed a man who was found dead in the woods runs with his phantom wolf pack to the edge of a cliff. If not for Edith, the crazed man would have fallen to his death, but it is she who holds him back and risks her own safety. This is such a fun film that is a quick watch as it only runs a little over an hour. While it’s not as iconic as many other silent horror films, I do think that it is one that is often over looked. If you have interest in seeing it you can find it on YouTub,e but I would suggest watching it on Physical Media as you can get it on DVD from Alpha Video or Grapevine Video. While not fully horror, I feel the aspects are there and because of its ties to early werewolf cinema it’s worth a watch for sure.

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Now that we talked about not only the film Wolf Blood but also Dick Banister, the man who thought he was cursed to become a wolf, I think it’s time we talk a little about the comic based on the film by Blood Scream Comics that was written by me! That’s right, I wrote the story and along with artist Jeff Potter, did the dialogue. And boy did we make some changes, but I will save that for the “review” part of this update. Like I said before and just like with The Giant Gila Monster, I will not be giving these comics any kind of star rating as that just seems silly as I worked on the comic. But I wanted to cover this comic for two reasons: I am a fan of the film and wanted to chat about it and the other being that I had a blast working on this comic series and wanted to share it with you readers. I would like to thank Jeff Potter for creating this comic alongside me for Blood Scream Comics and making this update possible. I should also warn you that this will spoil some of the big surprises we have in this comic adaptation so you have been warned: read on at your own risk. So of you are ready, let’s head into the woods of Canada and see if we can find the old Ford Lumber Company so that we can talk about the tale that is known as Wolf Blood.

Wolf Blood Comic 1

Wolf Blood # 1
Released in 2022      Cover Price $3.99     Blood Scream     # 1 of 2

The Ford Lumber Company and Consolidated Lumber Company are at war with each other in the woods of Canada as they are very close to one another and their mangers Dick Bannister and Jules Deveroux have different ways of dealing with the job as Bannister wants his people to work safe and Deveroux is giving orders to his men to sneak into the woods and shoot to wound the lumberjacks that work for Ford. After another attack and having to give the camp’s guard, Pop Hadley who has a track record of drinking too much and passing out, another chance, Bannister sends a message to the Ford Company’s owner that they need help as well as need a doctor to take care of these bullet wounds. And meanwhile in a small town bar Deveroux and his men celebrate the attack and even attack an old man looking for work and his son at the bar just to be cruel. The call for help is answered as Ford Lumber owner Edith Ford, her doctor fiancé Eugene Horton as well as her Uncle head to the camp and start helping the wounded. This is when Bannister sees that his boss is a beautiful young woman, and he falls in love with her fast. Bannister at this time also is almost stabbed and crushed by a tree by Jacques Lebeq, who is a bootlegger and has been entering the camp and selling his liquor to his workers, and this makes the two men truly hate one another. Late at night Edith Ford also hears the howls and growls of the wolves that are all around in the woods, and this frightens her as it reminds her of a time in the city when an unknown man stalked her in the streets until she got home, and this is a story she shared with Bannister the next day after they toured the camp. As Bannister and Edith head into town with the camp’s Cook, the wolves attack and slaughter one of the Consolidated Lumber Company’s lumberjacks. In town Edith tells Bannister that she is to be married to Eugene and that their attraction needs to stop, and this breaks Bannister’s heart as once back at the camp he goes alone to investigate the Consolidated Lumber Company and learns that they are building a dame to block the Ford lumber on the river. When Deveroux sees Bannister, he orders his men to kill him, and after a big fight, Bannister is beaten badly and then tossed off a cliff where he is then bitten by wolves! When Bannister does not return, Pop and the lumberjacks set out to find him and it’s Eugene that finds Bannister who is dying from blood loss and is able to get the wounded man to a cabin that is owned by Jacques Lebeq who refuses to give his blood to save Bannister and the Doctor has to make the decision to use the blood of a wolf to save his life. The next day Eugene is able to get Bannister back to the Ford Camp where he is able to recover and tells Edith that he is in love with her! The next day Edith, Eugene and Pops all head into town when Jacques Lebeq enters the Ford Camp and spreads the rumor that Bannister is a werewolf due to the wolf blood, and this causes the Lumberjacks to riot and armed with axes they kill the Uncle and as the moon gets full Bannister turns into a werewolf and busts out of a cabin looking to kill!

This was such a fun issue to work on, and the plot is simple as we have two feuding lumber camps at war with one another and things get out of hand when attempted murder comes into play and that act causes a good man to have to get wolf blood in his veins and this turns him into a beast at the Full Moon! You also have a love story brewing as Edith Ford must choose her doctor fiancé or her new love, the rugged lumber boss that works for her company. And we leave you on a big cliffhanger as the Ford Lumberjacks are armed with axes and are worked up into a fearful rage of their boss who now is a werewolf with bloodlust in his eyes. Dick Bannister is a good man that is a great boss as well as will fight for the rights and lives of his men. He also is tough as nails and is a good fist fighter and has the heart of a champion…he also has a soft spot and that is his boss and the lumber company owner Edith Ford who seems to be all he can think about after meeting her. Bannister also proves he has the will to live as after being beaten badly, thrown from a cliff, bitten by wolves and getting a blood transfusion from a wolf, he still lives…but he is also now cursed to live his life as a werewolf! Edith Ford is a kind hearted woman who owns a big company and has a fiancé that is a doctor, but while her life sounds perfect, it is not as she is confused as she finds herself loving Bannister who is her employee. She is also living with a secret that she does not share with many and that is she fills her life with late night parties with friends out of fear as she was one night stalked by Nosferatu! Pops Hadley is a drunk that is trying to change after he failed at his job and allowed workers to be shot. Eugene Horton is a good doctor who helps the wounded and saves Bannister’s life, and Cook really loves talking about the deals he got on food from town! The comic has three real “bad guys” as first you have Jules Deveroux, a scumbag who is a bully and also a coward who gives orders to hurt and kill others that stand in his way. You have the bootlegger Jacques Lebeq who sells his liquor as well tries to kill Bannister and sets up the Ford workers to turn on their boss. And lastly you also have to say that the wolves are one of the biggest dangers in those woods as they kill anyone that they can surround and rip to shreds. The comic is very bloody and the kills are gory with my favorite kill in this issue being the death of lumberjack Henrique who is ripped apart by a pack of wolves! The cover is really cool and the art was done by Jeff Potter with the colors by Jason Gilmore and the interior art is done by Potter and is 100% what I was looking for when I wrote this adaptation story. To sum it up, this was a blast to write and is one of the Blood Scream Comics projects that I am the most proud of! Now let’s talk about the second issue in this series and see how this twisted tale of love, horror and lumber ends!

Wolf Blood Comic 2

Wolf Blood # 2
Released in 2022      Cover Price $3.99     Blood Scream     # 2 of 2

Dick Bannister is now a werewolf and is killing all the Ford Lumber Camp workers and his howling has also brought the wolves to join in the bloodshed. Giovanni is a lumberman who runs past the bodies of his friends and finds an old train freight car in the woods and uses it as shelter to get away from the werewolf and his wolf minions. While at the cabin of Jacques Lebeq the bootlegger has a visitor; he is selling Deveroux the boss of Consolidated Lumber tons of whiskey as he wants to have his workers to celebrate the downfall of Dick Bannister, but the two are quickly greeted by the werewolf who bites the head off Deveroux and then burns the face of Lebeq on the stove before throwing his body to the wolves to be ripped apart. The next morning Edith Ford, Eugene Horton and Pop Hadley arrive back at camp to find the massacre, and when Eugene finds Dick still alive and asleep in bed, he tells the others the truth about the wolf blood flowing through the veins of Dick and that maybe he did turn and cause all this death! Pop does not want to hear it and heads into the woods to hunt the wild animals he thinks did the killing while Edith tells Eugene that she is in love with Bannister and wants to be with him, and the confused lumber man hears this all and runs into the woods as he does not want to change in the coming full moon and hurt anyone else, and Edith goes after him. Meanwhile a lumberjack from Consolidated rides up and says that they are closing down for good after they found the mangled bodies of Deveroux and Lebeq and he warns Eugene and Edith that they should leave as well. As Giovanni takes supplies from the now dead Lebeq’s home in order to survive and wait for help in the rail car, while Eugene thinks of his life without Edith and decides to end it with one bullet. Meanwhile in the woods Edith runs into Pops, and they two are surrounded by wolves. As Pops tries to fight them off, he is overwhelmed and ripped to shreds as Edith runs from them and ends up meeting the werewolf and she knows that her love Bannister really is a beast now…she tries to talk to him to bring the human side back…she fails and gruesomely pays with her life. The next night Dick Bannister is back human and is about to leap off a cliff to end his life when he is stopped by Nosferatu himself, Count Orlock, who informs him that he has need of a man with his talents.

The second issue of Wolf Blood is all about the slaughter as our hero Dick Bannister truly loses control and becomes a werewolf and slaughters almost all his workers (minus one who escapes and hides away in a steel trail freight car) and after he is done making Ford Lumber a slaughterhouse who makes sure to swing by his enemies home and kill both of those who wished him death as a man with that being Deveroux and Lebeq who are both killed very brutally. And even a little later in the issue the werewolf rips apart his true love and allows his wolves to attack and kill his best friend Pops! And all of these werewolf and wolves attacks are done super gory to truly show you the savage nature of these creatures as their bloodlust is out of control and it also shows that once the moon is full the caring and hard working Dick Bannister is not longer in control and in his place is a killing machine that wants to annihilate all that’s in his path. And poor Doctor Eugene Horton is another victim of Dick Bannister and while he is not killed by razor sharp teeth and claws he is broken spiritually as his whole world is taken away by Bannister as he steals his lady love away, and she cruelly has fallen out of love with the man who has given her everything…and he thinks his only way to find a way to end his pain is by a self inflicted gunshot to the head. Deveroux and Lebeq are truly two scumbags who enjoyed trying to not only take Dick Bannister’s life but also try to ruin everything about him, but they really do get their comings when the werewolf comes howling around and they find themselves begging for their lives to the one person who is now a creature that they never showed any mercy to. Poor Pops Hadley stays loyal to his friend Bannister and does not believe the tales of him being a werewolf, and even before dying by a pack of wolves, he still tries to save the life of Edith…poor drunk old fool. You have to also feel bad for Cook as he is killed during the slaughter at the Ford Lumber Camp, and by the looks of it, he really was ripped apart! And for those wondering about the fate of Giovanni, you will find out what comes of him in a future comic as his tale is not yet finished and his fate is yet to be shared. This issue really was a blast to work on as artist Jeff Potter and myself were able to showcase the idea of Bannister becoming a fully fledged werewolf, something sadly the classic silent film did not do as they played up more on the aspects of it all being in his feverish mind. And while the first issue was bloody, we upped the gruesome level to 11 with this second issue! I am sure you also have noticed that in the Silent Film Universe by Blood Scream Comics, the one and only Count Orlock has been appearing and is almost recruiting people for some sort of sinister plan, and this will unfold in every issue of these comics based on Silent Horror Films. The cover for this issue showcases The Werewolf as well as Edith Ford and the colors by Jason Gilmore make it pop! The interior art is done by Jeff Potter who is a fantastic artist and who has brought many comic alive for Sparkle and Blood Scream Comics as his work includes such titles as Adventure Man, Curse Of The Beast, Spring Heeled Jack, Eternal Sleep, Farmer Joe and Shocking Macabre Theater, to name a small few. The way Potter draws the werewolf is fantastic and reminds me of the classic Creepy and Eerie Magazines, and the gore we draws rivals that of the indie horror comics from the late 80’s and early 90’s. While Nosferatu # 1 started the Silent Universe for Blood Scream Comics the Wolf Blood series is amping up the chills and blood spills, and this is just the start as you readers have not seen nothing yet. Check out the art work from Potter below to see his style in this series.


So as you can see, we truly put the horror first in this reimagining of Wolf Blood as we have Dick Bannister turning full force into a werewolf and he ends up killing everyone at the Ford Lumber Camp and also his true love Edith Ford, and by the end is taken away by Nosferatu himself Count Orlock as this is just one of several issue we have in store for you as Jeff Potter and I have more twisted tales in our Silent Universe to bring you! We released “Haunted House 1908” for Halloween 2023, and we screened the movie with a new score by musician Todd The Fox at Horrorama! If you have interest in ordering Wolf Blood # 1 and 2 you can do so here, while it remains in print that is. And yes, I will also do a “From Horror Movie To Horror Comic” update for Haunted House 1908 as I love sharing my love for silent horror cinema with you readers. Well as you can see, this update has come to an end and for our next update we will be heading to the world of cartoons as we will be talking about the 1966 Captain America series. So until next time, read a horror comic or three, watch a silent horror film or two and as always support your local horror host. Oh and remember when Captain America throws his mighty shield, All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield!

Captain America 1966 Cartoon Preview Logo

R.I.W Wrestling Legend: Uncle Elmer

Welcome back to the Rotten Ink Arena. As you can tell, this “R.I.W Wrestling Legend” update has a theme as the bales of hay are being used as seats and the fried pig parts are at the snack bar and all the people in overalls are square dancing. It’s not the Arena’s normal look, but it’s a perfect atmosphere for tonight’s main event star as the one and only Uncle Elmer will be making his way to the ring and will show us all a good old hillbilly good time! So I am not sure about you, but I think I am going to go buy some fried pig parts as well as a Mountain Dew to drink and then will find our seats as this is clearly one of those themed events that you have to take part in as where else can one eat such a great cuisine? The house lights are going down and the music has started, so let’s get to our seats and see what Uncle Elmer has in store for us.

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Uncle Elmer started his in ring pro career in 1960 and would mostly work the Southern territories as the Country Plowboy and would be booked strong as he stood over 6’10” and weighed almost 500 pounds! Early on he worked for many NWA promotions and would not only wrestle as Plowboy but would also wear a mask and a stripped uniform and call himself The Convict and would work as a heel. And during this journeyman routine he wrestled many big names like Bobo Brazil, Gentle Ben The Wrestling Bear and The Satan Medics before having a good run as The Convict for NWA Hollywood and tangling with names like Ernie Ladd, Mil Mascaras and Chief White Eagle. He found his next big run in 1976 working for NWA Mid-America where he would team with Jerry Lawler as Plowboy Frazier and would be used by Lawer as a hired muscle. He would first be a heel until he found out he was being used and would turn baby face and feud with Lawler. In 1977 he would start working for CWA still as Plowboy Frazier and would stick around until 1980 before having a run in GCW (Georgia Championship Wrestling) before returning to CWA in 1981. Once in CWA again he would work under many names like Stan Frazier, Plowboy Frazier as well as Kamala II, The Giant Rebel and The Lone Ranger with the latter having him dress as a out of shape mask wearing hero. He would stick around CWA up until 1985 and would have matches against names like Tom Prichard, The Rock N Roll Express, Jerry Lawler, The Phantom, Mr. Onita and Gypsy Joe to name a few. He even got to wrestle in Japan as The Convict character. But being a man of many gimmicks and being over with fans and a big attraction wrestler due to his size and weight, it was only a matter of time before New York came calling. But keep in mind during his run in the NWA territories, he would win many Tag Titles!

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Starting in 1985 and now going by Uncle Elmer, he would work in the WWF as a member of the stable called The Hillbillies that included Hillbilly Jim, Cousin Luke and Cousin Junior and he would wrestle the company’s top heels, dance in the ring and even eat from a giant bucket that read “Uncle Elmer’s Fried Pig Parts” and was well loved by fans who could not get enough of this mountain of a man. He would work the house shows at the start and would get wins over names like Tiger Chung Lee, The Spoiler, Moondog Spot and even Big John Studd! He would make it to TV as well and would be featured in matches as well as segments including getting married on “Saturday Night’s Main Event II” that aired in 1985. And during the marriage angle he would be made fun of by Jesse Ventura and as well Roddy Piper and this would find Elmer on the loosing end of many of the matches. He would then go on to have a match against Adrian Adonis at “WrestleMania II” in a losing effort and shortly after he would have his final match for then in early 1986 against King Kong Bundy on “Saturday Night’s Main Event VI”. During his WWF run he would have matches against the likes of Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake, Rene Goulet, The Hart Foundation, Iron Sheik, Iron Mike Sharpe and Bon Orton Jr. to name a few. While in the WWF he was a super popular baby face whose good nature and big man brawling style made the fans cheer.

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After leaving the WWF in 1986 Uncle Elmer would head back to Continental Wrestling Association (CWA) and would change his name to Giant Hillbilly Elmer and team with Jerry Lawler and would even win Tag Titles with him. He would stick around CWA until around 1988. While working in CWA he would be featured in some big matches but was not an upper-card draw as his health was starting to fade. He would however have matches against names like Austin Idol, The Red Demons, Bam Bam Bigelow and The Mod Squad. He would then start working for USWA after CWA and it merged and would stick around until 1989 before fully retiring from wrestling in 1991. And in the end of his career, he also had his own small promotion and would have a hand in training Bob Holly. Uncle Elmer who suffered from lots of health issues due to his weight as well as diabetes and on July 1, 1992 he would pas away from kidney failure at the age of 54. Over his career, Uncle Elmer would win many titles including the CWA World Heavyweight Title twice. He is not as of this updates posting put into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

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Uncle Elmer is a wrestler I remember as a kid and was never a big fan of as I found him to be boring in the ring as he wrestled a very slow and sloppy big man style and besides Hillbilly Jim I just was not much into the whole mountain folk country boy gimmicks that took place in that time in the WWF. But I should say that I did however enjoy Uncle Elmer and his Hillbilly family’s antics as their simple nature made for cartoonish good times. And while I do still laugh about his Fried Pig Parts bucket of food, I still could never get past just how very below average he was in the ring and yet some how he was booked strong and was beating guys way more talented then him! And I get that his massive sized made him limited in the ring and that he was more of a character then a worker, I just could never imagine why he was a bigger mid-card worker for awhile in companies like the WWF. While I mostly know him as Uncle Elmer his work as Lone Ranger, Kamala II and even one of his many Plowboy names is just as silly and as limited in his move set showing that he never made a effort to try and get better over his many years in the business and never learned how to use his size to his advantage to at least have good matches. There is also lots of bad stories about Elmer that include him selling bootleg products to even treating some different race workers badly, and it was also said that many of his opponents hated working with him because he was to sloppy and hard to work with. And while I was never a fan, Uncle Elmer had his fans and was a memorable Superstar who helped make the 80’s WWF what we all know and love, as I mean come on he got married on TV and the fans ate it up!

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We are now at the point of this review were we will be taking a look at the DVD set and review some of the matches on the discs like always between 4 to 8. I want to thank Coliseum Of Wrestling & Boxing for having this set in stock and also want to thank Uncle Elmer for his hard work in the world of wrestling. I also want to remind you that I will only be breaking down randomly select matches from this set and will be breaking down the match and will be rating the matches on a 5 Star rating system. I also only choose from Single matches, as I want to break down his matches that showcase his style. Here is what the stars mean ½ Means a really terrible match, * Means a bad match, ** Means a below average match, **1/2 Means a good average entertaining match, *** Means a good match, **** Means a great match, ***** Means an epic match. So if you are ready lets step into the ring with Uncle Elmer.

RIW Uncle Elmer DVD

Best Of Uncle Elmer

Match 1: Uncle Elmer vs. King Kong Bundy

As soon as the bell rings the two lock up and neither get the advantage and they keep locking up and then breaking apart as Elmer flexes up. Bundy then hits the ropes and tries to shoulder tackle Elmer but it has no effect as he is just to heavy to move like that. Bundy tries again to hit the ropes and shoulder tackle him, but like before Elmer does not move. Bundy then racks the eyes of Elmer and this drops the big man and Bundy then starts pounding on him as well as chokes him…keeping Elmer on the mat. Bundy kicks Elmer in the face and the big country boy is hurt, he does try and make a comeback as he fires off some punches and his butt corner bumps but Bundy cuts it off after Elmer misses a corner splash. Bundy then hits a dropping elbow and gets the win via a three count. This is a hoss fight as Bundy does his best to work with the very massive, limited and slow Uncle Elmer who mostly just throws a few punches and hits his big butt bumps in the corner. Bundy’s elbow drop looks good and packs an impact and really Bundy carries the match and has to even work a slower move set than normal. The fans in attendance are kind of into the match as they pop for Elmer’s silly antics as well as his corner butt bumps, but over all they are not overly loud throughout. The match is what it is and if you like matches that are slow that pit two massive men against one another then this one is for you, for me it was just kind of around and an attraction match that was to showcase the power of Bundy and the size of Elmer.

Grade: **

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Match 2: Uncle Elmer vs. A.J. Petruzzi

Before the match Uncle Elmer dances around the ring with Hillbilly Jim and the fans are eating it up, and once the bell rings A.J. hits the ring ropes and runs into Elmer and bounces off him. Elmer and A.J. then lock up and Elmer is able to turn the lock up into a headlock and he keeps the move on and works it. Elmer breaks the hold and bonk’s A.J. on top the head and also rams his head against his belly. Elmer then drops a leg drop and then goes for the pin and gets the three count and the win. This is pretty much a squash match and yet it was kind of entertaining as Elmer even with his limited moves as able to hit some moves that looked impactful like his leg drop and headlock and A.J. does a fantastic job of selling for his massive opponent. The fans seem to be into the match and on the side of Elmer. The bad in the match is Elmer’s hits and belly bump look very off and cartoonish in a cringe way. But while the match is not perfect it still did its job of entertaining me.

Grade: **

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Match 3: Uncle Elmer vs. Bigfoot

When Elmer gets into the ring he chases Bigfoot out of it as the bell rings, Bigfoot gets back into the ring and they lock up and Elmer wins and knocks him to the ground. They next do a test of strength and Elmer shows he is the stronger of the two and even pulls Bigfoot into his belly and Foot ends up bumping. Elmer gets Bigfoot then into the corner and lands some big splashes, and Elmer even does a backdrop on Bigfoot. As Bigfoot is down on the mat Elmer drops a leg drop and gets the win via pin. This is another squash match that allows Uncle Elmer to use his power moves and brawling style to make quick work of Bigfoot who by the way is better known as Rip Morgan to wrestling fans. Elmer uses his size to hit moves like splashes, belly bump and leg drop. While Bigfoot gets no time to shine as he throughout the match just gets beat up and beat. This is a silly and goofy match that was used to promote and push Uncle Elmer and the fans really did get behind Elmer throughout it. I really think that they should have had Bigfoot join the Hillbilly Family as he would have fit in! Over all an ok match that is booked well to work around the limitations of Elmer.

Grade: **

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Match 4: Uncle Elmer vs. Jerry Valiant

The Hillbilly Family come down to the ring and all dance around as the fans cheer, as the bell rings Jerry charges in and Elmer catches him and slams him to the mat and then goes for the pin and gets the win! This is 100% the definition of a squash match as Uncle Elmer gets the win in seconds and only hits one move a body slam in order to get the win, the fan in attendance loved this super quick match. The bodyslam while sloppy was effective from Elmer and we see nothing that Jerry brings to the table as he is able to do nothing. The fans love the quick win and the pop for his win making the match effective for the most part. This match did a great job of showing the power of Elmer as well as mask his limited in ring moves. Nothing special here but did its job for sure.

Grade: *1/2

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Uncle Elmer was a massive man both in weight and height and because of this it made him very limited in the ring. He was like the second coming of Haystacks Calhoun when it came to his in ring work, but I feel Elmer did not have the personality of Haystacks who I think should have been part of the Hillbilly Family in WWF at the time as he could have been a cousin and the patriarch of the family. And with Uncle Elmer, you knew you were never going to get 3-5 Star matches out of him, but you did know that you would at least be entertained by his matches. Well this R.I.W Wrestling Legend update event is over and this also wraps WWF WrestleMania Month 2024 up so as we make our way to the exit doors, I would like to tell you that our next update will bring us back to the world of Horror Comic Books as well as Silent Horror Cinema as I will be talking about the 1925 film Wolf Blood: A Tale Of The Forest and the Blood Scream Comics adaptation of it! So until next time, read a comic or three, watch a wrestling match or two and as always support your local wrestlers! See you next update for a spooky good time with a Canadian Werewolf!

Wolf Blood Preview Logo

R.I.W Wrestling Legend: Chief White Owl

Welcome back to Rotten Ink. Once more we find ourselves at the Rotten Ink Arena for a very special “R.I.W Wrestling Legend” update event as our main event star is a true legend of the sport in Ohio and the Great Lake area and was the master of the Tomahawk Chop who war danced his way into the hearts of fans. I am of course talking about Chief White Owl! A part Native American wrestler who became a true icon in the eyes of fans and is long overdue to get his time to shine in the Rotten Ink Arena! So let’s grab some snacks and a drink and then find our seats as this is going to be a quick update that will showcase his talent and his wrestling story. As you can see, the house lights are dimming and that means it’s time for some wrestling action.

Chief White Owl 1Chief White Owl 2Chief White Owl 3

Chief White Owl started his pro wrestling career in 1956. While he worked smaller shows before this, around this time is when he started to make a name for himself in the sport. Working in the NWA Territories he mostly stuck around the Great Lakes area and really became a big draw in his home state of Ohio. Booked as a baby face, his war dance, Tomahawk Chop and brawling style made him a draw, as when fans seen his name on a card they attended. During the early days of his career he would wrestle such names as The Terror, The Iron Russians, The Volkoff Brothers and Sputnik Monroe. With in his early matches Chief White Owl found himself on the losing end, but quickly as his popularity with fans grew he found himself moving up the card. Throughout the 50’s he would work for Midwest Wrestling Association and this made him a true superstar in Ohio. But by the early 1960’s he would have a run for Pennsylvania based company Spectator Sports and would have some big matches against such names as The Destroyer, Gorilla Monsoon, Klondike Bill, Johnny Powers, Gypsy Joe and Baron Gattoni, to name a few. In 1965 Chief White Owl had a run in WWF (then WWWF) and would work for them until around late 1965 and would have matches against big names at the time like Waldo Von Erich, Arnold Skaaland, Johnny Rodz, Dr. Jerry Graham and The Golden Terror. After this The Chief would return working the NWA areas around Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania and by the late 60’s would even work matches in Canada. Throughout the early 1970’s Chief White Owl remained a big star on the indies and would also help put over the up and coming wrestlers, and by 1976 we would wind down his career before retiring in the early 80’s. During his wrestling run he would capture tag team gold alongside partner Luis Martinez around six times in the NWF promotion, would team with Wahoo McDaniel, get a win at Madison Square Garden and is another name that proved you could be a big star and a draw for companies and never needed a title belt to achieve his popularity. Sadly Chief White Owl would pass away from neglect from the nursing home he lived in in 2008 at the age of 72, gone and never forgotten as Chief White Owl was an icon of Pro Wrestling in Ohio. It’s also sad that he has not made it into the WWF Hall Of Fame yet, as I feel he should be.

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Chief White Owl is a wrestler that I wish I would have gotten to see live, but sadly he was retired by the time I was old enough to go to events as it would have been awesome to watch him wrestle in the now-gone Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio. I first found out about Chief White Owl from my friend Theresa who knew someone in his family and who told me the sad tale of his passing, and after reading about his legacy in wrestling and just how amazing of a person he was said to be, I needed to find and see some of his matches…and sadly, not many are around to be viewed. Seeing the matches and footage I can of White Owl made me a bigger fan, as I like his brawling style, his war dance always got a great pop from the fans, his appearance was awesome as his headdress made him standout and his Tomahawk Chop signature move was well done and looked like a proper finisher for that era of wrestling. When reading about Chief White Owl I also found out that Bobby Fulton of the tag team The Fantastic and fellow Ohioan grew up watching his matches and was a fan himself. On a serious note, it’s very sad when you hear the details of how Chief White Owl passed and those at the nursing home should be ashamed of themselves and be held accountable for what they did, and my thoughts are with his family as they still battle for justice and a change in the way America allows their nursing homes to be run. But while his end was heartbreaking, his legacy in wrestling will live on forever and his name will never fade.

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We are now at the point of this review where we will be taking a look at the DVD set and review some of the matches on the discs, like always between 4 to 8. Sadly I only have one match to cover for this “R.I.W Wrestling Legend” update. I want to thank HyperDevil for having this set in stock and also want to thank Chief White Owl for his hard work in the world of wrestling. I also want to remind you that I will only be breaking down randomly select matches from this set and will be breaking down the match and will be rating the matches on a 5 Star rating system. I also only choose from single matches, as I want to break down his matches that showcase his style. Here is what the stars mean ½ means a really terrible match, * means a bad match, ** means a below average match, **1/2 means a good average entertaining match, *** means a good match, **** means a great match, ***** means an epic match. So if you are ready, let’s step into the ring with Chief White Owl.

RIW Chief White Owl DVD

Best Of Chief White Owl

Match 1: Chief White Owl vs. Steve Stanlee

As the bell rings, Steve is able to land a punch at the top of White Owl’s head dazing him for a second as Steve keeps his attack going landing punches and kicks. After a few moments White Owl lands one big punch that knocks Steve to the mat and White Owl is fired up as he does his war dance and lands a few punches that causes Steve to get out of the ring to stop the attack. Once back in the ring Steve is pushed up against the corner and White Owl hits a big chop, but soon Steve is able to get White Owl in a sleeper hold that is broke when White Owl gets to the ropes but takes a elbow to the back of his neck when Steve lets go. Steve then hits a series of kicks to the stomach of White Owl and then goes for his eyes, but White Owl fights back with a punch to the gut and a standing headlock that backs Steve into the ropes and tangles his arms in them and delivers a chop and even lands another as Steve escapes the ropes. The two exchange hits and holds and battle until the time limit, but the referee decides to give the win to Chief White Owl. This is a classic old school wrestling match filled with brawling punches, basic wrestling moves and signature moments that would pop the fans and while it would be considered bland by todays standards of in ring work this is a very good match for its era. Steve Stanlee does a fantastic job of selling for The Chief and does so many little heel moves that makes the fans just hate him, meanwhile Chief White Owl does his war dance, his tomahawk chops and uses his fired up temper to have the fan eating out of his hands. White Owl’s series of drop kicks look really great and he as well is great seller as he makes Steve as well look good in the ring as its clear the two had good chemistry. The time limit decision win that goes to The Chief was a little confusing, but the live fans seemed to dig it so I guess it worked. The pacing was well done and Steve Stanlee even was able to get in some silly heel comedy moments as well as cheating to help the pace along. Over all this was an entertaining old school match and shows why Chief White Owl was a well loved wrestler.

Grade: ***

Chief White Owl 10Chief White Owl 11Chief White Owl 12

The legend of Chief White Owl is still going strong to this day as his family, friends and fans keep his memory alive. And for those wondering, Chief White Owl’s real name was George Dahmer and his mother was part Native American. He was a natural as his gimmick. I really do wish more matches of his would come to the light of day as I would love to see more of his work as I like his fighting spirit as well as his hard hitting brawling style. Well as you can see, the update event is over and the house lights are back up and the cleanup crew is out so that is our cue to head on out of the arena, but before we part I would like to alert you that our next update will have us stay in the world of wrestling as we are still celebrating WWE WrestleMania Month and we will be spending some time with the one and only Uncle Elmer, who was the powerhouse of the Hillbilly Family that took 80’s WWF by storm. So until the next update event, read a comic or three, watch a wrestling match or two and as always support your local wrestlers. See you back here at the Rotten Ink Arena for the next update, and I wonder if the snack bar will have Friend Pig Parts in stock?

Uncle Elmer Preview Logo

R.I.W Wrestling Legend: La Parka

Welcome back to Rotten Ink. As you can see, we find ourselves at the Rotten Ink Arena as it’s WWE WrestleMania month so that means we celebrate the legends of Pro Wrestling and Lucha Libre, and as you can see, today’s update event main event star is one that has packed the house as he has been a big draw in both Mexico and America as this “R.I.W Wrestling Legend” update is about the Chairman of WCW the one and only La Parka, a masked Luchador that has always been a favorite of mine and has been long over due as I need to cover more of my favorite masked wrestlers from South Of The Border. Starting off with La Parka for our celebration of the 2024 WrestleMania month was just the right choice. So let’s grab some nachos and a burger from the snack bar and find our seats as this is going to be one fun wrestling legend event.

La Parka 1La Parka 2La Parka 3

Adolfo Tapia started in Pro Wrestling career in 1982 at the age of 16 and was trained by Alberto Mora and Raul Reyes. He would work for the indies in Mexico and would work under many names and masks including El Gringo, El Asesino De Tepito, Principe Island and Invasor Del Norte I and would even lose a bet match against El Hijo Del Santo, and he worked hard for years in the indies before being signed to AAA in 1992 and would become La Parka, the skeleton reaper, who was a rudo that got cheered almost instantly by fans who liked his style of brawling and high flying. And just like that, La Parka was a main event star and would have his first major feud against Lizmark and the pair would even fight for titles that they would exchange back and fourth. In 1994 La Parka would be in a six man tag match for the When World’s Collide PPV that had WCW and AAA coming together, in the match he would team with Blue Panther and Jerry Estrada in a loosing effort against Chris Benoit, 2 Cold Scorpio and Tito Santana. And from there La Parka would continue to be a huge draw for AAA and would even win and hold many of the company’s titles and his popularity with fans continued to rise. In 1995 he would even make an appearance at ECW and would team with Psychosis to take on Rey Mysterio Jr. and Konnan. But a big step in La Parka’s career was coming in 1996! During his first run in AAA, he would have big matches against many Lucha Libre Legends like Solar, Octagon, Super Astro, Lizmark Jr., Eddie Guerrero and Villano IV to name a few.

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In 1996 WCW was expanding their Cruiser Weight Division and hired many Luchadors at this time including La Parka who quickly became a breakout star among the pack that was hired as his creepy mask and more silly and playful gimmick got him over with the American fans. La Parka was used as a mid-card draw and would find himself in matches against fellow cruiser weights as well as matches against bigger stars in order to put them over like Goldberg. La Parka would have a manager for a short time in Sonny Onoo and would also team with Psychosis at the time. This would be a short lived partnership but would find La Parka working on WCW PPV’s as well as their top three shows Nitro, Thunder and Saturday Night. La Parka would also gain more fans when he would be called “WCW Chairman Of The Board” as he would carry out a steel chair that he would play air guitar with as well as would dance on it. In 1998, he would become a member of the Latino World Order (LWO) a group of Hispanic wrestlers who came together under the leadership of Eddie Guerrero and would have members Juventud Guerrera, Psychosis, Silver King, El Dandy, Damien 666, Hector Garza and Villano IV & V, sadly this group would disband in 1999. Later in 1999 he would have a gimmick that would have him speaking in Spanish and would have a silly English dub would play over his interviews. This was toward the end of his WCW run as at this point, he was being booked more as a joke and sadly he seemed to be the butt of the jokes. He would leave WCW in 2000, but this run would be what helped put him into the mainstream for wrestling promotions worldwide. In WCW La Parka just never got the push he should have and always found himself on the lower card.

La Parka 7La Parka 8La Parka 9

La Parka in 2000 would return to Mexico and work the indies as well as a few dates for CMLL before signing with them in 2003 to a full time contract…but with this came a lawsuit from AAA who claimed they owned the name La Parka, and while the original was in WCW, they had a LA Parka Jr. working events. When the original signed with AAA’s biggest rival, they took action and now he had to go by L.A. Park with Jr. now becoming La Parka. L.A. Park would work as a main event star in CMLL but for a short time he had to be kept off TV due to the legal issues with AAA, and oddly enough CMLL would only work L.A. Park in bursts and this allowed him to as well still work for the indies in Mexico. His biggest feud in CMLL at this time was against Dr. Wagner Jr. During this time L.A. Park would also work for Xtreme Latin American Wrestling starting in 2004 and would come back to them for a run from 2009-2010. And by 2008 L.A. Park would leave CMLL and after working the indies would find himself back in AAA for a three year run that would have him feud with La Parka over the name as he would say the other was an imposter. This run was well done and would have him take on such Luchadors as Heavy Metal, Cibernetico, Extreme Tiger, Jack Evans, El Zorro and Electroshock. L.A. Park would leave AAA in 2013 and would return for a very short run for CMLL in 2014-2015 all the while still working in the indies.

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In 2018 L.A. Park would return to AAA and find himself once more at being one of the company’s top draws and is still working to this day for them as he has won some big matches and even was the one who took the mask of El Hijo Del Fantasma who is now known as Santos Escobar in WWE/NXT. And while he is getting older, his brawling style is still very much over with fans and is what helps make him remain as one of Mexico’s biggest wrestling stars around the world. In 2018 he also worked in MLW, an indie American company that he quickly became a main event star for them and would have feuds with such names as Sami Callihan, Mace Warner, Pentagon Jr., Rey Fenix and Ross & Marshall Von Erich. L.A. Park would be fired from MLW in 2022 when he and his son El Hijo De L.A. Park attacked some fellow wrestlers with chairs in a off the rails attack that left two fellow workers injured. While L.A. Park is starting to slow down in the ring he still remains an icon of Pro Wrestling and Lucha Libre and during his run has won many titles from all types of companies from AAA to CMLL and even WWA showing that he was a big draw for companies and they know it. Sadly as of this update L.A. Park is not in the WWE Hall Of Fame, but once he retires he should be!

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La Parka is a Luchador that I have been a fan of since I first saw in him in WCW and from that moment on, I followed his career as well as even started to look into his past and that meant his work for AAA. In WCW the thing that separated La Parka from the other Luchadors is his spooky skeleton look as well as the fact he would dance around and play air guitar and would wrestle a more brawling lucha style and was a little bigger than the others and this did allow him to work matches against none cruiser weight stars and kind of look like a contender. And while he know goes by L.A. Park to me he will always be La Parka and that is no disrespect to La Parka II who sadly passed away in 2020 after complications to an injury that happened in the ring, as he was a fantastic worker as well, it’s just that I grew up with the WCW La Parka and I am so used to calling him that. Back in the days of WCW I use to play as La Parka in many of the video games like WCW/NOW Revenge for the N64 and WCW Thunder for the PSX and it’s a shame that he has not been in any of the modern WWE games as a legend as it would be great to play as him again in a game. I have also been lucky enough to see LA Parka wrestle live in WCW and it was awesome to see the live crowd cheer him as he made his entrance, and I was one of the fans cheering my head off! I also find that La Parka’s mask is one of the most iconic masks in Lucha Libre and his legacy in wrestling will live on after he retires thanks to his son who doing the Jr. gimmick and this is great as I hope generations to come will get to see just how great La Parka is who as of this posting is still going strong in Mexico. I also want to say that La Parka took the # 6 spot for my Top 60 Luchador Countdown that you can read HERE.

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We are now at the point of this review were we will be taking a look at the DVD set and review some of the matches on the discs like always between 4 to 8. But because this is a set about a Luchador we will take a look at 10 matches. I want to thank Coliseum Of Wrestling & Boxing for having this set in stock and also want to thank La Parka for his hard work in the world of wrestling. I also want to remind you that I will only be breaking down randomly select matches from this set and will be breaking down the match and will be rating the matches on a 5 Star rating system. I also only choose from Single matches as I want to break down his matches that showcase his style. Here is what the stars mean ½ Means a really terrible match, * Means a bad match, ** Means a below average match, **1/2 Means a good average entertaining match, *** Means a good match, **** Means a great match, ***** Means an epic match. So if you are ready lets step into the ring with La Parka.

RIW La Parka DVD

Best Of LA Parka

Match 1: La Parka vs. Chris Jericho

As the bell rings La Parka charges and misses a body bump that causes him to crash to the mat and Jericho goes for a side headlock that La Parka breaks out of and lands some big punches and chops, that is till Jericho throws him into the ropes and is dropped when La Parka hits a shoulder tackle and then does some karate movies to the air as the fans boo. Jericho is able to recover fast and hits a dropkick that knocks La Parka down to the mat, and when La Parka tries to make a comeback he is kicked in the face by Jericho who is now in charge of the matches pace for a second as La Parka uses the ropes and is able to keep Jericho on the defense as Parka hits big of the rope kicks and even gets a two count on Jericho. Parka hits a good power bomb and then starts working on the arm and neck of Jericho and once more gets a two count. Jericho gets a one count when he sneaks and rolls up Parka who is able to get to the ropes to stop the pin attempt. Parka unloads some more moves including a belly-to-belly suplex, but cannot keep Jericho down. After a little more of a beating Jericho has had enough and makes a comeback unloading hits and moves on Parka and beats him with a roll up that gets him the three count. This is a very competitive match between two of WCW’s top cruiserweights at the time and the two work really well together and make each other look very good in the ring, as both sell well for each other and allow each to showoff their speed and moves. It was great to see La Parka move fast in the match and his rope work is great stuff, and as always Chris Jericho looks great in his fast paced moves. And the rollup win is fitting for the pace of the match and still made La Parka look like a contender. The fans in attendance also seemed to be into the match and that was nice to see as it was clear both La Parka and Chris Jericho were semi new to the company and trying to make names for themselves. Over all a pretty fun and solid match that entertained me and I have to admit that I popped when La Parka did his martial arts spot.

Grade: ***

La Parka 19La Parka 20La Parka 21

Match 2: La Parka vs. Ice Train

As soon as the bell rings La Parka attacks Ice Train from behind and starts working on the back of his knee trying to keep the big man down on the mat, but La Parka’s hits and kicks are having very little effect on Ice Train who is raging up and drops Parka with one big chop. Ice Train starts using his power moves to toss La Parka around and hits a big power slam that knocks Parka silly. Train then hits a leaping shoulder tackle and Parka is clearly in trouble that is until he is able to hit a head kick and a spinning kick off the top rope that knocks Train down and is able to only get a one count. And once more Train takes back over and lands another power slam on Parka and then flings him into the corner and delivers a splash. Parka makes a small comeback with a jawbreaker and some kicks and even knocks Train out of the ring and lands a dive onto him. Once back in the ring Train hits a massive clothesline another power slam and then his finisher The Train Wreck (a big splash) and gets the win via pin over La Parka. This match was clearly a match that was set to showcase Ice Train who WCW was building up as a massive Baby Face and they pretty much have him dominate the match and shrug off much of the moves of La Parka, and that’s a shame as La Parka was clearly the more skilled worker of the two as Ice Train could only hit power moves as he hits a power slam three times during this short match…as he was very limited in the ring and it was clear he was being pushed due to his massive muscles. La Parka does a great job of selling for Ice Train and makes the limited wrestler look a little better. Not much to say besides La Parka’s outside dive looked amazing and if trained a little longer Ice Train could have probably been a bigger name in the sport. Over all an average match that WCW used La Parka as enhancement talent for a wrestler who had a very short shelf life. And the only reason this match is getting two is cause the hard work La Parka put in to get a match out of Ice Train.

Grade: **

La Parka 22La Parka 23La Parka 24

Match 3: La Parka vs. Juventud Guerrera

As the bell rings La Parka and Juventud start shoving each other and Parka tries to get Juventud into the corner but keeps missing his hits as the faster Luchador is able to dodge his hits and escape. And Juventud then slides around his opponent and then lands a jumping kick that knocks Parka to the mat. Juventud then tries to land a top rope body press but is caught by Parka who dances while holding him before setting him on the other corner to slap him across the face, this fires Juventud up who leaps from the rope and flying head scissors Parka who goes to the outside only for Juventud to dive over the ropes onto him. The fans are into this match as they have popped for both guys and are enjoying this fast paced cruiserweight match. Once back in the ring Juventud lands a missile drop kick and gets a two count on a pin attempt. Parka turns the tide of the match with a boot to Juventud’s face and then a big clothesline and then dives off the top rope onto Juventud and gets a two count. Parka keeps up the pressure hitting moves on Juventud as the fans just keep on cheering for the match, this time Juventud is outside the ring and Parka dives over the top rope and onto him. Once back into the ring Juventud takes back control of the match that is until Parka hits a top rope power bomb followed by a spinning body splash from the top rope and he is able to get the win via pin. This was such a great WCW Cruiserweight match that had both guys getting equal time to shine with the live fans being very much into the fast paced match. Both La Parka and Juventud did a great job of making each other look good, both sell well for each other and both are able to show off their highflying moves. Both of there outside dives also look fantastic and impactful adding to the story that’s being told in this match. La Parka looks strong and is able to get the win and even though he is the heel of the match fans cheer for his hard work. This is a very cool match and is why I loved the Cruiserweight Division in WCW!

Grade: ***

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Match 4: La Parka vs. Ultimo Dragon

As soon as the bell rings Parka and Dragon run the ropes and each showcase their speed and land some flips and moves. Dragon gets Parka into the corner and lands some chops and keeps using his speed to takedown and trip up Parka. And when Parka tries to make a comeback Dragon unleashes a fury of fast kicks and lands a dropkick that knocks him out of the ring and then Dragon climbs the top rope and dives onto him. But outside the ring Sonny Ono the manager of La Parka attacks Dragon and this allows Parka to land some hits and moves and even get a two count after a power bomb on the Dragon. Parka stays in control of the match until he misses a corner splash and this allows Dragon to land a off the top rope Frankensteiner and then get La Parka in the Dragon Sleeper, but Sonny Ono distracts the referee and this allows La Parka to kick Dragon in the back of the head and then Ono botches as he by accident kicks La Parka and once more Dragon locks in the Dragon Sleeper and gets Parka to tap out and wins via submission. This is a very fun fast paced match that did a great job of showcasing why Ultimo Dragon is considered one of the best cruiserweights in the world and also shows La Parka as a threat for the mid-card titles. The speed and kicks of Dragon are very awesome to see and La Parka does a great job of selling and acting amazed by the feats of Dragon throughout the match, I also like that they make it appear as if La Parka just might win the match with the help of his manager. Over all a really fun and entertaining match as both guys have great chemistry in the ring and told a quick story.

Grade: ***

La Parka 28La Parka 29La Parka 30

Match 5: La Parka vs. Glacier

La Parka starts the match waving a Mexican Flag on the top turnbuckle as the fans cheer, Parka then gets off the turnbuckle and makes fun of Glacier’s martial arts and the fans continue to cheer. Glacier has seen enough and the two exchange karate chops and Glacier’s strike hard and knock Parka to the mat, but Parka gets back up and lands some punches and then uses a shoulder tackle to go for a pin attempt and gets a one count and repeats these actions again. Glacier then hits a series of kicks that knocks Parka out of the ring and Glacier jumps over the ropes with a cross body. Once back in the ring Parka takes control of the match hitting some big moves and lands a big piledriver and then dances around before landing some more moves on Glacier including knocking him out of the ring and corkscrew diving onto him. Outside the ring Parka slams Glacier’s head into a chair and the two battle more outside the ring and even Parka crashes into the chair. Once back in the ring Glacier hits his Cryonic Kick finisher and gets the three count for the win. This is a pretty fun match as La Parka is on and is playing up to the live fans who clearly want him to get the win! La Parka goes a great job in the match and uses his speed and Lucha Libre moves to try and make the match exciting as Glacier mostly does his same “martial arts” style moves, but does pull off a very cool over the top rope dive. The match is very short and sadly in my opinion the wrong wrestler won, as clearly everyone in the arena wanted La Parka to get the victory and La Parka is way more skilled in the ring than his opponent. The two lacked chemistry in the ring but Parka did his best to get a fun match out of Glacier.

Grade: **1/2

La Parka 31La Parka 32La Parka 33

Match 6: La Parka vs. Disco Inferno

As soon as the match starts La Parka throws a chair at Disco who in turn doges the charge Parka who crashes into the corner. The two exchange hits and Parka hits a power slam before getting up and mocking Inferno’s disco moves. Disco returns the favor and hits a power slam of his own, and Disco takes control of the match his hits and holds and La Parka fights back and even knocks Disco out of the ring and hits a corkscrew splash and the two brawl outside for a bit and Disco even drops Parka on the guardrail trying to hurt his opponent to secure the win. But once back in the ring Parka goes on the attack with some kicks and a chinlock and once Disco gets out of the hold Parka continues his attack thanks to his speed and hits some impactful moves, but is unable to get the pinfall over Disco. La Parka once more goes for a chinlock to slowdown the pace and to ware down Disco who gets out of the hold and starts unloading on Parka trying to take the match momentum, but the two end up just trading the momentum back and fourth with holds and hits but Disco with the help of a chair is able to hit his Chart Buster finisher and get the win via pin over La Parka. This is a pretty good match and for the most part is entertaining, with both guys getting times to shine in the match the only downside is that I feel that their styles did not mesh that well and caused for some moments that seem off. La Parka shows off his speed and some of his Lucha style, but does seem to slow down his moves and does less flips than he normally worked into his matches. Disco Inferno is also a very solid worker who I think often get overlooked for his work, but his style just did not click well with La Paraka’s and what we have here is a match that is good and entertaining but is just lacking something to take it to the next level. Both guys do well for selling for each other and that helps both guys look like a contender, the fans in the arena seem to be into the match as they do cheer for La Parka as clearly they are on his side and want to see him win. Also I should say that this was an odd choice as this was part of the WCW SuperBrawl VIII and is given around 12 minutes.

Grade: **1/2

La Parka 34La Parka 35La Parka 36

Match 7: La Parka vs. Psychosis

As the bell rings Parka and Psychosis start to lock up and Parka takes a cheapshot and then lands a series of big chops and after some rope running Psychosis returns the favor of chops and then takes Parka down with some flying head scissors and Psychosis keeps his attack on La Parka even knocking him out of the ring and hitting him with a big dive. But La Parka is able to turn the tide when he is able to get back into the ring first and delivers a big kick to Psychosis who was entering the ring and now he deals out some hits and holds including a massive clothesline and a split legged moonsault. Every time Psychosis tries to make a comeback he is cut off my Parka who just deals out more of a beating. But La Parka makes a mistake by dancing on the top rope as this gives Psychosis time to recover and knock Parka down and racking him on the ropes and then deliver a Frankenstein to get a two count. Psychosis keeps up his attack with highflying moves in and outside the ring, and finally after La Parka makes a small comeback it’s Psychosis that gets the win via pin after hitting Parka with a guillotine leg drop. This was a pretty fun match against two of WCW’s best cruiserweights at the time and each man had their time to shine as well as show off their Lucha Libre moves. Psychosis was the faster of the two and is able to do more fancy rope work, but La Parka does hold his own and is able to play off the fans to draw them into the match. Neither guy is made to look like a jobber and while La Parka showboats and this helps lead to his lose it’s these moments that bring that extra entertainment to the match. La Parka’s split legged moonsault looked fantastic as did most of Psychosis’s dives. Over all this is just a great cruiserweight match that showcased why WCW had the best division in America at this time. Also I should say that Psychosis and La Parka have great in ring chemistry and that is why this matched worked so well for the WCW PPV Spring Stampede.

Grade: ***

La Parka 37La Parka 38La Parka 39

Match 8: La Parka vs. Booker T

La Parka is a member of the L.W.O at this time and as soon as the bell rings he and Booker T size each other up and Parka makes a big mistake as he starts dancing to taunt Booker T who ends up making the masked wrestler eat a big clothesline and then tosses him out of the ring. But La Parka tricks Booker T when he makes his opponent come outside the ring to get him, and then jumps him before he can get back in with some punches and chops and keeps up the attack that is until Booker T once more drops him with a clothesline and then gets off a few punches before the two start trading hits and holds trying to get the upper hand over the other. And Booker T hits the Scissors Kick and is able to get a two count, but Parka is able to fight back and the two go to the outside and start slugging it out as the fans cheer. Once back in the ring La Parka brings in a steel chair and tries to use it but Booker T stops him who in turn tries to use the chair and is stopped by Parka. The match ends with Booker T winning the match via pin when he kicks the chair into the face of La Parka. The match is clearly one to showcase and build Booker T as a top star for WCW as he has more of the hard hitting moves and is in charge for most of this short match. The fans are clearly behind Booker T who hits some amazing kicks and does a pretty solid job of letting La Parka not look like an enhancement talent in the match by selling for his moves. La Parka does not get to showcase much of his high -lying moves in this match and pretty much just does a brawling style with kicks, chops and punches. This match is very short and while nothing super fantastic happens both wrestlers look good in the match and it’s clear that their styles clashed slightly but they were able to pull it together as both workers are outstanding talents. And I should also note that its shocking that no other member of the L.W.O didn’t come out and try and help La Parka win the match.

Grade: **1/2

La Parka 40La Parka 41La Parka 42

Match 9: La Parka vs. Tank Abbott

As soon as the bell rings Tank punches Parka in the face and drops him, he then backs Parka into the corner and unloads a series of big punches as Parka tries to punch back it’s clear that he is being out striked by the former MMA fighter. Tank then throws some elbows and then picks Parka up and slams him hard to the mat. La Parka gets out of the ring and grabs a chair and as Tank comes out after him he smacks him on the head with the chair and Tank shrugs it off and rams Parka into the steel railing and then starts stomping on him. The referee has seen enough and throws out the match, but Tank takes a few more stomps on Parka and even attacks security before heading back to the locker room. This is a total squash match that has Tank Abbott who was just off working for the MMA company UFC totally destroying La Parka in a very quick match that has Tank dominating him. And Tanks punches and stomps look brutal as does his slam, and this was a great way to build Tank as the fans were behind him once they seen just how rough and brawling he was. I mean he shrugged off a chair shot to his head. Poor La Parka throws a few punches and gets off one chair shot and none of these even faze Tank, and while this match makes La Parka look weak it does a great job of building Tank and the brawl almost comes off real and that makes for one entertaining match! I also think the finish of the match being thrown out by the referee was the right way to end the match.

Grade: **1/2

La Parka 43La Parka 44La Parka 45

Match 10: La Parka vs. Brad Armstrong

As the bell rings La Parka does his dance to taunt Armstrong who responds with a massive clotheslin then pulls off a series of arm drags and keeps the momentum going on his side as even if Parka tries to comeback Armstrong keeps having an answer for his moves. Parka is finally able to make his comeback with a power slam and then unleashes some hits and kicks on Armstrong before even landing a big missile drop kick that gets him a two count on a pin attempt. Parka then hits a corkscrew dive on a downed Armstrong and gets another two count. Armstrong is able to turn the tide of the match and gets off a series of big punches and La Parka during this bumps into the referee taking him out, but then Alex Wright and his bodyguard The Wall come into the match and as Alex attacks Brad Armstrong, The Wall attacks La Parka outside the ring and tosses him back in and Armstrong falls on top of Parka and the referee wakes up and makes the count giving Armstrong the victor over Parka via pin. This is a match that should have been fantastic but sadly is a quick match that is more of a way to build the feud between Alex Wright and Brad Armstrong and poor La Parka was just being used as enhancement to keep the feud growing. The one good thing about this short match is that La Parka does get to use some of his highflying attacks with his Missile Dropkick and Corkscrew Splash being well pulled off. Brad Armstrong does not get to showoff much of his highflying moves but does get to show off his more technical ones. It’s clear that these two would have had great chemistry in the match if they were given the chance to really work it before the interface. And the finish is a little odd as Alex Wright and The Wall end up helping their target win the match and almost seem happy to have done so. Over all it’s an ok short match that sadly ends very oddly and I wish that Parka and Armstrong had been able to have a full competitive match.

Grade: **1/2

La Parka 46La Parka 47La Parka 48

La Parka has always been one of my favorite Luchadors, and along with the others that came to WCW in the 90’s is what made them the better federation for the longest time in my opinion, and to me seeing L.A. Park as he goes by now working in AAA has been awesome because at his age he is still working at the top of the card after all these years. Well as you can see, the “R.I.W Wrestling Legend” update has came to an end as the arena staff have just turned up the house lights and the clean up crew is coming out to clean up for the next event as this is just the first of three wrestling updates in honor of WWE WrestleMania. Our next one will be about the legend Chief White Owl! And as we make our way to the exit doors, I want to say that if you have never seen a La Parka match, make sure to look some up on YouTube or find one on the Grey Market as you will truly enjoy them if you like Lucha Libre. Well until next time, make sure to read a comic of three, watch a wrestling match or two and as always support your local indie wrestlers. See you next update as we will watch the master of the Tomahawk Chop in action.

Chief White Owl Preview Logo

Red Ryder: The Master Of The BB Gun

Welcome back to Rotten Ink. As you can see, we are now at the final update for Cowboy Month 2024, and I think that today’s western topic is very iconic and has a huge legacy behind him for many decades now as his name is all over the most purchased BB gun in history. I am sure you know by now I am talking about Red Ryder, the cowboy hero that has been the star of comic strips, films, radio and merchandise. This has been an update that I have wanted to do for many years now as Red Ryder was still kind of popular with kids my age growing up in the 1980’s and 1990’s mostly thanks to one holiday movie that we will talk about a little later on. So with that introduction, let’s grab some Frito corn chips, a bowl of chili and our trusty BB guns as it’s time to hit the planes with Red Ryder and his buddy Little Beaver.

Red Ryder 1Red Ryder 2Red Ryder 3

Fred Harman was a real life cowboy and a great artist who worked not only on paintings, for Disney’s animation, but also started working as a comic strip artist, and in 1933 he created the western strip called “Bronc Peeler” that was a self syndicated project that ran until 1938. And in 1938, while Harman was trying to find newspapers to run the Bronc Peeler strip, he met Stephen Slesinger who was at the time looking for an artist to work on a strip he was writing called Red Ryder that was a western comic and the two hit it off and started working on it together. Even efore it was published in papers, they knew they had something special and lots of other great ideas were put into action to promote the strip and most importantly the character. They had movies, public appearances, radio shows and novelty items in place to help get Red Ryder as one of the most popular comic strip characters ever. The comic strip would be syndicated by Newspaper Enterprise Association and would be run in many papers and would be the most popular western comic strip of all time and proved that doing multi media for your character can grow and make them even more important in pop culture. The strip would run until 1965 and truly was a very iconic strip as the young and young at heart enjoyed reading the western adventures of Red Ryder and his friend Little Beaver as they fought for what was right around their home at the Painted Valley Ranch. And this was just a very quick crash course on the history of Red Ryder, and we will get into the character and the things he spawned a little later in this update. But I am sure most of you reading this update know the name Red Ryder one way or another.

Red Ryder 4

Red Ryder is a cowboy who lives on Painted Valley Ranch along with his trusty horse Thunder as well as his aunt Duchess. Also on the ranch are Red’s sidekick the Native American youngster named Little Beaver and his horse Papoose. Red is also a very skilled rider as well as a great shooter and has a lovely girlfriend named Beth Wilder. Red Ryder is a fighter for what he finds to be right and is always brave and caring to those who cannot protect themselves or are being cheated. His main two rivals are Ace Hanlon and Buckskin Blodgett, both whom of Red has had many run in’s with over the years. Red is most skilled with his six-shooter but also talented with a rifle and is well respected by the townspeople and those he helps. In other words, Red Ryder is your typical Western Hero from this era and was just so well written and drawn that he was destined to be a pop culture icon in America.

Daisy Outdoor Products started in 1882 out of Michigan and was the leader in making airguns as well as BB Guns, and in 1940 they would team with the creative minds behind the comic strip Red Ryder to make a line of BB Guns that would carry the Red Ryder name and be marketed towards young males, as it was used to teach them how to safely handle a firearm as well as learn to shoot at a young age. The Red Ryder BB Gun was a very popular seller and would have big ad campaigns in magazines as well as comic books with the store displays featuring Red Ryder and Little Beaver and would go on to be Daisy’s top seller even to this day as they are being made even though the Red Ryder comic strip ended in 1963. And what is crazy to think is that the Red Ryder BB Gun is also very popular among adults now who grew up with them and on Daisy’s official website they sell starter kits, targets and all the Red Ryder BB gun rifles and accessories you could ever need. Growing up, we always had a Daisy BB gun in the garage but sadly it was not the Red Ryder brand, and I can remember sneaking and firing it at the ground. Now as an adult I have found myself wanting to get a Red Ryder BB Gun and might just get one sooner than later…even though I have heard that the quality of the BB Gun is not as great as they use to be.

Red Ryder was a superstar when it came to comic strips and even radio shows, but he also made an impact in the world of cinema as he had a total of 27 films as well as serials that would air at the local theaters. The first 12-chapter film serial was called “The Adventures Of Red Ryder” and was released in 1940 with the final film in the Republic Pictures coming out in 1947 and was called “Marshal Of Cripple Creek” and after that Eagle-Lion Films would take up production of Red Ryder films and would make a total of four with their final film being the 1950 film “The Cowboy And The Prizefighter”. Red Ryder would also try to make is way onto TV with three pilot attempts that just for some reason did not stick with television watchers. Over the years such actors have played the role of Red Ryder and those names are Don “Red” Barry, Jim Bannon, Wild Bill Elliot and Allan Lane. These films were very popular at the time of release as Red Ryder was a household name and the idol for many of youngsters. The films over the years can now be found on home media from VHS to DVD and some can also be viewed on YouTube. I myself own a few of these Red Ryder films on DVD and they are very enjoyable if you like classic style cheesy westerns.

The Red Ryder BB gun was one of the most popular style of BB guns in all of America when it was introduced to the market in 1940 and is still being made to this day by the Daisy Outdoor Products. And in 1983 the BB gun got even more of a bust and became a must have item for kids after it was the ultimate Christmas gift for Ralphie Parker in the film “A Christmas Story” and because of this film the phrase “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out.” became a way for parents to tell kids no. In the film Ralphie really wants a Red Ryder BB gun and even has daydreams of using it to save his parents and brothers from outlaws and is looking forward to shooting targets in his backyard. And the crazy part is that the BB gun made for the film was custom and would not get made closer to it until 2020. And when you look back at it back in the day BB gun rifles were a very popular item for young boys to get for Christmas and while they have lost a little steam now they still remain a popular item for households. And you know that still to this day when kids watch A Christmas Story, they ask their parents for a Red Ryder!

Red Ryder over the decades has had all types of merchandise for his fans to collect and many of the vintage stuff is super collectible and can fetch high prices. Stuff that Red Ryder has graced over the years besides the BB gun and comics include coloring books, cups, toys, posters, standees, trading cards, pocket knives, books, home media and shirts to name a few! And over the years I have not sadly had much in the ways of merchandise of Red Ryder besides a pocket knife as well as some of the comics and films on DVD. One day soon I do plan on getting a Red Ryder BB Gun just for the fun of having it. But say what you will about Red Ryder and his creators but one thing is for sure they knew how to market him.

So as you can see, I would say next to Lone Ranger I would say Red Ryder is the second most iconic cowboy that came from the pages of comics, radio, movies and shows. And now I think its time that we take a look at one of the comic books that was released that collect some of his comic strip adventures. And I would like to thank Bell Book And Comic for having this comic in stock and making this update possible. I would also like to remind you all that I grade these comics on a star scale of 1 to 4 and am looking for how well the comics stay to the source material, its entertainment value and its art and story. So if you are ready, let’s head on down to the Painted Valley Ranch and see what Red Ryder is up to.

Red Ryder # 1  ***
Released in 1989      Cover Price .10      Red Ryder      # 1 of 1

Red Ryder and Little Beaver come across The Devil Hole Gang who are trying to rob the stagecoach and they have already killed the driver and are about to Beth Wilder when Red scares them off and with the help of some near by miners the gang leaves empty handed. Red and Beaver escort Beth into the lawless town of Devils Hole and meet Ace Hanlon who runs the town and hires Red to be the new sheriff as all the others have been killed. Once Red is sworn in as sheriff he punches out Ace in front of the town as the corrupt man was pushing around Little Beaver, and this causes Ace to get his friend Lash to get the Devil’s Hole Gang to come after Red and they come up with a plan to take over the gold mine of Jack Adams and his father Ben and once Red gets there they plan on using gun powder to blow up the cabin…and they do just that! But unknown to them Red Ryder, Little Beaver, Jack and Ben all made it safely inside the mine and out of the range of the explosion. Red the next day gets to town and orders all of the Devil’s Hole gang to leave town for good, and this makes Ace really mad and he comes up with a plan that has the town people think that Red Ryder robbed the towns bank and killed the teller and this goes off smoothly as the town wants to hang Red who barely escapes in time. But things get bad when Ace captures Little Beaver and starts beating him up to try and get answers, Red rushes back to town and saves his friend and they both head to the hideout of the gang in order to try and clear Red’s name. But Ace gets a posse together and they track Red down who tells his side of the story and exposes Ace as the leader of the gang and the one who gave the orders to rob the bank and kill the teller…and after some back and fourth and evidence found Ace and his men are locked up and Red Ryder’s name is clear of all charges.

What a fun read and you cannot beat that classic western feel as the story is very basic as has a happy ending for our hero. The plot is this Red Ryder stops a robbery in progress and helps a pretty young lady back to her hometown that is over run with corruption and quickly becomes the towns new sheriff and tries his best to ride the town of crime and criminals and becomes the target of the towns crime shot caller…and after being framed he is able to clear his name and bring all the baddies to justice. Red Ryder is a hero who stands up for not only what he thinks is right but also for those who can’t protect themselves, he is very smart and skilled in fighting as well as shooting (sadly we don’t get to see him use his gun). He is also one who does not run away from issues and will come up with a good game plan in order to seek the finish of what he starts. The ladies also seem to really like him and the criminals all seem to want to see him dead. His friend the young Native American named Little Beaver tries to help the best he can but also at times seems to be in the way and cause issues for Red like he always seems to be getting captured or bullied by someone. But you can look past that as his young age makes him make some real rookie mistakes, but to be fair he does also help out lots like getting help when needed as well as listening to the enemy’s plans. The main villain of this issue is the rich and sleazy Ace Hanlon who plays the town like fools and is the one truly calling the shots for the Devil’s Hole Gang, as he gives orders not only to rob places but also to murder people that are in his way or just to be used as a tool in his plots. Ace also is racist against Native Americans and is just a pure scumbag character, the kind you just want to punch in the face. The plot while simple does draw you in as the reader as you go along the ride as Red cleans up the town, gets framed and hunted by the town to by the end getting the full respect of the town. I also like how Red Ryder just enters a town and becomes the sheriff and from the start is making changes and knocking out baddies. The one downside to this issue is that it is a reprint and some of the scan quality is a little rough as dialogue boxes are fuzzy and the words are small…making for a semi challenging read if you are not in a bright enough room. The cover is great and very eye catching if you are a Red Ryder or western fan and the interior art by Fred Harman and is amazing classic comic strip work and you have to love the way he draws the wild west. Over all this was a very fun read and while the scans had some issues the story made up for it. Checkout the artwork bellow to see the style used by Fred Harman for this comic strip comic reprint.

Red Ryder Comic Art 1Red Ryder Comic Art 2Red Ryder Comic Art 3

As you can see, Red Ryder really is a fantastic comic strip character and is a true icon in American Pop Culture and I for one am really happy that I was able to get this comic and make this update possible as covering Red Ryder was long overdue. And with this update Cowboy Month 2024 also comes to an end and that means our time at the Rotten Ink Ranch as well has came to an end and before he head out of the range I should let you know that next month with find us at the Rotten Ink Arena as WWE Wrestlemania Month will once more be taking place and our first wrestler will be Lucha Libre Legend La Parka! So until next time, read a comic or three, watch a western film or two and as always support your local Horror Host. See you next update as the Chairman of WCW has lots of Lucha Stuff to show us.

La Parka Preview Logo

R.I.W Wrestling Legend: The Texas Hangmen

Welcome back to Rotten Ink. As you can see, we find ourselves once more at the Rotten Ink Arena as we have another “R.I.W Wrestling Legend” update event planned and this one will feature a tag team that mostly made a name for themselves in Puerto Rico but did have a good run in the AWA and while they did not last that long as a team, they did capture some gold and built up a reputation of being a brawling, rough and tough masked menacing team…and this team is The Texas Hangmen and as you can see, they are the main event for this update. So let’s head to the snack bar and grab a drink and some chili to snack on and then find our seats as this will be a quick and hard hitting update event.

Texas Hangmen 1

The Texas Hangmen was a masked outlaw cowboy team that started working together around 1988 in Windy City Wrestling under the names Hangman # 1 and Hangman # 2 and could not find their groove mostly losing to more established teams before leaving the company and finding their new home in the AWA that they started working for in 1989 and found some more traction and started going under the names Psycho and Killer. They worked matches against the likes of The Guerrero Brothers, The Tokyo Bullets and John Nord and Scott Norton. They were hated heels and fans loved to boo these brawling masked men who would challenge for the AWA Tag Titles but never could win them. The Hangmen would stay in AWA until around 1990 when they went out of business. The Texas Hangmen then traveled to Puerto Rico to work for WWC and would become a big team that feuded with many of the company’s top teams and stars from The Medics, The Invaders and even Carlos Colon. The Texas Hangmen would also capture the WWC Tag Titles twice during this run and would stick around until 1991 before returning to the states to work for USWA. Once in the USWA, they found themselves a top team for the company and would quickly capture the Tag Titles as they beat Jeff Jarrett and Eddie Gilbert (who was filling in for Jerry Lawler). But even being the Tag Team champions, Texas Hangman were being booked very oddly as they ended up losing to many of the companies top stars at the time like Bill Dundee and Steve Keirn. They would stick around USWA for a short time and would break up for a time and would get back together for one last run in WWC in 1997 that would have them win the company’s Tag Title and by the end of the year The Texas Hangmen were no more. While The Texas Hangmen never made it to the big companies like WCW and WWF, they did make their mark in AWA and WWC and would find their marks later when they disbanded. I should say a version of The Texas Hangmen had a small run in WCW as a jobber team.

Texas Hangmen 2Texas Hangmen 2Texas Hangmen 3

Frank Vizi was the wrestler behind the mask of Psycho and he was trained by Tom Stone and started his Pro Wrestling career in 1984, and is known as Bull Pain, a wrestler who worked for ECW, WCW and JCW. He would end up retiring in 2012 and was a mid-card heel that fans loved to hate. Mike Morgan was Killer, and he started his Pro career in 1982 and was trained by Jake Milliman and Rocky Stone and would best be known as Mean Mike, a member of the WCW tag team Disorderly Conduct, and part of a similar team called Texas Hangmen that were a jobber team. He would as well retire in 2012. While The Texas Hangmen or even Disorderly Conduct are not household names, and Bull Pain is only with diehard ECW fans, these guys made their mark in the world of Wrestling and over their careers had captured titles as well as did a great job of entertaining fans all over the world. At this point The Texas Hangman are not in the WWE Hall Of Fame, and I doubt if they ever do make it.

Texas Hangmen 4Texas Hangmen 5Texas Hangmen 6

In the late 80’s and early 90’s Tag Team wrestling was very big and teams like the Road Warriors, Demolition and The Powers Of Pain were the ones that brought fans into arena as they had a look of face paint, flashy gear and a badass wrestling style that made them feel like true tough guys and like they could snap their opponents’ necks. I feel like The Texas Hangmen are a team that traded the face paint for masks, as well traded in the apocalyptic fashion for western gear and used names like Killer and Psycho to show that they meant business. They also would bring out nooses to show that they truly were Hangmen as I can remember them getting a little heat from people when they used the nooses to hang and choke Invader # 1 and this single act is what made them big names in Puerto Rico and made them feared by fans as they came off as true madmen. Growing up I remember The Texas Hangman from the AWA and seeing them on ESPN and wondering why they were not working for WCW as their look and style would have fit right in and they could have had some great matches with the likes of Steiner Brothers, Road Warriors and even Doom. The crazy thing to think about is that as a team they only stayed together for a few years and when disbanding the team the each tried to make their own paths in the business, and while they both did find small amounts of success I would have liked to seen them stick together and try to make runs in WWF, ECW, CMLL, New Japan and WCW. They are also a team that I am pretty sure got their gimmick stolen as Texas Hangmen or teams with similar looks and names would pop up in small indie federations. Another very interesting thing about The Texas Hangmen is that their background as a team is very all over the place with many saying the started in AWA and others saying it was for the smaller indies before landing in AWA, but one thing is for sure they were a entertaining team that I would love to see have a match at Rock Star Pro Wrestling in Dayton, Ohio against a team like The Hooligans or even The Bad Dudes.

Texas Hangmen 7

We are now at the point of this review were we will be taking a look at the DVD set and review some of the matches on the discs like always between 4 to 8. Sadly on a side note I could only review 3 full matches. I want to thank HyperDevil for having this set in stock and also want to thank The Texas Hangmen for their hard work in the world of wrestling. I also want to remind you that I will be breaking down the match and will be rating the matches on a 5 Star rating system. Here is what the stars mean ½ Means a really terrible match, * Means a bad match, ** Means a below average match, **1/2 Means a good average entertaining match, *** Means a good match, **** Means a great match, ***** Means an epic match. So if you are ready, let’s step into the ring with The Texas Hangmen.

RIW Texas Hangmen DVD

Best Of The Texas Hangmen

Match 1: Texas Hangmen vs. Carlos Colon & T.N.T

The Texas Hangmen and Carlos and T.N.T start brawling before any of them even get in the ring and the fans are going crazy as they keep throwing punches all around as it’s clear that these teams have a hatred for each other. Carlos even rips one of the Hangman’s mask as he is trying to make the masked man bleed with big punches. T.N.T gets one of the Hangmen into the ring as Carlos rams the others head into a plate as the ring is set up in the middle of a baseball field, once they all get back to the ring the match becomes more of a normal tag match and Carlos and T.N.T take control of the match landing hits, holds and even using what looks like a fork on the heads of The Texas Hangmen. For a short time the Hangmen make a comeback but it quickly turns into both teams brawling and they take it outside the ring again and the match it thrown out as the two teams keep on fighting and even the locker room empties to try and break them up. This match is pretty much mostly a brawl with both team just exchanging punches and kicks in and outside the ring and the fans were really into this match as it was clear that they love Carlos Colon and T.N.T as for most of the match they are in charge. The match also has blood and The Texas Hangmen prove that they are brawlers and can take a beating and dish out a beating and still seem like contenders. The match ending in a brawl and being thrown out was very fitting as it was clear that fans would come back for a rematch between these two teams. Over all, while it’s nothing super special when it comes to moves, the story they tell in the ring as well as the chemistry between the two teams is good and that is what makes this match a great watch.

Grade: ***

Texas Hangmen 8Texas Hangmen 9Texas Hangmen 10

Match 2: Texas Hangmen vs. Invader # 1 & T.N.T

As soon as the two teams get into the ring they start brawling, and Invader even takes one of the Hangmen out of the ring and uses a chair on him and is delivering big punches while in the ring T.N.T is beating up on the other Hangmen and these beating continues for a while even at one point T.N.T chokes one with a belt and Invader smashes the other over the head. The teams end up taking the brawl into the ring again and it turns into a normal tag match with each team exchanging holds and mostly punches back and fourth. The referee ends up getting knocked out, and The Texas Hangmen try and use their bull rope to hit Invader # 1 with but T.N.T saves him for a moment, but one of the Hangmen uses the rope to choke Invader who is in deep trouble. The match is thrown out as The Texas Hangmen leave the ring and head to the locker room as T.N.T and Invader # 1 pose for the rabid cheering fans. This is another brawling match that pretty much follows the same formula as the last match that is pretty much the baby face team brawling with the heel team all around the arena as the fans cheer and once they get it back into the ring the match goes back and fourth and in the end a brawl erupts and the match ends with a no contest. No big moves are thrown, the brawling looks great and the hanging spot looks good as his the reversal of the hanging. Over all just another brawl that is entertaining and both teams look good throughout the match. The fans in attendance are really into this match as well, and I am not sure but at one point I think a fan throws a smoke bomb around the ring…a wild match.

Grade: ***

Texas Hangmen 11Texas Hangmen 12Texas Hangmen 13

Match 3: Texas Hangmen vs. Invader # 1 & Bronco # 1

The Texas Hangmen are the tag champions, and as they head to the ring, they taunt the fans who really hate these guys. Bronco # 1 has seen and heard enough and goes out after him and gets them both in the ring and Invader # 1 starts dealing out some punches. When the Hangmen roll out of the ring, they return only to taunt the fans some more. And every time the match is about to start and Invader # 1 gets any momentum the Hangmen roll out of the ring. Once the match really starts Invader and Bronco take the momentum and use fast tags to keep the match in their favor, Bronco even works over one of the Hangmen’s arm as the fans cheer, but shortly after The Hangmen take control of the match and use their brawling style to cause pain. The two teams then take turns going back and fourth with momentum and several times Invader # 1 tries to go for the pin but it’s always broken up by the other Hangman. But after a big punch Invader # 1 is finally able to get the win via pin and the fans go wild as they have just won the Tag Titles. This match starts off way to slow and I get that The Texas Hangmen were getting heart from their taunting and slowing down the action, but when watching at home it sadly comes off bland and uninteresting. But while it starts off not great, I think the match speeds up slightly and the tag team chemistry between Invader # 1 and Bronco # 1 was good as they did fast tags and used double team moves to keep their two monster heel opponents down. The Texas Hangmen are doing their normal brawling style, but also use lots of rest holds throughout the match. The finish is a little odd as well as such a simple move ends a title match. At times I also have to point out that when Bronco # 1 would do off the rope moves he seemed very awkward and stiff. But much to say besides it was an ok match between four skilled workers that the fans seemed to be into for the most part, I was entertained but was also slightly bored at times.

Grade: **1/2

Texas Hangmen 14Texas Hangmen 15Texas Hangmen 16

The Texas Hangmen was a pretty cool tag team that worked all around the world and clearly was big draws as heels in Puerto Rico as the fans really did seem to hate them. And it really is a shame that they never got a full chance to show their talents in one of the two major companies WWF and WCW as I really do think they could have been a solid mid-card heel team that could have helped put over the companies top baby face teams as well as get win over some of the mid and lower card ones. Teams like The Texas Hangmen are a product of the past as you just don’t see teams like them on TV anymore. But as you can see, the matches are over and the house lights have came up and the cleaning crew are out so that’s our clue to leave and as we make out way to the exit doors I would like to tell you that our next update will take us away from the squared circle and back into the world of Western themed media as we will be talking about the iconic cowboy Red Ryder and his comic books as well as his B.B. Guns! So with that until next time read a comic or three, watch a wrestling match or two and as always support your local wrestlers. Oh and remember the phrase “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out Kid” as Red Ryder and it go hand and hand.

Red Ryder Preview Logo

Wild West Round Up: Lucky Boots (1935)

Welcome back to the Rotten Ink Ranch. Pull yourself up a seat around the campfire as the chili is cooking and we’ll chat about classic Western Cinema while we bring it to a boil as talking classic western cinema is something that I enjoy. I am thinking that March 2024 will once more be Cowboy Month as we will not only chat about the 1935 film Lucky Boots in this update but we will also later in the month be talking about wrestler Tex McKenzie as well as the iconic cowboy Red Ryder! Oh and the chili we will be trying for this update sounds fantastic, and you will learn about it a little later in this update. So if you are ready and while the chili is still cooking over the campfire, let’s take a look at the history of the film Lucky Boots and its actor Big Boy Williams.

Wild West Round Up Lucky Boots Logo copy

Lucky Boots, also known as Gun Play, was a cheaply shot western that was made to cash in on the craze that was sweeping cinemas at the time, as moviegoers loved western and horror movies during the time. The film was written by William L. Nolte and was produced by Arthur Alexander and Max Alexander, who were brothers that produced many movies during their long career. They followed many trends in their time, and their production company M & A Alexander Productions of course was involved with Hollywood Film Exchange being the distributor. When they needed a director, they brought in Al Herman, a man who was known for directing and writing B-Movies and has such titles as “The Whispering Shadow (1933)”, “Blazing Justice (1936)”, “Valley Of Terror (1937)” and “The Missing Corpse (1945)” to name a very few as he directed almost 200 films, shorts and shows. And it was clear that the Alexander Brothers hired Herman due to the fact that he could turn in fun films on a small budget that would turn profits. When casting the film, they brought in Guinn “Big Boy” Williams to be the star. He served in the military during World War I and originally had dreams to play baseball before becoming an actor thanks to Will Rogers who hooked him in the business. Big Boy would star in over 200 films and would be married three times all to actresses with one being Barbara Weeks who would star in the Ed Wood written film “The Violent Years” in 1956. Sadly Big Boy Williams would pass away in 1963 from uremic poisoning at the age of 63. Other names hired for the cast include Marion Shilling, Hal Taliaferro, Frank Yaconelli, Tom London, Helen Gibson and Charles K. French. The film would open in theaters on December 1, 1935 and was a modest hit that sadly over the ages has been lost in the shuffle of the western movies filmed at this time. And for those wondering and wanting to pay their respects to Guinn “Big Boy” Williams, he is buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in California.

Lucky Boots 1

The chili for this Wild West Round Up review is called “Smokey Chorizo Chili” and is a recipe by Country Music Star Trisha Yearwood and was listed on the Food Network website. This one sounds good as I am a big fan of chorizo and it will be interesting as the recipe calls for red and orange bell peppers and I am not a big fan of them, but I do look forward to seeing how they taste in this chili. This Smokey Chorizo Chili has about 40-45 prep time and should cook for around 1hr 30min. And the smell of this chili cooking was very pleasant and filled the house, I even noticed my cat Jazzy sniffing the air. So below is a look at the chili with cheese and sour cream on the top once it was done.

Lucky Boots Chili

With my bowl filled with some Smokey Chorizo Chili and a nice tall class of ice water ready to be drunk, I think it’s time we munch down and take a look at the film Lucky Boots starring Big Boy Williams. And I want to remind you that I will be grading both the film and the chili on a classic 1-4 star scale, and would also like to thank Alpha Video and Game Swap Kettering for making this update possible. Well I am ready to eat and watch classic Western cinema, so with that let’s dig into both the chili and this Wild West Round Up film!

Lucky Boots DVD

Lucky Boots
Starring: Big Boy Williams and Tom London      Directed: Al Herman
Not Rated     1935   59min   Alpha Video   DVD   Full Frame

A massive gun fight is breaking out between two groups when General Tirado is shot and is taken away by friends to the nearby ranch ran by the Holt family for help as well as away form the massive amounts of gold he is caring to be safe. His men are loyal and his friendship with the Holts is true as they rush him into a room for rest, but sadly that night he dies. Meanwhile many years later at a shady saloon, Pedro is telling Meeker over drinks the story of the death of the General and the gold that was buried on the Holt ranch as he was a witness to this and was blindfolded before they got to the spot and now he is the only surviving member of those who buried it. Meeker then enters his office and reads a letter from George Holt about he and his sister Madge coming west for their fathers estate. He steals apart of the letter and then gets his men ready to head to the Holt ranch.

Lucky Boots 2Lucky Boots 3Lucky Boots 4

Meeker and his men get to the ranch and he gives orders to not let anyone get too close to the house as he and his right hand man Cal enter the home looking for a trunk that is talked about in the stolen section of the letter. Meanwhile Billy Williams and his friend Frank Gorman are riding near and having a good time when they are threatened and chased off by some of Meeker’s men who tell them that it’s private property, and this causes a big chase to take place as Meeker’s men ride after Frank and behind his men is Williams. When Frank is thrown from his horse, Meeker’s men catch up to him and start to rough him up, that is until Billy Williams arrives and uses his fists to floor the goons with big punches and chases them off. Williams and Frank decide to camp there for the night, while back at the Holt ranch Meeker and Cal have found the trunk and ride off with it to open away from the ranch as George and Madge are on their way to the family ranch.

Lucky Boots 5Lucky Boots 6Lucky Boots 7

Williams and Frank are at their night camp removing their boots and settling in for the evening as Frank is complaining about nothing going their way as Williams tells him to look at the brighter side of things and who knows luck just might fall out of the sky, as the two start to take a nap. Meanwhile Meeker and Cal search the trunk and just find some papers, hats and boots and when they see that the Holt siblings are coming they toss the trunk and boots over a small ledge and leave the scene. The boots land near the sleeping Billy Williams who ends up putting them on and thinks it’s a sign from heaven as his boots had holes in them. Meeker and his men make it back to the ranch on time to great George and Madge Holt and deliver the letter that now makes them the full owner of Holt ranch, he even tries to trick them into selling it to him as he talks about the ranch needing lots or repair as well as the taxes and up keep. But Madge and George Holt are tired and do not want to talk business so Meeker leaves for the night as the siblings soak in their new home.

Lucky Boots 8Lucky Boots 9Lucky Boots 10

Williams and Frank come across The Holt Ranch and come up with the idea of seeing if they could get jobs at the ranch to earn a little money, and they arrive just in time to save Madge from a charging bull as Williams is able to rope it and then wrestle it to the ground. After talking with the Holts they are hired to work the ranch as hands. Back at the office of Meeker he can not figure out the hiding meaning of the trunk and the stolen part of the letter and Cal and he try their best to crack the secret and they finally do as the heat from Meeker’s cigar brings out the invisible ink that tells them the location of treasure can be found in the heel of the boots that are now being warn by Williams. Meeker gets his men together and the head to the location of the dumped trunk only to find the boots missing and know that some one has them when they find the old warn out boots of Williams. Meeker does not give up and has a plan that will help them find the boots and the clue to find the buried gold.

Lucky Boots 11Lucky Boots 12Lucky Boots 13

Meeker is sponsoring a dance that will allow any cowboy from town to bring their old pair of boots in for a brand new pair, as he hopes this will get him the boots quick and easy. And when news of the dance to the Holt Ranch excitement fills the air as George says that all of them should go and all agree and are ready for a fun night of gathering and dancing and of course boots! The dance is going well and many people are trading in their old boots for new ones, but when Williams and his friends arrive none trade in their boots as when Frank tries they are out of his size. Meeker sits the Holts at a reserved table and reminds them that he made an offer to buy the ranch before talking to Cal who is boot watching seeing if anyone entering the dance and not trading in their boots don’t fit the description of the boots they are looking for. As Meeker heads back to the Holts’ he notices the boots on the feet of Williams and knows he has finally found them! Williams asks Madge to dance as Meeker alerts Cal who as well heads to the dance floor with a lady and after rudely bumping into Madge he and Williams get into a fight on the dance floor as the towns people watch. Williams is getting the upper hand so Meeker signals for more of his men to enter the fight and Williams is holding them all off by himself, and Meeker even tries to cheat by turning off the lights and scaring the people at the dance. Once the fight is over Williams, Frank, Madge and George all head home to the ranch as Meeker yells at Cal for failing to get the boots.

Lucky Boots 14Lucky Boots 15Lucky Boots 16

Back at The Holt Ranch, both George and Frank turn in for the night while Williams and Madge chat about the fight and how unprovoked it was that so many others would jump in like that, they also talk about the death and hidden treasure of General Tirado, spurs and Williams even sings for Madge while Frank plays the harmonica outside, but George puts a stop to the singing as he is wanting to sleep and so everyone starts to get ready for bed. While outside Cal and another man watch and wait for everyone to be asleep so they can steal the boots, the goon climbs into Williams’s window but is punched in the face and falls out the window for his effort and as he and Cal make a run for it Williams fires his gun at them. The noise wakes everyone in the house and Williams tells them of the prowler and how it looks like it was two of them, he then says he thinks something is up and that he is keeping guard all night and everyone else should get some sleep.

Lucky Boots 17Lucky Boots 18Lucky Boots 19

The next morning Williams and Frank starting working and when the separate to complete some jobs Meeker’s men once more attack and give chase to Williams who falls from his horse and acts as if he has been hit by one of their bullets, this of course was a trick as he lures them close to him and when they try and take his boots he then puts up a big fight. After taking out two of Meeker’s men, more show up with Meeker being one of them and start shooting at them and this causes him to once more get on his horse and try to out run them and is able to hide from them. Williams ends up finding the hidden message in the heel of his boot and unlucky for him Meeker and Cal seem him discover it and decided to follow him to learn the location for themselves. Williams takes the location paper to George and Madge and they now know that Meeker is a bad man and that the treasure is there and theirs.

Lucky Boots 20Lucky Boots 21Lucky Boots 22

Williams leads George, Frank and Madge to the location of the buried treasure and they all start digging hoping to find it, and after awhile they find the gold! But across the way Meeker, Cal and the others are watching and plotting to rob them of their newly found riches and they make their move by shooting at them! George and Madge try to make their escape in a wagon that the gold is on board while Williams and Frank on horseback try and keep Meeker and his gang at bay. The Holts are able to make it back home to the ranch and get the gold inside just as Williams and Frank arrive with Meeker and his goons right behind them, Williams gets them to all hold up in the house and have a stand off with Meeker and his men who are outside firing in. After a few minutes two of Meeker’s men are dead and only he and Cal remain to try and get the gold, but in the end with two unloaded guns Williams is able to get Meeker and Cal to surrender and they are arrested. Williams and Frank also find themselves now as part owners of The Holt Ranch for all their help and Madge and Williams start up a relationship.

Lucky Boots 23Lucky Boots 24Lucky Boots 25

Review: Lucky Boots is a very slow moving and for the most part lackluster western film that is about hidden treasure, a con man who runs the town and two strangers that befriend the new ranch owners of the town and help them uncover the riches that is theirs…oh yeah and lots of talk about boots as the whole film revolves around the directions to the hidden treasure that is hidden in the heel of an old pair of them…just silly stuff. And to be honest while most of these westerns were made very cheaply this one seems to be more lacking in the script department than the budget one as it just seems like it never truly starts and much of the “action” parts are two few and far between and in some cases brag on and almost seem like filler with the opening gun battle and the fist fight at the dance both coming to mind. The final gun fight between the good guys and the bad guys comes off very generic and standard as it’s just back and fourth shots of guns being fired with lots of smoke and no real danger being felt as for the longest time both sides are as bad of shots as Stormtroopers from Star Wars and Cobra Guards from G.I. Joe with just blindly firing lots of bullets and hitting nothing. The film’s main hero is Billy Williams who is played by Big Boy Williams and is kind of a goofy hero who thinks his found boots have brought him luck, and well they kind of do as the lead him to a job, gold and the love of a lady…but I also think he is kind of two goofy as I just can not take him serious as a gun slinging hero. His sidekick Frank Gorman is played for laughs and cheesy slapstick comedy his way through the film and has a over the top laugh and even at one point is creepily looking around a door, he as well is not a hero you can believe in. The beauty of the film is Madge Holt and she is your typical city woman who now is in the west and trying to run a ranch, the best part for her is when she has to run from the bull as it made me laugh out loud. Meeker and his men are the baddies and besides being greedy, wanting to steal gold and try to kill some people they are pretty lame and just ride around shooting and hitting nothing, loosing fist fights and just kind of being lame. The film is a total miss for me as the action is drawn out and boring, the story is bland and over all this is a classic western you should skip. I will say that the Alpha Video DVD print is pretty good and has only a few audio issues but nothing that distracted me from the movie.

Now let’s talk about the Smokey Chorizo Chili and if it was a hit or a miss for me. I am here to say that it was a HIT as I found it to be very good and hearty. I have to point out that this chili has many ingredients that I do not like at all like Red Peppers, Butternut Squash and Orange Peppers…but it also has Chorizo that I really like and what is shocking is all these things along with the tomatoes, spices, onions and black beans blend really well together. The chili packs a little heat that is not over bearing and again I have to really push that all these flavors just blend together really well. So really if you enjoy chili and are looking for something warm and comforting during a cold evening give this chili a try as both Juliet and I really liked it. I should say I would suggest that if you try this recipe to do a pound and a half of the chorizo

Movie: **
Chili: ***1/2

Lucky Boots 26Lucky Boots 27Lucky Boots 28

So as you can see, we had a great tasty bowl of chili and watched an entertaining yet kind of bland classic western film and I have to stress for me no matter how good or bad these Western Films released by Alpha Video I still very much enjoy sitting down and watching them as again they make me think of my Grandpa who loved these types of films and because watching them with him I found myself as well loving them. Also I have to say that Big Boy Williams had that Hollywood Cowboy look, I just wish he was a little more rough and tough in this film and way less silly and goofy. And The Wild West Round Up updates have been lots of fun to do and while I am not sure if they will be an every year theme, they will be a main stay update here at Rotten Ink. Cowboy Month is still going strong and out next update will take is to the squared circle as we talk about The Texas Hangmen, a masked tag team that worked from the 80’s to 90’s. So until next time, read a western comic or three, watch a western film or two and as always support your local chili makers! See you next update as the R.I.W Wrestling Legend update event should be a brawling one.

RIW Texas Hangmen Logo Preview

That Giant Angry Dog Called Marmaduke

Welcome back to Rotten Ink. As you can see, the Sunday newspaper has been delivered and that means it’s time to once more give the Rotten Funnies a read. For this update I have decided that it’s time we chat about that giant dog Marmaduke as this update is long overdue. Do you remember sitting at the table as breakfast was being made; your dad read the sports page as you kids were reading the funnies. I have good memories of that and then having breakfast of eggs, sausage and milk while talking about what Garfield or Charlie Brown were doing that morning. There’s just something very special about reading the funnies on Sunday Mornings, and I fear that this is a joy that has been lost to today’s youth as print newspapers themselves are not as common in households. But let’s not think about that, and let’s pour ourselves more milk, coffee or OJ and talk about the silly antics of the one and only Marmaduke!

Marmaduke 1

Brad Anderson was the artist and writer behind the comic strip Marmaduke that started in 1954 and was a syndicated strip that was sold to National Newspaper Syndicate which allowed it to be seen all over America in newspapers. Brad Anderson was born on May 14, 1924 in Jamestown, New York and served in the Navy allowing him to attend Syracuse University as well as work on cartoons for several Navy publications. In 1951 he graduated college with a B.F.A in Fine Arts and a major in advertising. After working a few years in advertising he found his true love and that was cartooning for magazines and papers and his career in that started in 1953 and from 1954 to 1966, he worked on his first big comic strip called “Grandpa’s Boy.” In 1954 his biggest and most iconic strip also started up and that was Marmaduke, about a big Great Dane and the family he belonged to. Anderson claims that his ideas for the strips would be based on some of his favorite antics from comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. Anderson would also work alongside Phil Leeming from 1955-1962, Dorothy Leeming from 1963-1969 and his own son Paul Anderson starting in 2015 on the comic strip that became very popular with readers. Over the years Brad Anderson would win a National Cartoonists Society Reuben Award in 1978 and a Pioneer Medal from Syracuse University in 1999. Sadly Brad Anderson would pass away on August 30, 2015 at the age of 91 from congestive heart failure, and while he is gone, his work lives on as his son Paul keeps Marmaduke alive and the comic strip still is printed in newspapers across America. I should also note that Marmaduke got a feature length movie in 2010 that starred Judy Greer, Lee Pace, Emma Stone, George Lopez, Kiefer Sutherland, Fergie and Owen Wilson as the voice of Marmaduke. Plus let’s not forget he also had a cartoon series alongside Heathcliff!

Marmaduke 2Marmaduke 3Marmaduke 4

Now let’s talk about the characters that make up the Marmaduke universe! First let’s talk about the Winslow Family that has the father Phil, who is a good natured hard working man who loves his family as well as his pet dog, even if the latter can drive him crazy! The mother is Debbie, who is as well very loving and caring to her family and can even send Marmaduke on missions to get or protect the kids. Speaking of the Winslow kids, you have Barbie and Billy two good kids who like all kids get into mischief and much of the time Marmaduke is along for the ride keeping them safe. Marmaduke is a very large Great Dane. While his size and sometimes his attitude can be scary, he is really very lovable and loyal to the Winslow Family. Other major characters in the comic strip are The Snyders, the next door neighbors of the Winslow’s who are annoyed by the antics of Marmaduke, and King Tut, a Siamese cat who is often annoying and bugging Marmaduke, and acts as the dog’s enemy in the strips he appears.

Marmaduke 5

Marmaduke is a truly iconic comic strip that is still going to this day and is one that I grew up reading both in the paper as well as owning many of the paperback book collections. In fact growing up when reading the Sunday Funnies, Maramduke was the fifth strip that I had to read just behind Peanuts, Garfield, Far Side, Andy Capp and Blondie. And that is the thing about Marmaduke, because he was a massive dog, it made him a must read strip for kids, because just like robots, animals in comics made us 80’s and 90’s kids flock like moths to a flame. I want to thank Half Price Books and an Etsy seller for having these paperbacks in stock and making this update possible. I also want to remind you readers that I grade this book on a standard 1-4 star system and am looking for how well the comic stays to the source material, its entertainment value and its art and story. Also keep in mind, I will only be picking 10 strips from the book to talk about, and they are my favorites in no real order. I am very much looking forward to reading this paperback again as I have not read a Marmaduke strip in decades, and I am looking forward to catching back up with this crazy dog again. Also they made several paperback books featuring Marmaduke, so I tracked down two of them to make this update a little more fuller and fun!

Marmaduke Paperback 1

Marmaduke  ***
Released in 1965     Cover Price NA     Scholastic    # ?? of ??

# 1) It’s Halloween and the neighbors are scared of Marmaduke so they are giving him steaks in his trick or treat bag. # 2) Marmaduke is running with a chunk of meat in his mouth as Phil asks Debbie to call the police and see if the meat market has reported a robbery. # 3) Barbie has a mop on the head of Marmaduke and tells him this is what he would look like if he was a member of the band The Beatles. # 4) Phil and Debbie are looking out the window and see Marmaduke and the new dog of the neighborhood having a stare down. # 5) Phil is annoyed as Marmaduke and his dog friends are blocking the TV, and he is telling Debbie that they should move to a apartment that does not allow animals. # 6) A thunderstorm is raging outside and Phil tells Debbie that nothing could get him to go out in it, that is till Marmaduke wants to go for his nightly walk. # 7) Barbie is in bed and Marmaduke is pointing to his teeth as she forgot to brush and she is annoyed he noticed. # 8) Marmaduke is running down the street and dragging poor Phil who is trying to remind his pet that it’s a walk not a run! # 9) Marmaduke is asleep and is counting poodles in his dream. # 10) The Winslow Family have Marmaduke outside with a For Sale sign around his neck.

What a fun flashback to my youth as I have not read a Marmaduke comic strip in well over a decade, and this was a fun one to read again as I had this book when I was a kid. And man are there lots of jokes about Marmaduke loving steak and how Phil would love to be able to get rid of his pet as he is large, in charge and bullies the town with his massive size. We also know that Marmaduke goes trick or treating with the kids and that’s pretty great as not only is he watching over them but he is also wearing a costume and getting treats himself. While I do think that the humor is very dated, I still feel that this can pack a few chuckles even for modern readers who did not grow up with this comic strip, as let’s be honest almost everyone loves jokey animals. While Marmaduke is a menace to people, he also is protective of his family as well as looks out for the dogs in town as he runs off the dogcatchers and frees the captured dogs. The Winslow family while annoyed with their pet love him and even give into his love for top cut meats showing that he truly is part of the family. The goofy faces of Marmaduke are also very funny and adds to the entertainment of this book. The artwork by Anderson is great stuff and is classic comic strip style that seems to bring joy to the faces of readers. Over all this was a great read that might not be for everyone, but those of use who grew up on comic strips in the Sunday Papers will surely enjoy it. Check out the artwork below to see the art of Anderson as well as the jokes used in this book.

Marmaduke Paperback Art 1Marmaduke Paperback Art 2Marmaduke Paperback Art 3

So let’s go to the second Marmaduke paperback I have and see if it lives up like the first book did.

Marmaduke Rides Again Paperback 1

Marmaduke Rides Again !   ***
Released in 1968     Cover Price .85      Scholastic     # ?? of ??

# 1) Marmaduke and Phil Winslow are at a sports game as the hotdog man is worried about passing someone’s dog to them as Marmaduke has a crazed look in his eye. # 2) Phil calls in Debbie to watch as Marmaduke is annoyed as he thinks that his image in the newly installed door mirror is another dog. # 3) Billy is hiding between the front legs of Maramduke who is giving a mean look to another boy who has been bulling Billy who is daring him to say it now. # 4) Phil is at the butcher’s shop with Marmaduke and the butcher is thanking Phil for help putting his son through college due to all the meat he has to buy to feed Marmaduke! # 5) The Winslow family is having a picnic at a park, and Marmaduke steals another family’s basket as they packed better food. # 6) Billy is holding up a magnifying glass to the eye of Marmaduke and they are looking at a Chihuahua and Billy is telling him that he told him he was a real dog. # 7) Phil has taken Marmaduke to the park and a group of hippies are walking in circles with their signs and Marmaduke is following them, and Phil is happy as it beats him having to walk around the block for the dog to get exercise. # 8) It’s late at night and Phil is looking out the window and Mr. Snyder is feeing Marmaduke lots of peanut butter in order to stop his barking. # 9) Phil and Billy are fishing on a lake but half the boat is sunk do to Marmaduke’s size, and Phil is telling his son this is why they should have not brought him. # 10) Billy and his friend are in a tent camping in the backyard, but Marmaduke is having to act as the tent pole as he chewed up the original one. And this is just 10 out of a 100 different comics to choose from!

The second revisit is just as fun as the first and delivers another fun comic strip read. This is classic stuff and while some of the humor is a little dated it is really cool to see this style of humor pulled off in one panel and style that is really hard to do, but Brad Anderson does a great job of also adding to the humor by the looks on Marmaduke’s face in many of the comics. This book has a great mixture of humor in it as well and much of the better ones are the ones of Marmaduke being weird and making funny faces, the hotdog one comes to mind and made me laugh out loud when I first saw it. And while the humor of Marmaduke might not be for everyone and sadly I feel is a little lost in these modern times, I do find him to be a very iconic comic strip character who has delivered laughs to many young and old readers over the decades. But even with that said I feel that animal based humor will never truly go out of fashion as most people love dogs, cats, mice, hamster, birds, fish, snakes, lizards, bunnies and all other types of pets that are found in households worldwide. Check out the artwork below to see they style used in this paperback by Anderson.

Marmaduke Rides Again Paperback Art 1Marmaduke Rides Again Paperback Art 2Marmaduke Rides Again Paperback Art 3

Marmaduke is one comic strip character that really has kept its charm for me as this was a blast reading both these paperback books, and in fact they kind of made me feel like a kid again and truly miss those days of a family breakfast on a Sunday Morning eating eggs, toast and sausage links while drinking a glass of milk and reading the Sunday Funnies along with my brother. And with that we have taken a look at two different comic dogs with Top Dog being the first update and Marmaduke being the second, but for out next update we will be leaving Comic Canines behind and will be heading to the West…The Wild West for another Round Up so you readers know that means talking about a classic western film as well as chili with the film being Lucky Boots! So until next update, read a comic of three, watch a film or two and as always support your local horror host. See you next update at the Rotten Ink Ranch as the chili is cooking on the campfire and the western film is in the DVD player.

Lucky Boots Preview Logo

Belvedere: The K-9 That Comic Strips Forgot

It’s time to grab that glass of milk and open up the Rotten Ink Daily News and find the Rotten Funnies as we once more take a look at a classic comic strip that made the newspapers worth opening! Don’t get me wrong, I have a very soft spot in my heart for the newspaper but after the Virus Crisis of 2020 I feel like almost all news is bad news…well that is being a little dramatic. While looking through my paperback books that are compilations of comic strips I decided that I wanted to take a look at one that I did not grow up reading and one that I knew very little about, as I am sure I am like many of you readers as I love to learn about things and characters and that’s why I choose that comical dog Belvedere as this update’s topic. Bratty animal comic strips are ones that I enjoyed in my youth and even still somewhat to this day as Garfield is fantastic and Snoopy of Peanuts is a true icon of comic strip history. So I am pretty excited to see what Belvedere brings to the table when it comes to comic strips. So sit back, drink that milk and maybe have some ham and eggs and let’s take a look at that dog named Belvedere.

Belvedere 1

The creator of Belvedere is George Webster Crenshaw, who was born on October 23, 1917 in Los Angeles, California. He was a student of UCLA as well as Harvard and made an impact in the world of animation as he worked on such Disney films as “Fantasia” and “Pinocchio” as well as several “Donald Duck” cartoons. He also worked with MGM on many “Tom and Jerry” toons. He also had his hand in the world of newspaper and magazine comic strips with much of his work being published in publications like The New Yorker, Reader’s Digest, Woman’s World and The National Enquirer. Plus he did some comic book writing for characters like Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse and Woody Woodpecker. But much of his comic strip work was not a major hit with most lasting less than two years. He did such titles as “The Muffins” that lasted from 1957-1959; his next was “Nubbin” that would go from 1958-1972. His shortest lived strip was “McGirk’s Works” that started and ended in 1959! “Sompkins” was from 1971-1978 and his only major hit was Belvedere that was from 1962 all the way to 1995. George Webster Crenshaw would pass away on September 6, 2007 and while he is no longer with us, he has left behind many comic strips that bring laughter and delight to readers all over the world.

Belvedere 2Belvedere 3

The characters that make up this single panel comic strip universe are the following: Orville and Emma are a married couple who have a good house, good neighbors and a great relationship that includes home cooked meals and fun vacations and getaways. Emma likes to cook and go on hikes, while Orville is a man who likes to fish and hunt. The couple owns three very odd pets with their talking and sarcastic bird being named Chi-Chi. He is a handful as he is also very honest and at times mean in his words to Orville. The cat is Jezebel, a sweet black kitty who struts around the house and town. And lastly is the dog Belvedere who has white fur with black spots and is a canine with attitude as he does what he wants and throws fits like a spoiled child if he doesn’t get his way. He also has a feud with the local dog catchers as well as the butcher who he tries and steal meat from. Also around are the townspeople, co-workers as neighbors, and let us not forget the other animals that are part of this comic strip universe.

Belvedere 4Belvedere 5Belvedere 6Belvedere 7Belvedere 8

So as you can tell, Belvedere is a comic strip that had a decent run in papers and while long gone from being printed and showing up in the Sunday Funnies, many of his comic strip humorous adventures can be found in paperback books and one of them is what we will be using for this super quick update. I want to thank a seller on Etsy for having this book as part of a lot that I was able to get for a really good price. Also want to remind you readers that I grade this book on a standard 1-4 star system and am looking for how well the comic stays to the source material, its entertainment value and its art and story. So lets get to the one and only Belvedere!

Belvedere The Odds Are Book 1

Belvedere: The Odds Are  **
Released in 1982   Cover Price $1.75     Tor Books     #? of ?

Much like all these comic strip paperback books they feature one page jokes and stories so it makes it very hard to cover for these reviews. So like always, I will pick 10 of my favorite gags from this book and give you a taste of the style of humor used in Belvedere and again in no real order. # 1 has Orville and Emma on vacation and has Orville looking shocked as King Kong has grabbed a young woman, and he is seconding guessing if they should have chosen this spot. # 2 has Emma and Orville eating a hot dog from a stand on a peer and Belvedere is throwing a fit like a toddler as Emma tells Orville just to buy him another hot dog. # 3 has that sneaky Belvedere stealing a UFO from aliens who are confused to where their spacecraft went! # 4 has Orville sticking out of the floor and Belvedere is in a fighting stance as Emma tells her husband that he should give up, as you cannot teach judo to a dog. # 5 has Belvedere making a Bubble Gum Pizza and it’s a massive bubble as Orville looks on. # 6 has Orville and Belvedere at a secret fishing hole and are about to be eaten by a massive water monster. # 7 has Belvedere using boomerangs to knock out dogcatchers who laugh as they think they are toys! # 8 has Belvedere using voodoo to turn a dogcatcher into a frog! # 9 has Orville showing off a wild hog mounted on his wall to his friend, the hog is wearing a party hat and he tells how wild the hunt was. And # 10 has Orville and Belvedere looking for bones in a dig and the pet doghouse found the skeleton of a Centaur!

Let me start off by saying that Belvedere is a good kid friendly read and has the fun and mischief adventures of a pet dog with attitude, but I also want to say that George Crenshaw milks the same jokes several times in different strips and follows that same formula of a sassy animal much like Garfield and Heathcliff do. Now I am sure many of these jokes that he recycled over and over were spread out over months and maybe even years…but when put into this book, they stand out at being reused like the jokes of Belvedere telling someone to look one way as he steal meat and even jokes of him having fits over not getting his way when it comes to food. I also 100% think that the comic strip only can be funny in the visuals as the jokes that are told rely on them to work. I must say I do like the friendship between Belvedere and Orville. It’s one of the best things about this comic strip as the pair have fights and such but also spend time hunting, fishing and having adventures. And I would say that the friendship reminded me of Charlie Brown and Snoopy as far as they are not just owner and pet but also best friends. Sadly while Chi-Chi and Jezebel are around and do offer some laughs, they definitely take a back seat in this book. Emma is pretty funny and plays well off her husband as well as Belvedere. The cover for this paperback is pretty eye catching and has a vet making the mistake of thinking she is going to give Belvedere a shot! The interior art style of George Webster Crenshaw is good Sunday comic strip look that reminds me of slightly of Reg Smythe (Andy Capp) meets Dik Browne (Hagar The Horrible). To sum up Belvedere, while it is a fun and silly comic strip it is one that I found myself losing interest in the more the creator reused the jokes and gags. But with that said, I also say you readers should not only check out the art style of George Webster Crenshaw below, but also check out Belvedere as you might enjoy his style of humor.

Belvedere Book Art 1Belvedere Book Art 2

For you readers who enjoy funny animal comic strips I would say that you might enjoy Belvedere as he does have some pretty funny gags and has a classic strip charm to him. I really do hope that you enjoy these updates that are all about comic strip characters and the paperback books that bring collections together as I have been having fun reading them and writing these updates about them! For our next update, we will be sticking with the Dog theme as well as the comic strip one as well as we will be taking a look at that massive Marmaduke! So until next time, read a comic strip or three, watch a dog movie or two and as always support your local horror host. See you next update as it will be for the dogs……you get it? As this month has turned into comics about dogs.

Marmaduke Preview Logo