Fright Flicks Fan Films: Volume 1

Sometimes the world of Horror Cinema Hollywood lets you down when it doesn’t deliver a sequel to your favorite franchises fast enough or at all. I mean look how long we have all waited for new A Nightmare On Elm Street or Friday The 13th films that have yet to grace the big screen and quench our thirst for Freddy Kruger’s and Jason Voorhees’ killing sprees. When this happens some creative fans get an itch and are bitten by the creative bug, they create their own fan films to deliver to fellow fans of the series a new installment or at least their take on the classic horror icons of splatter and frights. There is something to be said about the art of a good fan film, and for the most part for me, they are a great way to kick back and see the great talent of fellow indie horror filmmakers as well as creative minds at work on characters I love who bring their fresh ideas and stories to them, and sometimes their ideas are better than the real Hollywood sequels! Below is just a small amount of the Fan Films in the world but these are ones I own on DVD and have chosen to cover on this first update that celebrates the art of a fan film. I have decided that for these fan films, I am going to grade them on a report card level with A+ being the best and F being terrible, and keep in mind I am not going to judge them as harsh as a Hollywood Film or even a solid bigger budget Indie Film…they will simply be graded on a Fan Film level. And this update will be the first of many about Horror Fan Films if you readers and friends enjoy this one, as this is a fun subject for me to write about as well as doing this one was a blast as seeing some of these films for the first time was a real treat. So with that let’s get to this update and see what fans of Horror have to offer the world of Indie Cinema.

Many of you long time readers know that I use to make Shot On Video Horror films and even have produced and acted in many Indie Horror Movies, but what many of you might not know is that my old company Independent B Movie was going to make some fan films of our own! I have written about “Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Return Of The Saw” that followed a beauty queen and her camera man being hunted by the Sawyer family on a back road of Texas while a bounty hunter was on their track to get revenge for a past victim. It would have been released in 2001/2002 and would have been a bloody good fan flick. But here are a few Horror Movie Fan Films that both my companies Independent B Movie and Bloodline Video were going to make or even had in production at one time, as well as what I can remember about them! “Night Of The Zombi” was to be based on the worm headed zombie from the Lucio Fulci film Zombi 2 and had a young woman home alone on the island as the dead were rising outside and old worm eye zombie had his sights set on getting the woman in the house. The film was going to be written, directed by me, and I was also slated to play the zombie with my friend Lauryn playing the woman in danger! This was an idea we both came up with while hanging out…would have been a fun one to film for sure, but was lost in the shuffle as Lauryn and I would go on to make the yet to be released “It’s In The Crawlspace” film. We were going to film at her fathers house as well as use Caesars Creek for the water locations. The film would have also been very bloody complete with lots of gut munching. Back in 1999 I also wrote a script for a Phantom Of The Opera fan film that was called “The Phantom Of The Woods” and it took place right after the events of the 1922 silent film! The film was suppose to have The Phantom escaping from the water and into the woods where he falls in love with a woman who is set to be married to another man. The film was written alongside many other scripts like Werewolf Of Ohio 2 and a Hercules script. The script was never got into production and was quickly forgotten about. I honestly do not remember who was going to be cast in what parts, but this is one that could someday get the Blood Scream Comics treatment. And the last time a Horror Fan film was talked about being made was in 2018 and is one that still might see the light of day as I have talked about doing one based on the 1973 Jess Franco film Female Vampire! But to be honest, I did film two fan films called “Hellraiser Warehouse” and “Hellraiser Warehouse II” that showcases Pinhead and Chatter tormenting workers at a deadbeat furniture warehouse…the films were made around 2006/2007 and the first film even played at a local cinema during an indie film showcase. Both of these short films I wrote and directed and even had a cameo in as a goofy shopper at the warehouse. Starring in the film was Stephen Alexander as Pinhead in both films and Josh Weinberg played The Creeper in both who was the bringer of the bad omens. James Courtney played the doomed manager in the first film and Matt Hoffman played the second doomed Manager in part 2. Mike Ritchie is shown as the warehouse owner in the second short and Thomas Blurton played Chatter in the second film. These are classic and fun films that both seemed to be a hit with those who watched them. Below is a picture from Hellraiser: Warehouse and, who knows if I ever will get the bug to film a fan film in the future!

But now let’s get onto these Fright Films and let’s see what some of these up and coming directors, writers, actors and producers can do with some of cinemas most loved Horror Icons and series. So sit back grab some popcorn and your favorite beverage, and let’s talk Fan Films! Oh and I want to thank my brother Bryan and my friend Matt Joseph for getting me many of these fan films and also want to thank some of the conventions that I attended that also had many of these in stock. But most importantly, I want to thank every single person involved in making any of these movies as they truly made this update possible and delivered entertainment to the masses.

The Blair Witch Legacy
Starring – Samantha Marie Cook & Cody Epling     Directed by Jason Hawkins
Released in 2018     Runtime: 1hr 38min       Not Rated

Plot: Filmmakers Sam, Cody and Jason are making a documentary about the film The Blair Witch Project and its legacy on the world of cinema and travel to Burkittsville, Maryland to showcase the films real stories used in the movie. When in town they start to look into the town and soon find that the townspeople are very quite and secretive about the Blair Witch and weird as well is the towns rash of disappearing kids over the years. Sam starts to become obsessed with the project and an old diary she got that has dirt on the town and uses it to bum rush residents that she is making enemies of. Cody and Jason are getting more and more frustrated with Sam as she pushes more and more on info on the missing kids. And to their bad luck, a kid they interviewed goes missing and they join the search and end up getting lost in the woods themselves as Sam is now missing and Cody and Jason are finding clues that they might be getting played for fools as things might not be what they seem. As they wander the woods to find their missing friend and a way out, they keep ending up at the same ripped up tent every night, and Jason seems to be losing his mind. In the end, the friends come face to face with the real Blair Witch who has teaches them a real lesson as do the townspeople.

Thoughts: This film is a found footage film and really tries to capture that magic of The Blair Witch Project and brings an “it’s real” atmosphere to the whole legacy and story. What works for the film is the whole missing kids story and the odd behavior of the townies who clearly are afraid of the curse of the Blair Witch who they all know is real and has caused terror for decades…as well as their hatred for the rabid fans of the films. I also like how the townspeople are working with the Blair Witch to teach outsiders a lesson in respect and to not mess with what they do not understand. The acting is pretty good for a fan film and each character in the film plays a part that helps further the script. The downside is that in some spots it drags as we go for a long stroll in the woods with Cody and Jason who scream for their missing friend as well as just grumble about being in the woods. And the main crime of the film in my opinion is not staying with the scares when they finally start…instead, we cut to the next day and have Jason once more flipping out covered in ash and mud. Clearly Jason Hawkins is a big fan of The Blair Witch Project and it shows in this fan film that I would say is pretty cool and fits very well in that universe. While this film is not for everyone and is a slow burn, I am sure fans of the Blair Witch will get some enjoyment and will fill the void until a new movie is made.

 Grade: B-

Dracula A.D. 2015
Starring – Xander Pretorius & Bessie Nellis     Directed by Joshua Kennedy
Released in 2015   Runtime: 59min     Not Rated

Plot: Jennifer is a student at Pace University in New York and is taking a class on myths plus folklore and in class they talk about Count Dracula! And one night she is pressured into having a séance with her friends in the basement of the college and by accident they bring Count Dracula back to life! Dracula is now wandering the hallways of the college as well as the streets of New York choosing victims to drink their blood and young Jennifer has become his target and obsession. Dracula along with his newly turned helpers turn and kill as many students that they can in order for Dracula to get to Jennifer. When bitten, Jennifer’s only hope is her boyfriend and her professor brother who are willing to fight the vampires to save her soul. Dracula and his minions put up a great fight until the end when The Count must face his would-be bride’s saviors that leaves him dead by sunlight.

Thoughts: It’s really cool to see a filmmaker paying tribute to Hammer Horror and its Dracula series and actor Christopher Lee with a modern fan film. And man do those who made this film really try its best to keep faithful to the feel and spooky nature of Hammer Horror, which made for a great watch on a late night. The acting is part stage and part over the top, and it works and never comes off super cheesy or too hammy with each actor doing a great job. Plus all the actresses in the film are super cute and fall in the mold of Hammer Starlets minus the massive cleavage. Xander Pretorius plays Count Dracula and does a solid job. While he looks young, he tries his best to bring out his inner Christopher Lee when it’s needed. I must also say that Kat Kennedy, who plays Jennifer and Hannah Rose Ammon, who plays Caroline, are fantastic in their roles and are very easy on the eyes, and I would love to see them both in more Horror Movies of all sorts of budgets. The film also does a great job of using score music from the Hammer Horror movies, and their use of lighting and locations are top notch. The film also does have a little blood, and while tame, it’s very fitting. I really did enjoy this fan film and found it to be a fun classic movie monster watch, and I would like to see these guys also tackle Hammer’s Frankenstein or even Plague Of The Zombies in a future fan film. I should also note that Joshua Kennedy is a known film director who makes classic style b-movies that have many being released by Alpha Video on DVD over the years…if you like this movie make sure to check them out as well.

Grade: A-

Starring – Farzam Mir & Mason Coburn     Directed by Aidan Bova
Released in 2017     Runtime: 25min     Not Rated

Plot: A group of friends are enjoying their lives in a small town hanging out, eating pizza, riding bikes and playing video games. But things change when kids in town go missing, and they become the next target for the sewer living clown creature Pennywise. And while out to play football Pennywise attacks the teens in the woods, and one by one they fall prey to his wicked ways and become his lunch.

Thoughts: This fan fright flick based on the Stephen King novel and blockbuster movie IT does its best to deliver some good scares with child killer and demonic being Pennywise The Dancing Clown. Scares are mostly done with cheap jump scares, but for this style of film based on this character it’s very fitting. The film has a little bit of blood but nothing major, and the effects are your standard mirco-indie stuff with most costumes and effects being store bought items. Now as far as Pennywise himself goes, the actor does his best to try and make himself scary and also tries really hard to try and capture the speech and attitude of the character, and while in spots he is really good…other times he comes off as a teenager cosplaying as his favorite horror baddie. Plus some moments in this fan film Pennywise comes off like a slasher film villain and not trickster creature he really is. The over all production values of this short are well done and it’s clear that those who made it really do love Stephen King’s IT. It also shows these guys have a love for filmmaking and this is great to see as these guys could be this next big faces in Horror Cinema. If they do another Horror Fan Film in the future, I would like to see them tackle something like Happy Death Day or Hell Fest and see what they can do with having to add in a little more blood and guts.

 Grade: B

Freddy vs. The Ghostbusters
Starring – Bradley Roddy & Jason Cook     Directed by Hank Braxtan
Released in 2004     Runtime: 34min     Not Rated

Plot: Stalker of dreams Freddy Kruger is using his razor sharp glove to kill any and all the kids who fall asleep. Neil is sick of being tormented in his dreams by Freddy and decides to hire the Ghostbusters to help him with his deadly issue…well he gets the friends and family members of the Ghostbusters to help and finds himself a member of the team now. The Ghostbusters find that Freddy must be plaguing the used mattress he just bought as the nightmares started once he got it. And when Freddy kills Neil’s roommate and traps his love interest Nancy in the dream world, they go in after her and bring Freddy to our world where they use their proton packs and ghost traps to bust him once and for all. Not bad for a bunch of ghost busting rookies!

Thoughts: This fan film is a blend of horror and comedy and brings the world of Ghostbusters and A Nightmare On Elm Street together, and for the most part does it pretty well. The only down side that doesn’t fit the mood of either film is some of the weird cruder humor. The plot works very well as having rookie Ghostbusters being forced to tangle with one of the worst supernatural slasher killers in history and trying to capture him with proton packs is a pretty dang cool idea. The film does not use blood and is played more for laughs and off screen kills, and this works as clearly the Ghostbusters are the stars of the film and Freddy is just around to be busted. Bradley Roddy plays Freddy Kruger and does a pretty great job of delivering the one-liners and showing off his kill glove. Plus it’s cool that we get cameos from green ghost Slimer and Jason Voorhees! The proton pack stream effects are well done as is the make up of Freddy. In fact for 2004, the digital effects this fan film looks pretty dang good. The runtime is prefect as it does not wear out its welcome and moves at a good pace to build to the final showdown, and speaking of that showdown it’s a little bit of a letdown as it goes by way to fast and Freddy don’t stand a chance against three proton packs and the ghost trap. Over all a fun classic goofy fan film that brings together two film franchises that just seem to work well with each other. The film’s score is also made up of music taken from both franchises as well as cues from popular pop music. Oh and I should also note that almost all copies I have seen of this film from the DVD I own to the ones on YouTube all seem to be low resolution making for dark scenes and fast movement to look a little blocky.

Grade: B-

Freddy’s Return: A Nightmare Reborn
Starring – Ronin Booker & Jennifer Farr     Directed by Jason Korsiak
Released in 2009     Runtime: 2hr       Not Rated

Plot: Freddy Kruger is stuck in limbo and is haunting the dreams of Kevin Marks whose father took part in his vigilante style execution many years back. Even as a kid Kevin was attacked by Freddy who has been the young man’s tormentor causing him lots of mental issues over the years. Now Freddy is infecting his dreams again as well as those of his closest friends in order to gain power and return to his dream killer glory, but he cannot harm Kevin as the teen seems to be protected. One by one the teens of Elm Street meet their bloody end by the glove of Freddy who is becoming stronger. And now Kevin along with his crush Ashleigh Asoa must fight for their lives in order to stop Freddy and also discover the truth about their own parents and their sins that has caused all this death and help create the demon slasher that is Freddy Kruger. In the end Kevin armed with dream catchers and the will to save Ashleigh who is being held prisoner in the nightmare world, and comes face to face with Freddy that leads to a final showdown…or does it!?

Thoughts: This fan film is suppose to take place after the events of A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child and has Freddy stuck in his own nightmarish limbo world and as well follows Kevin Marks who is the key to Freddy’s return to kill the teens of Elm Street. This fan film has lots of both pros and cons. Let’s start with the good as the film’s production is well done and the acting is pretty great for a film of this level. The Freddy look is also well done, and while it’s just store bought masks and such, it looks good in this film. The film also has some pretty good micro indie horror effects, and they do allow the blood to flow. Plus they added in Amanda Kruger, and it was a nice way to try and tie in the past films with her acting as a helper to Kevin. The deaths are all well done and thought out, plus a funny death is when the girl-crazy teen is sucked into a TV world with hot women and one turns into Freddy and pokes his eyes out! Now the downsides are as follows: first and foremost the film is just way too long running a little over two hours it’s just drags in spots. While Freddy Kruger looks good sometimes, the actor’s line delivery is off and he loses the Kruger sound. They also change Freddy’s background as in this film he worked as an ice cream man who would abduct the kids while driving the truck, which seems a little off. While flawed mostly by the long runtime, this fan film is still worth watching and was clearly done by fans that put thought into their script and cared about their film. If you enjoy the A Nightmare On Elm Street series and like the dream killing ways of Freddy Kruger, then make sure to check this one out.

 Grade: C+

Friday The 13th: Halloween Night
Starring – Chris Seaver & Zach Allen       Directed by Chris Seaver
Released in 1994       Runtime: 34min       Not Rated

Plot: A survivor from a Michael Myers attack makes the mistake of going to Camp Crystal Lake and digging up the hockey mask of Jason Voorhees. When he puts it on, he is possessed by the spirit of Jason! Meanwhile Rodger and his friends are planning a massive Halloween Party even though Rodger is not sold on going to the party because he witnessed a murder done by Michael Myers many years back. While all this is going on, both Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees are on the loose and are killing teens around the town including Rodger’s own friends! In the end Rodger runs for his life from both masked killers until he figures out a plan to trick them both that sends them both to hell and even saves the life of the man who is possessed by Jason’s spirit. While in Hell, Jason and Michael are greeted by Freddy Kruger who uses the puzzle box to bring the killers back and build a killer team.

Thoughts: This fan film is the first one I ever owned on VHS as well as was the first film I had ever seen of New York filmmaker Chris Seaver! The film is a fun mix of Horror and Comedy and blends together both icons of splatter Jason Voorhees of Friday The 13th and Michael Myers of Halloween in a slugfest that leaves both icons of fright at the gates of hell and in the hands of Freddy Kruger. The acting is super over the top and cheesy, and the kills are pure backyard effect gold with blood splattering from cups and spraying from tubs. Chris Seaver is one of my favorite indie micro budget filmmakers, and after seeing this film for the first time, we became friends after I contacted him. The look of Jason and Michael are nothing more than store bought Halloween masks with Jason’s looking like it came from Goes To Hell and Michael’s looks like a generic off brand one. Over all this film is pure Shot On Video gold that brings a great look at not only Fan Films from that time but also backyard epics. While flawed and silly, this film will always have a special place in my heart as it’s truly one that helped inspire me to keep making SOV films.

 Grade: B

Friday The 31st
Starring – Airon Armstrong & Richard Myles     Directed by Chris Notarile
Released in 2005     Runtime: 22min   Not Rated

Plot: John Tate, the son of Laurie Strode, is leaving his past behind after his mother’s death and along with his girlfriend Sara is on a road trip to a new life, but following is the masked killer Michael Myers. The traveling pair stop for gas in Camp Crystal Lake as Tommy Jarvis and his friend Sharon are running for their life from Jason Voorhees. And when John and Sara make the mistake of stopping at the house Tommy and Sharon are at, they become the target of Jason just as they all also become the intended victims of Michael. With Sharon and Tommy taken down, the pair of masked killers go one on one as our frightened heroes watch, and with Tommy injured badly, it’s up to John to save the day as well as the life of his lady Sara. In the end John knocks both Jason and Michael into a lake ending the fight…for now.

Thoughts: This fan made film from Blinky Productions pits Friday The 13th slasher Jason Voorhees against Halloween’s Michael Myers with poor John Tate his girlfriend Sara and Tommy Jarvis stuck in the middle of it. The film’s time building up both John and Tommy as well as their female love interests goes by really quickly, and the brutal fight between Jason and Michael is well played and done with the film showing both killers respect as well as trying to keep each film’s fans happy with adding heroes from both franchises as the leads. Plus the actors who play Jason and Michael do a great job of mimicking their movements, and you can tell they want to do the characters right. The atmosphere in the film is also well done, and while watching it, you feel like you’re in a place where help is nowhere in sight, and that really does play into the horror of the film. The film is also well shot, and the scripting keeps it all interesting as you want to see what is going to happen next. One thing that I wish is that the film was longer as I could have done with more of the fight between Jason and Michael as well as could have done with lots more of actress Niki Rubin aka Niki Notarile on the screen as I think she, like many in these fan films, could and should be in more horror films. Over all this is a solid fan film and shows why for decades Blinky Productions was considered the best of the best in that genre.

Grade: B+

Godzilla: Battle Royale
Starring – Billy Dubose & Vicka Xalka     Directed by Billy Dubose
Released in 2014     Runtime: 1hr 33min   Not Rated

Plot: Godzilla and other Kaiju (like Anguirus, Varan and Ebirah to name a few) are attacking Chicago unprovoked and are smashing and killing with no remorse and without reason and are crushing the city. The army sends in Matt “Razor Shark” Kennedy with his super charged aircraft to help the army to stop this Kaiju attack, and once he arrives at the site, he is visited by the pixies who inform him that Mothra and Gfantis are on their way to help mankind in this battle, and Japan is sending Mechagodzilla to help as well. But when the good guys are able to get a small victory when they find out that an Evil Alien Queen in her UFO is controlling the monsters and are able to take out her control over Godzilla, Anguirus, Varan and Manda who now are mad and wanting to fight Ebirah who is now joined by the likes of Gigan, Hedorah, Rhiahn, Orga, Zirgra, Biollante, Mechagodzilla (who is now being controlled by the aliens) as well as a zombie King Kong! Things look bad for the humans and good Kaiju as they are out numbered and are taking a beating, that is till Godzilla gets a little help from Mothra and super charges up and is able to turn the tables and along with the humans help is able to take back control of Mechagodzilla as well as blow up the UFO. Once defeated, the Alien Queen in a fit of anger turns herself into Queen Ghidorah and it takes all of the combined powers of the good Kaiju and the humans to bring her down. In the end Godzilla, Anguirus, Varan and Manda return to Monster Island and Mothra and Gfantis return to space as all the bad Kaiju are left defeated as the humans celebrate that Chicago is safe once more.

Thoughts: Wow, this is a great fan film that delivers lots of giant monsters fighting in an American city and delivers nonstop fighting and action as the humans are more the side characters and the monsters are the stars of the film. The costumes in this film range from cheesy to amazing, and I need to stress even the cheesy ones are pretty badass! Also used in shots are action figures of the characters that are wisely used to bring more detail and life to some of the Kaiju. They used the familiar Godzilla roars and soundtrack, and this gave it a really classic Toho feel. Plus making the aliens over act also felt right for a Godzilla film. While watching it, I really liked the plot of the aliens bringing back King Kong from the dead in order to once more do battle with Godzilla to show who the real King of the Monsters is, and for big parts of this battle royal fight, Godzilla and Zombie Kong duke it out. The fights in this film take place in front of a green screen but they also built sets for the actors to stomp around, and both come off pretty great for a fan film. You can tell that director Billy Dubose really does love Godzilla and his pals and made this film out of his love for them and even manages to get a cameo from actor Akira Takarada who was in many of the classic Toho films. Plus model Vicka Xaika looks great as the Alien Queen, and Billy himself is over the top fun as Razor Shark. Over all if you enjoy Godzilla and or King Kong films and enjoy a layer of cheese on your indie fan films, this one is for you.

Grade: A-

Gremlins Recall
Starring – Katherine Rodriguez & Randy Irwin       Directed by Ryan Patrick
Released in 2017       Runtime: 11min       Not Rated

Plot: WING is a company that is engineering Mogwais to be safe for the world to have as pets! But when Clara, a waitress at a small diner, meets a truck driver who is hauling Mogwais and has a white furred one named Trink, she becomes a fan of the little creatures, but makes a mistake when she shares a cherry from a milkshake with one that has not been treated and now the small diner is covered with Gremlins that are killing people and have stolen the WING truck and are ready for a rampage. Clara, the truck driver and Trink now must gear up and head out to stop this rampage.

Thoughts: While we wait for a Gremlins 3 from Hollywood, fan and indie filmmaker Ryan Patrick decided to take matters into his own hands and create a short fan film to fill that will fill the empty void Warner Brothers has left in our horror loving souls. And the first thing when watching this film that blew me away was just how amazing the Gremlins and Mogwai looked! I mean these things are big budget Hollywood looking creatures and really brought the feel of Gremlins alive. I like the fact that, in this film, the Gremlins are treated as scary horror characters and the humor is played down making it feel more like the original and less like Gremlins 2. The film’s acting is also really well done and there is not a weak link at all. Katherine Rodriguez who plays Clara is a likable character who could be the series next Billy. The only downsize to this fan film is that it ends before we get a full ending as we don’t see if Clara and her new friends stop the runaway Gremlins, and in 11 minutes I just didn’t get enough! This, no joke, is a great fan short film, and I wish that these guys would get money to make a full length fan film as the world needs it.

Grade: A

Jason vs. Leatherface
Starring – E.H. Jenkins & Lynda Huyck     Directed by Matt Spease
Released in 2003     Runtime: 26 min   Not Rated

Plot: Jason Voorhees is tricked by Freddy Kruger, who is acting as the voice of Mrs. Voorhees, to go to Texas in order to help Leatherface who is always being abused by his crazy family and is ordered to kill the Sawyer family if things do not go well. Once in Texas, Jason runs into W.E. Sawyer who takes the masked killer home to meet the family. All the while a couple in Texas become the targets of the Sawyers who want to make meals from them! In the end Jason snaps and kills Dirk Sawyer, Annabelle Sawyer as well as W.E., and this sparks Leatherface to go crazy and the pair of killers square off with finally Jason coming out the winner when he cuts the head off of Leatheface. But as Jason starts his walk back to Camp Crystal Lake, he finds himself being stalked by Michael Myers, and thus ends this fright flick.

Thoughts: This shot on video fan film was done by Evil On Queens Street director Matt Spease who also stars in the film as Jason Voorhees and Dirk Sawyer and shows that he is a fan of both the Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw Massacre film series as well as a fan of the Topps Comic mini series that pitted the two against each other. The film’s plot moves along at a good pace and dose not allow itself to drag. The effects are few and far and both costumes for Jason and Leatherface are the common store bought masks, but they are used well to showcase the characters and get the job done. The acting in the film is your typical no budget style with the cast trying their best to deliver believable lines in-between smiling. Plus it’s cool to see an early acting from not only Spease but also Lynda Huyck who was a lead in Evil On Queens Street. The battle between Jason and Leatherface is fun to watch and even at one point they pick up each other’s weapons to duel, so Jason swings a chainsaw as Leatherface uses a machete to try and kill the other. I also like how this film does not pull any punches and allows Jason to win the fight by truly killing Leatherface and setting up the sequel that would have Jason taking on Michael Myers from Halloween. The film also uses lots of modern (for the time) rock music as well as score cues from Friday The 13th films making it sound like a film from the era. Over all this is a fun and very cheesy little fan film that might have been left in the dust when it comes to Fan Films about both characters but did leave its mark on the genre as it’s one of the first ones I ever bought on DVD way back when. I would recommend this fan film for those who love shot on video films like myself or those who like fan films of either character as it delivers a quick and fun watch.

Grade: C+

King Kong
Starring – Sylvana Boonstra & Brett Charles   Directed by Jack Buchanan
Released In 2016     Runtime: 2hrs 35min   Not Rated

Plot: Film Maker Carl Denham teams with an oil hungry worker and have a mysterious map that leads to the island called Skull Island that is said to not only house a mythical creature perfect for a movie but also lots of raw oil! The pair of greedy men hire Captain Jack Driscoll and his crew to take them to it, and when a female reporter stowaway is found, she becomes the star of Denham’s film! But once at Skull Island, they are attacked by natives who kidnap and give Anne to their god, a giant gorilla they call King Kong, and Jack along with the ships crew must travel deep into the jungle and battle dinosaurs and giant insects to get her back. But Driscoll soon has other plans when the oil on the island is not good and the film is lost when the camera is destroyed, so he decides to knock out the giant gorilla King Kong and take him back to New York to become an attraction for the oil company and will make them both rich and famous. But once in New York, King Kong escapes when he thinks Anne is in danger and this leads to him dying to protect her as the army gun him down on the Empire State Building and he falls to his death, but not before making many of his attackers and kidnapers pay for their crimes.

Thoughts: This King Kong fan film has lots of heart and is clearly made by fans of the character who did their best to do it all justice even though they did not have the budget to pull off the special effects. But what they lacked in budget for effects, they made due with costumes, Claymation and digital effects that all came together for a fun and cheesy watch. The acting of course is amateurish, but I must say that everyone involved took their roles serious and gave it their all. Sylvana Boonstra, who play the part of Anne Darrow, does her best to act on a green screen and a giant plush hand that grabs her and make it seem legit. I really do think this is one of the most ambitious fan films I have ever seen done by people of this age ,and what sets it really apart as I said before is that everyone involved seemed to really believe in the project and director Jack Buchanan clearly is a massive Kong fan and was able to not only get his friends and family to help but also wrote a script that brings together elements of the King Kong films from 1933, 1976 and 2005 as well as add his own twists and plot changes and yet still respects the source material. What he does with the Carl Denham character in the film was a nice change of pace, and for those that want to watch this flick, I will not ruin it for you. King Kong himself is played by actor Bradley Dunn and is nothing more than a human in a gorilla suit placed into scenes with the help of a green screen and computer effects, but I will say they did a great job using different masks to express the emotions of Kong. Over all, this is a fun little watch that brings a new vision of Kong to the world of micro budget cinema.

Grade: B+

Night Of The Maniac
Starring – Eric Yoder & Tegan Moritz         Directed by Eric Yoder
Released in 2018     Runtime: 11min     Not Rated

Plot: Frank Zito is getting his murder tools ready as the TV news is reporting on his crimes that go unsolved. And once ready, he hits the streets and selects a cute blonde who has just gotten home as his target. The young woman goes about her business as Frank cuts stalks and waits to attack, and when he does, he chokes her until she passes out and then takes her to her bedroom where he ties her up and talks to her as if she is his mom who abused him and left him alone as a child. Frank snaps and with his knife he stabs and scalps the young woman and places it on a mannequin. And we end with him once more walking the streets.

Thoughts: Maniac is one of my favorite 80’s horror movies and when hearing about this fan film I had to check it out…and I was not disappointed in it, besides the fact I wish it was longer. The film builds up Frank Zito getting his tools of murder together in order to find a lone female to murder and the payout has him getting what he came for her scalp. The atmosphere of this short film is spot on and does showcase the gritty feel and nasty nature of the William Lustig film. The makeup effects done by Eric Yoder to make himself look like actor Joe Spinell are great and makes it feel like a deleted scene from the original film, and the blood effects are also affective. The film is well acted even if it has very little dialogue, and they make great use of the film’s score here as well. So if you enjoy Maniac from 1980 and like solid creepy short Horror Movies based on it, give this one a watch. Eric Yoder, I want to also say, is a name we might all want to watch out for as he could became a name in the world of Horror.

Grade: A

A Nightmare On Elm Street: Trial By Fire
Starring – Elspeth Summers & Ellie Nestaval       Directed by James Coleman II
Released in 2015     Runtime: 55min      Not Rated

Plot: Marilyn is a teenage girl living on Elm Street, and in her nightmare one night she witnesses the attack of her neighbor and friend by the one and only Freddy Kruger! After this Marilyn is haunted by visions of young kids warning her that Freddy is coming back for them all! Now poor Marilyn is plagued with terrible dreams and death is surrounding her, and she is slowly slipping into madness, as she cannot sleep in fear of her nightmares. The parents know that the sin of their past is back to kill their children or some think it’s a copycat killer, while others know that he could be back as something nonhuman. Marilyn wants to stop the killings and even goes to Nancy Thomas for help as she is the only known survivor of his nightmare slash attacks. In the end it looks like Marilyn might be the new key for Freddy to once more be at full power, and he uses her to get revenge on her father who was his lawyer on the night he was set on fire.

Thoughts: This is another A Nightmare On Elm Street fan film that was done by fans that love the series and wanted to add their own tale to the legend. This film once more follows Freddy Kruger as he slaughters and kills teenagers who live on Elm Street, the only change this time is that it looks like the teens don’t stand a chance against Freddy and evil wins with this round. And I kind of like that as most of the Nightmare On Elm Street Fan Films I have covered have all had Kruger on the losing end, and this one spiced it up a little. The film is shot really well, and I only noticed a few weird audio moments making the over all production pretty good. The acting is also well done with Elspeth Summers who plays Marilyn being the standout, and the un-credited actor who takes on the role of Freddy Kruger also does a great job. Plus with the quick looks we get of Freddy, the makeup looks pretty good help adding to the mood of the film. The short film does have some blood and pretty standard kills, it’s the use of CGI blood that takes away from many of the kill moments. Over all this is a pretty standard and entertaining fan film based on the mega hit film A Nightmare On Elm Street, and if you are tired of waiting for a new film in the series, maybe give this short a watch to help tide you over. I want to also note that this film was written by Jason Korsiak who directed “Freddy’s Return: A Nightmare Reborn”.

Grade: B

Predator: Dark Ages
Starring – Adrian Bouchet & Philip Lane       Directed by James Bushe
Released in 2015     Runtime: 27min     Not Rated

Plot: A village has hired the church for help to hunt a monster that has been killing their people, and the church sends in a group of Templar Knights and a Muslim scholar into the woods after it. The monster is a Predator, and one by one he hunts and kills the knights leaving only one left as well as the scholar who flees for his life when the lone knight decides to have a showdown with The Predator. In the end, the knight tries his best to defeat it but must get the help of scholar in the end who makes a deal with the Predator saving not only the knights life but his own.

Thoughts: This short film is amazing and has a fantastic story that brings the time of the crusades together with the world of science fiction horror. First thing I need to point out is the film is well shot and feels like a real horror flick that you could watch on cable on a late night and director James Bushe knows his stuff when it comes to filming as well as the folklore of Predator. I like the idea of Templar Knights armed with swords, shields, bows and crossbows up against the universe’s most talented hunting killing machine, as I am a big fan of the history of the Templar Knights and really enjoy the hell out of the Predator films…so this mash up was perfect for me. The costume for the Predator looks great as does the armor for the knights, and the effects of the gore are pretty cool and mix practical and digital. The film’s runtime goes really fast and it really does feel like you are watching a film in the Predator series as all the formula that makes those films great are in this short, the only one complaint I do have is that I wish that at some point in the short The Predator would have removed his metal mask and we would have gotten a good look at his ugly mug…but over all its just a minor complaint. This film also uses bits of the iconic score theme from the series but also ads its own touch, and it’s solid. Over all if you’re a fan of Predator, give this one a watch as its really cool and well done.

Grade: A

Return Of The Witch
Starring – Brandon Tabatto & Shanna Ammons       Directed by Brandon Tabatto
Released in 2018     Runtime: 26min     Not Rated

Plot: After the tragic events of 1982 that lead to the deaths of millions of small kids who wore their Silver Shamrock masks on Halloween night a cursed commercial played. And the hero of the event is Dr. Daniel Challis, who has written a book about the cult he battled and the lives he did and didn’t save from Conal Cochran, the owner of Silver Shamrock the warlock and leader of the cult. Now in 2018 Silver Shamrock is gearing up for a comeback with Connor Cochran as the owner, and he wants to clear his family’s name and become the leader once more of high end Halloween masks. The news is having a field day with this return and is asking people how they feel about this company coming back and making masks with the world being split with many wanting them gone forever. The night of their big return, Silver Shamrock plans a big give away commercial that will not only be on TV but also all over social media! Roger is the grandson of Daniel Challis and is wanting to expose Silver Shamrock once and for all and is now kidnapped and forced to wear a mask and watch the commercial and meet his maker. As the commercial is about to air, people all over wear their masks and soon find themselves dead as Connor wins and millions more die for their cause. And this time around Daniel Challis loses not only innocent lives, but also his own grandson.

Thoughts: Since it s release in 1982, Halloween III: Season Of The Witch has gained a pretty loyal cult following, and it comes to no shock that in 2018 it got its very own fan made sequel to give watchers a nice follow up to the events. And it’s a nice touch to add the Conal Cochran’s grandson as the short film’s villain and Dr. Daniel Challis as the hero once more showing that these two families all these years have a game of cat and mouse to play still. I also like how they added Challis’s grandson in the fold and for a split second, you think he will be the film’s hero….and nope he dies horribly! The film uses footage and sound clips of actor Tom Atkins from other films in order to make it seem like he is part of the film, and I must say it works pretty well for this style of film. The acting is cheesy and over the top for the most part and I feel as a viewer they spend way too much of the runtime on News Broadcasts that are the cheesiest parts of the short film. The plot is pretty cool, and I like how the world is split on the return of a company that was accused of killing many kids back in the 80’s. While this is a pretty good fan film I think for me the overuse of the Silver Shamrock commercial and jingle as well as the over long News stuff left me wanting more of something a little different. Clearly made by fans of Halloween III and highly skilled makers, this one just is kind of okay in my book and I hope they do more fan HIII films in the future so I can see if Connor gets what’s coming to him. Oh I should also note that this film also uses the masks from Halloween III so you get to see the Skeleton, Pumpkin and Witch back in action…well remolds of them any way.

Grade: C

Sally’s Escape From Hell
Starring – Jennie Yates & Roderick Klimek      Directed by Gus Trapani
Released in 2016     Runtime: 9min     Not Rated

Plot: Sally Hardesty wakes up a prisoner in the home of the Sawyer family and is greeted by the sinister Hitchhiker and his brother Leatherface who torment her as she is tied up in their basement. Sally is able to break free and escape the house but behind her is the Hitchhiker who slashes her with his razor and Leatherface with his chainsaw each wanting to end the young ladies life. Even a passer by with a gun meets his end by the blade of the Hitchhiker who also ends up shooting his murderer dead! In the end Sally is able to escape in the back of a pickup truck as Leatherface swings his chainsaw in the middle of the road.

Thoughts: This fan film is really just a short reimagine of the original 1974 films ending and removes the iconic dinner scene for a more torture in the a basement scene. The film’s production looks great and the appearance of Leatherface captures the original film’s style making it feel like it could very well been a deleted scene. The actors all do a great job in their roles and actress Jennie Yates who played Sally had to scream her head off in the role, and I am surprised she did not lose her voice! They also did a pretty great job hiding the fact they shot this in modern times and masked elements that would have given away the decade really well. The downside for me about this fan film is that it did not really feel like a short film and just kind of felt like a scene, and this just left me slightly underwhelmed and just wanting more…but keep in mind this is still a really fantastic well made fan fright flick. Not much else to say besides fans of Texas Chainsaw Massacre should really enjoy this one.

Grade: B-

Starring – Shanna Ammons & Kage Walker     Directed by Brandon Tobatto
Released in 2018     Runtime: 18min     Not Rated

Plot: A couple are making a documentary about the Sawyer family and the crime spree they did that was dubbed the Texas Chainsaw Massacre by the media. They give a small history of the terrible events that survivor Sally Hardesty went through as well as a little about the Sawyer family who committed the crimes. All the while they are showing the locations that the events took place at. And finally the pair decided to visit the last known location of the Sawyer family that is an abandoned trailer park, and they are attacked by Leatherface who is the only living member of the family left as Drayton has just died and been buried behind the rundown trailer. After killing the male, the female is able to get away and Leatherface does the chainsaw dance.

Thoughts: This Texas Chainsaw Massacre fan film has a good storyline, but just is not really executed very well and leaves you wondering slightly why it was made. This fan film acts as if all the sequels did not happen and that the Sawyer family have been on the run sense the events of 1973. And it’s really a great idea to have thrill seeking fame seekers to visit the places these crimes took place in order to make a video. I also like the idea that all the other family members passed away and now Leatherface who is living in a small rundown trailer in an abandoned park is the only one left. Now the cons of this short are they spend way to much of the short runtime having actress Shanna Ammons telling us the story of the first film as well as the new history of the trailer park being their last known location…while all good, we just spend way to much time on it. I also scratch my head at some of the dumb actions of our two leads who don’t run when they should and who also talk loud when Leatherface is inches away about the smell of her perfume. Another small thing that bothered me is the fact the actor who plays Leatherface has tattoos all over his arms making it seem out of place…like how did he get them? I doubt Leatherface could walk into a tattoo parlor and demand tats! Plus the film is bloodless and even the one death in the film comes off lackluster and kind of boring. Over all this was an okay fan film but not the best TCM fan film…in fact not even in the ballpark of any of the other Leatherface films on this list. Oh and I should note that Leatherface has about three different looks in this film and that as well is a nice touch.

Grade: C-

Starring – Natalie Ryan & Gretchen Sailer         Directed by William Guanzon
Released in 2017?   Runtime: 1hr     Not Rated

Plot: A couple home for the night are attacked and killed by a masked killer causing fear and terror to run all around town. And when the bodies start pilling up, Sidney who’s mother was the start of the murders and her friends gather for a party that is crashed by the masked killer who also targets the town’s deputy and top news reporter Gail Weathers all to get to Sidney who is the main target of this murder spree. In the end Sidney must come face to face with her attacker or attackers and find out the truth about her mother as well as fight to survive.

Thoughts: Scream was the movie in the 1990’s that brought horror back to being box office hits and inspired a whole new generation of horror fans to create films of all types of budgets again. And filmmaker William Guanzon was so inspired by Scream and its sequels that he decided to remake the original film with his friends and add in his own twists and extra characters. The film for the post part follows the original story pretty closely and many of the films quotable lines are used, but what is different is who the killer or killers are in his fan reimagining. And the fact they do spice up who or whom the killer(s) are brings a new level of watch-ability to the film and helps make it feel like a familiar yet new experience viewing. The only downside for me is that Ghostface does not show up as much as I feel he should, and when on screen he seems to come and go very fast leaving you wanting more and not in a great way. The film does have some pretty cool kills that shows some cool indie style effects. The runaway actress in this film is Natalie Ryan who plays Sidney as I feel she does a good job in her part and I would like to see her do more horror movies in the future. Over this Scream remake fan film is a fun watch and is a nice way to pass the time as we all wait for a Scream 5 or a reboot to that series.

Grade: B-

TCM: The Last Round Up Rollin’ Grill
Starring – Marie M. & Ali Gustafson         Directed by Justin Saenz
Released in 2018       Runtime: 25min     Not Rated

Plot: Terri and Greg are driving through Texas to make it to a wedding when they pick up beautiful hitchhiker Caroline who is on her way to Austin to stay with her sister. While together the couple befriends Caroline and decide to just drop her off before they go to the wedding at her destination even if it’s a few miles out of their way. But while on this trip, they come across a man who has been gravely injured and they stop to help only for them to become the targets of Leatherface and his evil brother The Hitchhiker! One by one Leatherface kills the travelers with his chainsaw and trusty hammer and with her new friends dead Caroline must do what she can to stay alive against the Sawyer family.

Thoughts: This fan film acts as a prequel to the 1974 classic and shows how The Hitchhiker got his camera and how Leatherface got his makeup done face, not to mention it really does kind of feel like it could take place in the cinematic universe of the TCM film series. The film captures the gritty and downbeat nature of Leatherface and his family and shows that they kill for not pleasure (though I am sure they do take some joy in it) but for food as they eat who they kill. The film does a great job also bringing the blood and meat of a slasher film but this also does not follow the almost bloodless original film that this event is supposed to pre-date. The look of Leatherface is good and the mask and his gear look fantastic and it’s clear these items are a step above most store bought masks. The Hitchhiker is a little off and not just in his appearance but mostly in his line delivery and over all attitude presentation. The victims are all likable with Marie M. who played Caroline being the stand out as she is a great scream queen and is hypnotically beautiful. I also like the use of old country music as well as music taken from the score from the original film making it feel right. Over all if you’re a fan of TCM and enjoy retro style fan films, I would say check this one out as its very enjoyable and delivers a very close Chainsaw experience as we wait for the next installment from Legendary Pictures.

Grade: A-

The Thing: Who Goes There?
Starring – Shawn Ronzio & Dan Miller       Directed by Eric Yoder
Released in 2017      Runtime: 11min       Not Rated

Plot: A group of men in the arctic are all at odds with themselves as something has been affecting them and turning them into monsters. One member with a gun is holding the other hostage and is forcing them to all give blood and test it with fire as the thing hates fire. One by one he tests the blood until one of the man exposes himself to be The Thing, and it transformers and attacks and kills all those near it. In the end only the man with the gun is left and he must face his fear as he is left alone with The Thing in a cold cruel world far from any help. Can this man survive or will he also fall to the grip of The Thing.

Thoughts: The Thing remake is a film that for many has surpassed the original it was based on, and in fact the remake even spawned a sequel and is almost always on people’s top Horror Movie lists. And when fan and effect artist Eric Yoder decided he was going to make a fan film of The Thing, many fans were happy as sadly the last film was made in 2011 and only a rumor has been spreading about another sequel being in the works in Hollywood. Yoder in his short fan film captures the mood and atmosphere of John Carpenter’s The Thing as well as it’s “who is infected” paranoia that spreads not only for the characters in the movie but to us the viewer as well. This short film makes you also feel very claustrophobic as it takes place in a small base in the middle of the arctic with snow all around. This helps set the mood in your mind of what would you do in this scenario. The acting is well done and each takes their roles very seriously and come off believable as coworkers who have turned on each other over fear. The effects in this short film are hands down the best in any of the other fan films we are covering on this update and look like they could be in a true Hollywood sequel. The only downside is that the runtime is very short and leaves you as the viewer wanting more and wishing this was at least 20-25 minutes longer. Fans of The Thing should check this one out as I think you will have a blast watching it.

Grade: A-

Welcome To Fright Night
Starring – Eric Yoder & Lucio Fernandez       Directed by Brandon Medina
Released in 2016     Runtime: 37min       Not Rated

Plot: Charlie is a man who is having relationship issues with his girlfriend Amy, and worse notices his new neighbor is a little strange and is named Jerry who clearly has a dark side and is by all accounts a vampire! Charlie takes notes from his favorite show Fright Night hosted by Peter Vincent and tries to get the help of his friend Evil Ed to come up with a plan…but all he really does is get the attention of Jerry who is pissed off and shows he truly is a vampire and not to be messed with. Charlie after a run in with Jerry meets Horror Host Jerry Vincent at a public signing and is as well laughed at and thrown out where he meets up with Evil and Amy who in turn gets Peter Vincent to meet with Charlie to meet with Jerry and he finds that he is in fact a vampire. Jerry that night turns Evil into a vampire and uses his charm to kidnap and turn Amy as well. Now Charlie and Peter must team up and get Amy back and to do so they must battle not only Evil Ed but also the vampire Jerry!

Thoughts: This Fright Night fan flick does a good job of remaking the original film into a short and adding it’s own flare and touches. The acting is pretty well done and each take their roles very seriously and deliver good performances. The directing is well done and shows that Brandon Medina has talent and a love for Fright Night. The downside to the film is at times the editing and sound mix is a little odd and this can be distracting. The films score is taken from the original film so it offers a nice touch and helps hide some of the sound flaws. The film’s vampire effects are really cool and come off scary when they need to be and some of the “gore” effects as well are well done and shows talent once more…I am sure they were done by the talented Eric Yoder who truly should be working on bigger budget horror films. The film’s story movies at a fast pace and many characters from the film have been removed to move it along and keep it tighter, and while this is a great idea it also loses some moments that are needed like the death of Jerry’s butler sidekick who has been removed from the short all together. Over all this is a fun fan film that will please fans of Fright Night.

Grade: B-

Wow, many of these films were fantastic and many of them are surely ones that I look forward to watching again and hope many of you will also give them a watch on YouTube, DVD or however you can get your hands on a copy! For me the best films that I gave the highest grades would be in no order “Predator: Dark Ages”, “Night Of The Maniac” and “Gremlins Recall” with many others like “Dracula A.D. 2015”, “King Kong (2015)” and “Godzilla: Battle Royal” being must watches! And while some of the films were not ground breaking, even those deserve to be watched and given a chance. I hope you enjoyed this update that showcased these Horror Fan Films and for our next update we will be going back to comics and will be taking a look at the Horror Movie Jennifer’s Body and the Graphic Novel based on it….plus I will be turning Rotten Ink over to my dear friend Natalie Claude for this From Horror Movie To Horror Comic update as this is one of her favorite Horror Films and one that means something to her. So until next time, read a comic of three, watch a fan film or two and as always support your local Horror Host. So be ready soon for Natalie to talk Jennifer’s Body!

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