Horror Host Icon: Sammy Terry

The state of Indiana was blessed with a true icon in the world of Horror Hosting that spawned a legacy that is still felt to this day, and almost every Host that has followed in this icon’s footsteps credit him for inspiring them to become one. And for those of you who have not pieced this together yet, I am talking about Sammy Terry of Nightmare Theatre who is one of my all time favorite Horror Hosts! I can only imagine growing up in Indiana, rushing to the TV set at 11:00pm and turning to Channel 4 to watch Sammy deliver the chills of his segments as well as the frights of the night’s movie.  It must have been something very magical and spooky for those lucky viewers who got to experience it. And let’s be honest, Sammy Terry is the perfect topic for this Halloween update and is a very long overdue Horror Host Icon update.  So if you are ready, let’s take a spooky ride with the one and only Sammy Terry. And keep in mind this update is about Bob Carter, the original Sammy Terry; in a future update Mark Carter’s Sammy Terry will get covered, as he as well is fantastic and is keeping his Dad’s character alive for fans.

Sammy Terry 1

Sammy Terry is a ghoul who sleeps in a coffin and hosts films from his dungeon.  He has green and greyish skin, wears a hooded cloak, a skull necklace as well as yellow gloves and has a creepy spooky voice and an iconic laugh that sent shivers down the spine of viewers for decades. Sammy Terry was way different from many other Horror Hosts as he would not be a jokey, silly kind of host.  He would treat the night’s films with respect (well most the time) and would also mostly gleefully tell you about the horrors, thrills and chills that awaited you. Sammy Terry also evolved over the years and went from a cigarette smoking creepier flamboyant ghoul to the ghoul we all know and love. Sammy Terry was well loved by his fans, and he would be a massive attraction at his public appearances as both young and old fans would come to see him. In the state of Indiana he was one of the most recognized and iconic TV personalities of all time and remains the state’s top and most respected Horror Host who has inspired many creative minds over the decades. Sammy Terry is a ghoul with charm and a sinister touch that truly is one of the best in the business. Sammy Terry is a Ghoul whose legacy will always live on in the Horror Host community.

Sammy Terry 2Sammy Terry 3Sammy Terry 4

Bob Carter was born on December 4th, 1929 in Decatur, Illinois to Russell and Phyllis Carter, and all through his life he was true to the state of Indiana as he was a graduate of Millikin University where he studied Radio Communications and got a major in the field. Bob would get his master’s degree in New York from Syracuse University and would return to Indiana when he started working as a radio DJ in Fort Wayne and even filled in once for Dick Clark as the host of American Bandstand in 1959. Bob would then move to Indianapolis in 1961 and started working for WTTV Channel 4 as a jack of all trades as he would produce, direct and would host a talk show called “Coffee With Carter” that would be a three hours long. In 1962, he would become the host of Shock Theater (later changed to Nightmare Theater) and would become the one and only Sammy Terry! Bob would play the character for decades and would become one of Indiana’s most iconic TV personalities and would also become one of the biggest Horror Host Icons of all time. Bob would marry Phyllis Ann Eaton Carter and they would have four kids together. Besides being a celebrity, Bob was also well loved by the community and received honors for all his achievements in helping others. Bob was also very much into music and was the owner of “Family Music Center” and would use this love to also help start music programs for schools. Bob would be “Sammy Terry” up until around 2010 when his son Mark took over. Sadly Bob Carter passed away on June 30, 2013 at the age of 83 and the world lost not only a great person but also one of the best Horror Hosts of all time.

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The show started in 1962 as Shock Theatre and was only hosted by the voice of Sammy Terry over a graphic.  this chilled the blood of viewers who wanted to know who the ghoul was behind that creepy voice and would write letters to the station asking to see this ghoul! And with that Channel 4 decided to give the viewers what they wanted, the ghoul Sammy Terry was introduced to them, and a true icon of Horror Hosting was born. The show would have a name change to Nightmare Theater during the early days of its run and would have Sammy mostly hosting a double feature of Horror and Sci-Fi films and would be a staple for viewers from the early 60’s all the way to the early 80’s and was one of the area’s most watched local shows. In the late 80’s, the show would air very sporadically as specials, and this change annoyed viewers who wanted their Sammy Terry fix every week. And like every classic Horror Host show, the original version of Nightmare Theater would end…but a new era would begin around 2010/2011 when Sammy Terry (II) would comeback with Halloween Specials and an online version of the show. The original run of Nightmare Theater is still looked back on very fondly by fans and the show still remains popular on Horror Host Trade Lists and on sites like YouTube.

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On Nightmare Theater Sammy Terry has had a great share of co-hosts with the first being Ghoulsby, an undead zombie who does not talk but helps around Sammy’s dungeon and gets into all types of trouble.  He shuffles around and is well loved by fans and is still on the show from time to time to this day! But while Ghoulsby is super popular, on a whole other level is George, the spider who is Sammy’s best friend who comes down from the ceiling and to talk to Sammy, and while fans could not understand what George was saying with his high squeak voice, Sammy did and would respond and even alert the viewers to what he was saying. In the history of Nightmare Theater, both George and Ghoulsby have made the show even more special and these are just two of many that have showed up on the show with many guests also making appearances and adding to the show’s legacy. And I would say this: if co-hosts ever get a branch in the Horror Host Hall Of Fame, both George and Ghoulsby would 100% be inducted, and I want to thank them both for being awesome cast members on Nightmare Theater. And I have to also just say this name, and fans of the show will know it: Cowboy Bob.

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Sammy Terry is one of my all time favorite Horror Hosts as I find him to be a true master of the art who brought a friendly sinister touch to the art of hosting and had a way of capturing your attention with every word he spoke. While he sometimes poked fun at the films being shown, he did it more cleverly than most. For me, his laugh is pure iconic and is one of the most imitated laugh among my friends who enjoy Horror Hosting only rivaled by the likes of Dr. Creep and Sir Grave Ghastly. And when I started collecting and trying to archive Horror Host shows, one that was early on my list to try and get as many of them as I could was Sammy Terry. The thing about Sammy Terry is that he is just something very special in the world of Horror Hosting.  He has gone beyond Indiana in having a loyal fan base, and he has inspired so many creative minds not only in the world of Horror Hosting but also just in the Horror genre all together. I also feel that Sammy Terry captures the magic of the Halloween season and is a great example of what a classic Horror Host is and what the modern host should aim to be as iconic as. I know many of my friends grew up watching Sammy, and they all will tell you the same thing that he is one of the best to ever grace TV screens. If you have not seen classic Sammy Terry, make sure to look him up on YouTube or track down some of his episodes on trade lists and see just how awesome he was.

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On March 26, 2011 the first class was inducted into The Horror Host Hall Of Fame at Horrorhound Weekend in Indianapolis, Indiana and among such iconic names as Vampira, Zacherley, Morgus The Magnificent, Ghoulardi and Dr. Creep, the one and only Sammy Terry took his place among the immortals. Captain Crypt and Fenriz Fatal of the Horror Dungeon inducted Sammy Terry into the Hall of Fame, and they did a great job as his son Mark who plays the character Sammy Terry now accepted the plaque. The crowd in attendance loved seeing their hometown host get this honor and their claps and cheers proved that Sammy Terry is 100% an icon in the world of Horror Hosting and entertainment. It was amazing being there for this introduction and because of this, I got to meet Sammy Terry (Mark) for the first time, and I have to say he is a class act and such a nice and great guy. Sammy Terry is at the top of the names in my book who should have been inducted into the first class of The Hall Of Fame.

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Like all true icons of Horror Hosting, Sammy Terry has had his fair share of very cool merchandise over the years with many of it being created in the last 10 years or so. Sammy’s ghoulish face has graced products like Trick or Treat Halloween bags, t-shirts, magazines, newspaper articles, trading cards, buttons, cocktail sauce, hats, posters, comic books, statues, action figures, hoodies, home media and so much more! Sammy Terry is a Horror Host who has always done the right thing when it comes to his fans and still delivers some amazing items for them to collect. I for one have a hat, home media, comics, shirts, posters, buttons, trading cards and even a statue…as you can tell I am a big fan of his. So if you are a fan like myself and want to collect some Sammy merchandise, there is lots of amazing stuff released for you to get.

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The Dungeon was a very cool vintage toy store in Indiana that was located in the Washington Square Mall that also was a place that you could buy Sammy Terry merchandise and had its own little Sammy Terry museum! And the really cool thing about the shop is that behind the walls hides the current set for Sammy Terry (Mark Carter)! Upon learning about this store, I knew I had to visit it so along with Juliet and my friend Scott Scarborough on July 28, 2019 we made the trip to visit The Dungeon! When entering the mall we noticed that it was suffering the fate of so many indoor malls as at the start was so many empty shops or ones filled with churches or flea market booth type stores, but as we found the aisle were The Dungeon was we knew this was clearly the coolest part of the mall as beside them was a movie store and the other side housed a comic book shop. Once inside the shop, I made a beeline to the back of the store, as I had to see the Sammy Terry museum and merchandise and right off the bat I noticed a very cool statue of Sammy next to a replica of the coffin, and the owner of the shop was so nice he allowed Scott and I to get our picture with the statue, We looed around at all the props, art and plaques in the room. I got some great Sammy Terry items including DVD’s, Button, Trading Cards and even bought a Ghoulsby long sleeve t-shirt! And then something very cool happened as the owner allowed Scott and I to see the set and see the original coffin as well as so many more amazing pieces of Horror Host history! Being able to see and touch the coffin was very magical and hard to explain just how amazing it really was. Once back out I checked out all the action figures and the Mad and Cracked Magazines he had in stock and ended up also buying a couple of issues of Cracked Magazine as well as a killer monkey figure from the movie Congo. This was a great time and was one of the coolest Indie Toy Stores I have ever seen inside a mall, and it also gets major props for having the Sammy Terry museum as well as all the cool merchandise. Also it was a great time seeing the set and all the history that was there. Check out some of the pictures below to see the store from that day. Since our visit the Dungeon has move from the indoor mall to a new location in an indoor shopping center.  I have yet to visit their new location, but hope to soon!

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One thing that I felt I had to do as a massive fan of Sammy Terry was visit his final resting place and pay my respects to his legacy. So on December 29, 2019 Juliet and I decided to make the over 2hr drive to Greenwood, Indiana to Forest Lawn Memory Gardens to do so, and crazy enough the day we picked had rain storms and high wind making it feel like that day was the right day to visit. When we first got to the cemetery we noticed that all the doors to the mausoleums were locked and after driving to every building in the cemetery it looked like we might not have gotten to pay our respects as we were not able to get in! But after calling the main office of the cemetery they were nice enough to give me the pass code, and Juliet and I made our way into the mausoleum and we were the only two people in the massive tomb.  After looking around trying to find him, we finally did and as we approached his marker a very loud boom echoed out and made us both jump as the wind outside knocked over a metal rack that held flowers. I feel this was Sammy giving us a good scare! Juliet and I stood around and talked about Sammy’s legacy and even shared what our favorite moments of his show was before we left I made sure to thank him for all his years of being not only a great person but also all the years of entertainment he left us all to enjoy. As we were leaving Horror Host Slash Cooper and his bride Foxi Roxi of Graveyard Tales were pulling in to also pay their respects. On the car ride home, my mind was filled with all the great moments from Nightmare Theatre and all of Sammy’s classic lines ran on a loop. So I want to say a big THANK YOU to Bob Carter aka Sammy Terry for being one of the world’s best Horror Hosts and for influencing a whole new generation of Hosts. Rest In Peace Sammy Terry, you truly are missed.

Sammy Terry's Grave

Nightmare Theater and Sammy Terry are still very popular that to this day are looked back upon with very fond memories and are ingrained to the history of Indiana. And you have to give his son Mark so much credit as he is doing an amazing job of keeping Sammy Terry and his father’s legacy alive. It’s now at the point in this review that we take a look at the DVD copies of classic Sammy Terry shows that I own, and I would like to thank so many people for making this update possible from Stumpy Disks, B-Videos 101, Toby Long and so many other friends and tape traders. I would also like to remind you all that I will not be giving these episodes star ratings and will take the film’s write up from our friends at IMDB and I myself will write about the host skits. So with that, let’s head into the Dungeon and see what Sammy Terry and his friends have in store for us.

Sammy Terry - Batman Returns DVD

Nightmare Theater: Batman Returns
Starring – Michael Keaton & Michelle Pfeiffer     PG-13     1992

Host: Sammy Terry starts off coming out of his coffin and greeting the viewers with his classic laugh and then talks about the villains of the movie and how they have bad plots in mind to bring down Gotham and only Batman can stop them. We next see Sammy as he pulls a string and blood comes from the ceiling of the Dungeon and into his cup as he is making his take on a Christmas cocktail. He then talks about how Catwoman fell out of her bosses window and that that drop was larger then falling out of his. We next join him as Sammy talks about Penguin and makes a joke about sushi. And next Sammy talks about lovers, tombstones and the nights movie and even says Batman Returns is Blood Chilling. Sammy and George then talk about the Sammy Terry Fan Club and what you get with membership as well as how to sign up. Next Sammy Terry talks about the umbrellas that Penguin uses and then makes a joke about George having to use one. We then hear Sammy talk about the sewers of Gotham City and the minions of Penguins that include clowns and real life penguins.

Movie: While Batman deals with a deformed man calling himself the Penguin wreaking havoc across Gotham with the help of a cruel businessman, a female employee of the latter becomes the Catwoman with her own vendetta.

Note From Matt: This episode is sadly cuts off not only the end of the film but also Sammy Terry’s closing as well as I would guess one more of his segments.

Sammy Terry - Black Friday DVD

Nightmare Theater: Black Sunday
Starring – Barbara Steele & John Richardson     Not Rated     1960

Host: Sammy Terry comes out of his coffin filling the air with his iconic laugh and alerts the viewers that tonight’s his night to howl as he says this wolves outside start howling. He then says that even Vampires and Witches like to celebrate the holidays and mostly at night as they can do their deeds, and says that the viewers need to lock the doors and windows as its Black Sunday. Sammy and George take us into commercials a few times before we next join Sammy who tells us that Black Sunday’s start off with things bad and throughout it things get worse and then he and George talk about bratwurst as well as bad neighbors and how to write to Sammy. Next Sammy is sitting in his rocking chair with a spooky cocktail and talks about vampires before sending us back to some commercials and then the movie. At the end Sammy asks you if you would rather be a with options of being vampire or witch, he sets up next weeks movies and gets back into his coffin and as it closes he once more lets out his iconic laugh.

Movie: A vengeful witch and her fiendish servant return from the grave and begin a bloody campaign to possess the body of the witch’s beautiful look-alike descendant, with only the girl’s brother and a handsome doctor standing in her way.

Sammy Terry - Brides Of Dracula DVD

Nightmare Theater: Brides Of Dracula
Starring – Peter Cushing & David Peel     Unrated     1960

Host: Sammy comes from his coffin and welcomes us to the show and says we are going to have a bloody good time with glee, he then talks about the nights film like he is telling you a creepy story about Dracula and dorms of beautiful women, and then ushers us into the film. We next see Sammy and even George as they usher us in and out of the film for commercial breaks. Sammy Terry and George then talk about love, Dracula, blood, spring and how to send away for a Sammy Terry order from for shirts and posters. Sammy then talks about being at a Parade and he hopes to see the viewers there. Later Sammy Terry makes a blood cocktail and talks some more about Dracula and his way of getting blood, and he even ends up sharing some of his drink with George. We then join Sammy as he tells us this is the time of the year that vampires love as this is when people’s blood is warmer and more people are out of their homes more often and the shadows are lasting longer and this is also the start of the baseball season. Sammy Terry ends the show by telling us to join him next week for a Gamera film and then goes back into his coffin as he wishes us “Unpleasant Nightmares”.

Movie: A young teacher on her way to a position in Transylvania helps a young man escape the shackles his mother has put on him. In so doing she innocently unleashes the horrors of the undead once again on the populace, including those at her school for ladies. Luckily for some, Dr Van Helsing is already on his way.

Sammy Terry - Corridors of Blood DVD

Nightmare Theater: Corridors Of Blood
Starring – Boris Karloff & Christopher Lee     Not Rated     1958

Host: We start with Sammy coming around the corner and talking about Proms as well as what films will be shown next week, he even hints a trip to the zoo to look at the animals. He then chats about the next film that will be airing tonight and talks of the horrors of hospitals. We next see Sammy Terry and he is hanging up with George and they are talking about a race track being opened in Indiana for the season and that Sammy has a race track special coming soon and George can not be apart of the pit crew because he is going to the track in order to watch the fans as he finds them funny. Sammy then makes word connection on the word blood and its sinister and he laughs before we see commercials. In the end Sammy talks about the ending of the film and then reminds the viewers about next weeks double feature before heading back into his coffin to end the show.

Movie: In an effort to relieve the suffering of surgery patients, Dr. Thomas Bolton painstakingly develops an opium-based anesthetic, to which he gradually becomes addicted. In order to provide a continual supply of chemicals to continue his experiments and support his addiction, he falls in with a den of murderers who use his signature to sell cadavers to the local hospital.

Note From Matt: This is clearly the second film of the night as the opening credits and such are missing and we jump into the show already in progress.

Sammy Terry - Crimson Cult DVD

Nightmare Theater: Crimson Cult
Starring – Boris Karloff & Christopher Lee     Rated R     1968

Host: Sammy Terry comes out of his coffin and starts talking about witches curses when a strange looking witch enters and shuts his coffin for him, as Sammy keeps on talking about the effects of a curse. He also talks about the fate of witches being burned at the stake and then ushers us into the Crimson Cult and during the start and end of his segment a blonde woman ghost appears. We are also treated to Sammy Terry telling and showing us what Horror Movies are now on VHS and able to rent at Indy Video. Sammy and George usher us in and out of the movie and commercials a few times before Sammy and George start talking about Halloween that is only seven days away! Sammy then gives a list of all of the public appearances he will be making during this time and its a lot, and he ends it with saying he will have posters and shirts for sale as the ghostly blonde woman once more shows up and we got to commercials. We next join Sammy who talks about October and the masses that witches have on this day, and really gets a kick out of talking about the sacrifices and the ring of fire. In the end Sammy Terry and the strange looking witch alert us that the next show will be on Halloween and he will host the movie Halloween! The Witch then opens Sammy’s coffin and once in closes it for him.

Movie: When his brother disappears, Robert Manning pays a visit to the remote country house he was last heard from. While his host is outwardly welcoming, and his niece more demonstrably so, Manning detects a feeling of menace in the air with the legend of Lavinia Morley, Black Witch of Greymarsh, hanging over everything.

Sammy Terry - Curse Of Frankenstein DVD

Nightmare Theater: Curse Of Frankenstein
Starring – Peter Cushing & Christopher Lee     Not Rated     1957

Host: Sammy exits his coffin and talks about the horrors of being sick and wasting away, he then talks about the fear of being the victim of someone else’s mistake and monster before he lets out his laugh and takes us to the night’s film. Sammy and George then quickly take us in and out of movie and commercial until Sammy then tells viewers how to get shirts and posters and give the P.O Box address to get his catalog. Next time we join Sammy and George they talk about Dr. Frankenstein and how George as an idea to use body parts to make Sammy look better and they two go back and fourth and at one point Sammy turns into a blonde bikini woman. We next see Sammy back to normal sitting with tombstones and talking about Dr. Frankenstein as well as other who find themselves on death row and the feelings they must have knowing death is coming. He then ends the episode talking about what is next week on the show and then ushers the viewer into the second film of the night “Baron Blood”.

Movie: While awaiting execution for murder, Baron Victor Frankenstein tells the story of a creature he built and brought to life – only for it to behave not as he intended.

Note From Matt: This was the second film of the night with “Baron Blood” being the next movie that I sadly do not have.

Sammy Terry - Curse Of The Black Widow DVD

Nightmare Theater: Curse Of The Black Widow
Starring – Patty Duke & Donna Mills     Unrated     1977

Host: We get several segments that is Sammy and George quickly taken us in and out of the movie as well as commercials. Next we join Sammy and George as they are arguing about George’s snoring and George is tired already again because he made new cobwebs around the dungeon, while Sammy says that he was at a station baseball game. Sammy then talks about being at a High School Prom next week as it falls on Friday The 13th, and then George gives the address out again so viewers can get shirts and posters. Next Sammy makes a blood cocktail and tells a spooky story in the cemetery patio under the blue moonlight. Sammy ends the show talking briefly about the nights movie and then talks about next weeks fright feature before getting into his coffin and ending the show.

Movie: A private detective named Mark Higbie is on the trail of a murderer whose mutilated and predominantly male victims are found encased in silken cocoons. He eventually tracks the killer’s path to Los Angeles, where he discovers her true identity: a woman who was bitten by black widow spiders as a child. However, that’s only the beginning of the story.

Note From Matt: The opening segment and credits are missing from this episode.

Sammy Terry - DeathMaster DVD

Nightmare Theater: Deathmaster
Starring – Robert Quarry & Bill Ewing     PG     1972

Host: Sammy Terry comes out of his coffin and makes a cocktail and builds up the nights film as well as talks about blood and vampires before taking us to the film. We next visit Sammy who is reading what they will be having for Christmas Dinner to George and Ghoulsby and its all types of weird and foul dishes, they then start talking about guests they will be inviting including The Wolf Man, Phantom Of The Opera, The Blue Beast, a Witch, The Mad Doctor and Yogi Bear and the rule is they all have to wear a Sammy Terry t-shirt and they then tell viewers how they can order one as well as a poster, they then remember they have to invite Skull to dinner as well but George thinks he will eat to much cause he ain’t got no body! We next join Sammy who is sitting in his rocking chair and reads the viewers a creepy Christmas tale that is about him and his friends. Sammy ends the show talking about the foulness of dying vampires as well as that of man made smog with pollution and say that is fitting for next weeks film “Godzilla vs. Smog Monster” and ends the show with is iconic laugh.

Movie: Quarry is a mysterious, articulate stranger who draws a cult like following of local hippies. Rather than showing them peace and love, he has more sinister plans for them, as he is a vampire.

Sammy Terry - Devils Own DVD

Nightmare Theater: Devil’s Own
Starring – Joan Fontaine & Kay Walsh     Not Rated     1966

Host: Sammy opens up talking about The Mummy hugging people…to death before he goes into next weeks film’s announcement. He then talks about the second film that is showing tonight and talks about black magic and tells viewers to get ready to be scared by The Devil’s Own! We next join Sammy as he talks about curses and voodoo and does so like a twisted nursery rhyme and of course each have spooky outcomes, and he then talks about how he once used a voodoo doll on a teacher when he was a kid and how he paid for it with a paddling. Next time we catch up with Sammy he talks about his love for baseball and how you can get hurt playing and then talks about how he loves being in the stands with the lovely ladies. Sammy ends the episode reminding us about next week’s movies and then gets back into his coffin and wishes us Unpleasant Nightmares before giving his iconic laugh and the lid shuts.

Movie: An English school missionary assigned in an African village has a run in with the local witch doctor and suffers a nervous breakdown. After recovering back in England she takes a job teaching in a small country town hoping to make a new start for herself. All goes well at first, until she starts to hear some disturbing stories about the town. She soon discovers the town is home to a coven of witches and they plan to sacrifice a local girl in one of their rituals.

Note From Matt: This was the second film of the night so no opening credits for the show and this picks up at the end of the first film The Mummy.

Sammy Terry - Die Monster Die DVD

Nightmare Theater: Die, Monster, Die!
Starring – Boris Karloff & Nick Adams     Not Rated     1965

Host: Sammy comes from his coffin and talks about the chills of the fall season and wants the viewers to get warm as they are in for a night of fright! He then talks about the monsters of the world werewolves, vampires, quicksand and politicians. He then takes us into the nights film and say be ready to scream! We next join Sammy Terry who is outside and the leaves are falling on his head as he talks about the joys of the fall season and they talks about Halloween being his birthday and then tells viewers about all his public appearances he will be doing in the month of October. Next Sammy brings out his scary book and has a cocktail and tries to read us a spooky story but has to stop as George is not feeling good and is upset about the MLB strike. Sammy ends the show by telling us about next weeks film and they heads into his coffin for the night.

Movie: A young man visits his fiancée’s estate to discover that her wheelchair-bound scientist father has discovered a meteorite that emits mutating radiation rays that have turned the plants in his greenhouse to giants. When his own wife falls victim to this mysterious power, the old man takes it upon himself to destroy the glowing object with disastrous results.

Sammy Terry - Fear No Evil DVD

Nightmare Theater: Fear No Evil
Starring – Stefan Arngrim & Elizabeth Hoffman     R     1981

Host: Sammy starts off by asking us if we would like to be driven insane or even travel back to the time of the Spanish Inquisition, as he says they both sound like fun. He then talks about time travel, other dimensions, voodoo and witchcraft and then takes us into the film. Next Sammy is talking the black arts and the benefits of it and that magic mirrors help in magic and looks at the painting of himself that turns into a woman who talks about her beauty. The woman in the mirror then starts playing mind games with Sammy as she appears and disappears before him. Next he and George are in front of the painted picture and talks about what you see in the mirror and as he does so monsters appear in the picture including Phantom Of The Opera, a Dragon, Satan and even Ghoulsby as he says we all have dark images! The Woman appears again and this time George falls for her as Sammy tells George he as a one-track mind.

Movie: 18-year-old high school student Andrew looks human in every way but in reality he is the Incarnation of Satan himself. Two archangels name Mikhail and Gabrielle (who are in human form) are sent from heaven to stop him before his evil takes over the world.

Note From Matt: Sadly this episode just ends without finishing the movie and that means also no last segment from Sammy

Sammy Terry - Dracula vs Frankenstein DVD

Nightmare Theater: Dracula vs. Frankenstein
Starring – Zandor Vorkov & Lon Chaney Jr.     PG     1971

Host: Sammy Comes out of his coffin with his iconic laugh and welcomes us to the show as well as to the month of September, he then goes into talking about Frankenstein’s monster as well as Dracula and how when the two meet that it will be deadly combat! We next join Sammy as he and George talk about next Friday being the 13th and how it’s the night of the witches as well as Mr. Video’s tape sale at the locations and Sammy will be at the stores for these sales. And he then talks about a few more places he will be appearing and warns that monsters will be loose in the audience, plus he says he will have posters and shirts for sale at all these places. Next George and Sammy talk about lost loves and then George talks about a bikini model that makes men’s blood run hot and how women dislike her cause of her beauty. In the end Sammy talks about Dracula and then reminds viewers that next week is Friday The 13th and then speaks about the Evil Eye and says to tune in next week before heading into his coffin.

Movie: Judith Fontaine is looking for her sister Joanie, who has disappeared into the hippie community of Venice, California. It turns out Joanie has become the victim of Groton, an axe-wielding homicidal maniac working for Dr. Durray, who is really the last of the Frankensteins and is now running a house of horrors by the beach and is performing experiments on Gorton’s victims. One night Count Dracula visits the doctor, showing him the original Frankenstein creation that was buried in a nearby graveyard. The doctor revives it and uses it to take revenge on his professional rivals.

Sammy Terry - Draculas Dog DVD

Nightmare Theater: Dracula’s Dog
Starring – Michael Pataki & Jan Shutan     R      1977

Host: Sammy comes from his coffin with his iconic laugh and welcomes the viewers to his home that was built with terror. Sammy then talks about all things that could be considered bad days and things that could cause it, and then talks about the curse of Dracula and his pet dog! We next join Sammy who is sitting in his rocking chair and is talking about back to school time and how he and is classmates use to torment the teachers, and then says that the kids need to get Sammy Terry shirts and posters for school. He then pulls the noose and it fills his Frankenstein mug with a tasty cocktail and the sings a spooky school song. We next join Sammy Terry as he and George notice that Ghoulsby is jerking around like something is wrong with him, and George then says that Sammy is also jerking around and that an old witch is making them look like a couple of jerks. George also starts jerking around and Ghoulsby finally puts a stop to it by sticking out his tongue at the witch. Sammy ends the show by saying that Dracula’s Curse has gone to the dogs before talking about next weeks film, get gets into his coffin and wishes us all unpleasant nightmares.

Movie: Communist soldiers accidentally unleash the part-vampire servant of Dracula, as well as his vampire dog, during excavations in Romania. Together, they set out for America to find the last living direct descendant of the great Count. Meanwhile, said descendant, unaware of his true heritage, goes on vacation with his family and their dogs, not knowing they are in great danger. Fortunately, a vampire hunter is also on the case and is tracking down the servant and his dog, as well as the descendant, in order to destroy the former and protect the latter.

Sammy Terry - Frankenstein And The Monster From Hell DVD

Nightmare Theater: Frankenstein The Monster From Hell
Starring – Peter Cushing & David Prowse     R     1974

Host: Sammy Comes from his coffin and talks about emotions and how they can erupt in many ways with some being very sinister, and that leads him to the nights movies as sometimes these people end up in a asylum. We next join Sammy who is looking at his posters and shirts that he has hanging on the dungeon wall, and he tells viewers how they can order their very own. Just then George and Ghoulsby arrive and are worked up over wanting soup as they both want different kinds to serve at the Super Bowl that is happing that weekend. Sammy next is relaxing and makes himself a cocktail and once more is talking about emotions as well as disorders that people get and explains the actions those who have these disorders have and then says that everyone in Congress is insane. In the end Sammy asks if you would like to stay in the Asylum of Dr. Frankenstein and his Monster From Hell, he then talks about next weeks film before entering his coffin with his classic laugh and once more wishes us Pleasant Nightmares.

Movie: The last of the Hammer Frankenstein films, this one deals with Baron Victor Frankenstein hiding out in an insane asylum so that he may continue his experiments in reanimating the dead along with fellow inmate Dr. Simon Helder, who has been institutionalized for conducting such experiments.

Sammy Terry - Freaks DVD

Nightmare Theater: Freaks
Starring – Harry Earles & Olga Baclanova     Not Rated     1932

Host: Sammy comes from his coffin and welcomes us to the show and talks about the creepiness of night and how your mind can play tricks on you or even that a madman could sneak up on you and get you, or maybe it’s a UFO in the sky coming after you or does your drinking water have a virus in it…he then takes us to the film. We next join Sammy Terry as he sits among the tombstones and is eating a meal of a salad and behind him Ghoulsby is digging up a grave to get bones of the dead in order to make a soup later tonight from it. Later Sammy is still among the tombstones and he is talking about how quiet cemeteries are and how frightful they can be, and how even spirits can rise from the grave to get you and two ghosts come from the grave and they dance and have fun before returning to their graves. Sammy ends the show by asking of the viewers will be able to sleep for the night, and then talks about next weeks movie before wishing us Pleasant Nightmares before going back into his coffin.

Movie: A circus trapeze artist, Cleopatra, takes an interest in Hans, a midget who works in the circus sideshow. Her interest however is in the money Hans will be inheriting and she is actually carrying on an affair with another circus performer, Hercules. Hans’s fiancée does her best to convince him that he is being used but to no avail. At their wedding party, a drunken Cleopatra tells the sideshow freaks just what she thinks of them. Together, the freaks decide to make her one of their own.

Sammy Terry - Fright Night 2 DVD

Nightmare Theater: Fright Night 2
Starring – Roddy McDowall & Julie Carmen       R       1988

Host: Sammy Terry comes from his coffin and talks about things that go together including the words Fright and Night and as well talks about things that bring fright including politicians as well as all the classic monsters. Sammy then says that vampires are one of his favorite monsters and then takes us to the nights film. Next Sammy is standing by the window as lightning strikes and he laughs and says bye to a bat that is leaving. Sammy then talks about the curse of the vampire and how it effects it’s victims and then George chimes in and tells Sammy to be quite as he is on the coffin with a small amount of rocks and says that the rocks are there for a rock concert. Next Sammy is out on the storm and talks about the vampire party from the film and makes a bat joke before back to the film. Sammy then talks about the risks for vampires when attacking as well as in general and does so over one of his cocktails, and then brags about his dead rose garden before back to the movie. Sammy talks about Halloween night and the yellow glowing eyes in the night, and does so with gruesome glee. In the end Sammy and George end the show by talking about vampires and George has a cure for boredom and that’s to watch the next movie for next week and its “Night Of The Living Dead”!

Movie: Charley Brewster comes to terms with the freakishly improbable incident that scarred his adolescence. Still struggling to convince himself after countless sessions of therapy that the undead creatures of the night were only figments of his imagination, Charley carefully stays away from his former vampire-slaying companion, Peter Vincent. However, when the cryptic and mysteriously alluring actress, Regine Dandrige, and her motley crew of oddballs arrive in town, suddenly, Charley’s past creeps up on him to haunt him. Is history repeating itself?

Sammy Terry - Ghost Of Frankenstein DVD

Nightmare Theater: Ghost Of Frankenstein
Starring – Bela Lugosi & Lon Chaney Jr.       Not Rated       1942

Host: This is Sammy Terry’s Birthday special and it opens with actor Vincent Price coming out of a coffin and wishing him a Happy Birthday, they dancing girls come out to entertain as the opening credits roll, and then our host TV Cool Guy greets Sammy Terry and Horace The Hunchback to the dungeon and he alerts Sammy that this is a Birthday Party for him and from here Sammy is treated to guests like R.K Skull, Dick The Bruiser, Tom Collins, Cowboy Bob and many more Indiana based celebrities. Plus Jeeves The Butler makes his return and even a crazed Superman appears. And they bring out Sammy a Birthday cake and ghouls sing him Happy Birthday. The final guest via a video is The Cool Ghoul the classic Ohio based Horror Host! In the end, Sammy Terry gets into his coffin and he is loaded into a hearse and is set for a weekend out at spooky places around town.

Movie: Ygor resurrects Frankenstein’s monster and brings him to the original doctor’s son, Ludwig, for help. Ludwig, obsessed with the idea of restoring the monster to full power, is unaware that his various associates all have different ideas about whose brain is to be transplanted into the monster’s skull.

Note From Matt: This episode is a fan reproduction and does not include any commercials, but to be honest it was really cool to see all the footage of this episode.

Sammy Terry - Godzilla 1985 DVD

Nightmare Theater: Godzilla 1985
Starring – Raymond Burr & Ken Tanaka       PG       1985

Host: It’s Halloween and Sammy is very happy as it’s also his birthday and he is visited by the Ghosts Of Halloween Past who sing Happy Birthday to him as does Ghoulsby and a werewolf chef named Larry Battson who has brought live lizards for dinner! Sammy then talks a little about the bombs in Godzilla and as George and Ghoulsby bring Sammy Terry his gifts that are posters and shirts of himself and then Sammy tells the viewers how they can get their very own via mail order or at his appearances. Next Larry shows Sammy what is on the menu for dinner and it’s such things as snake and spiders, Sammy’s guests are playing tickle tag and this causes him to head to his patio graveyard for some peace but his guests follow and when a pretty blonde woman tickles him he decides he will play. In the end Sammy hopes the viewers had a good Halloween and then tells next weeks film before entering his coffin.

Movie: Thirty years after the original monster’s rampage, a new Godzilla emerges and attacks Japan.

Sammy Terry - Godzilla vs Smog Monster DVD

Nightmare Theater: Godzilla vs. Smog Monster
Starring – Keiko Mari & Haruo Nakajima       PG       1971

Host: Sammy welcomes us to the show and talks about how he loves to bring fright, and that tonight right before a loving couple will make out he will free the vampire Count Yorga to cause mayhem and fear. He then says but before that he will unleash a lighter horror and says that man has created his own monsters with cars, TVs and rock n roll music among other things. He then ushers us into the first film of the night. We next join Sammy as he talks about loving a good cold winter as its gloomy, and how things like grass dies in this season. And then tells viewers that they are part responsible for pollution and that it will bring death, George then appears and reminds everyone that they can get a Sammy Terry poster and shirt to make the winder even worse. After the film Sammy gets a phone call and just keeps letting the phone ring as he tries to think of who might be calling him. After it keeps ringing and he keeps guessing voices from the graveyard behind him scream for him to just answer the phone as they are sick of hearing it ring. When he finally answers it the operator is on the other end and tells him that the phone company is disconnecting his services

Movie: An ever evolving alien life-form from the Dark Gaseous Nebula arrives to consume rampant pollution. Spewing mists of sulfuric acid and corrosive sludge, neither humanity or Godzilla may be able to defeat this toxic menace.

Note From Matt: This episode is missing some of the bumpers as well as commercials as the person who taped it off TV edited them all out when recording it. To be honest I am not sure that this isn’t a fan reproduction.

Sammy Terry - Horror Of Party Beach DVD

Nightmare Theater: Horror Of Party Beach
Starring – John Lyon & Alice Lyon       Not Rated       1964

Host: Sammy starts by telling us about the horrors that you might find in the ocean as well as at resort hotels and that you can find terror even at the beach while you are there to have fun, and monsters await in the waters. We next join Sammy as he enjoys a cocktail and talks to us about pollution and all the bad stuff that is happening to our Earth that is causing sickness and death, and how we dump toxic waste into our oceans. Next we see Sammy as he is sitting on his coffin and is giving football teams his idea of a new diet that would help them win more games, and that’s to eat toxic seaweed salad that will turn them into monsters and makes a joke about jocks always chasing the ladies anyway just like monsters do. At the end of the movie Sammy Terry tells us about next weeks movie before getting into his coffin and wishing us unpleasant nightmares.

Movie: Sea creatures created from radioactive sludge terrorize a beach community.

Sammy Terry - How To Make A Monster DVD

Nightmare Theater: How To Make A Monster
Starring – Robert H. Harris & Heather Ames       Not Rated       1958

Host: Sammy Terry starts talking about classic monsters and how to be prepared to face them and that’s by making your own monsters that Sammy is going to teach you how with the nights movie. We next join Sammy, who is sitting by his coffin when George informs him that he wants to make a monster just like instant coffee, and they decided to use black magic in order to make one…but George drops a black magic marker and Sammy uses magic to make George into a big mean spider. But after talking Sammy brings George back and even the monster spider stays, but George is sad as he wishes the other spider was a female. Sammy then tells use that the world is filled with monsters like bankers, police officers, waitresses, politicians, cooks and bosses as he says they are the real monsters, and says your wife or girlfriend is the true monster! In the end Sammy says he hopes we learned how to make a monster, and then says his show will be delayed due to a football game but they will have fun watching a spooky dinosaur film. Sammy then enters his coffin for the night and wishes us unpleasant nightmares.

Movie: When a master monster make-up artist is sacked by the new bosses of American International studios, he uses his creations to exact revenge.

Sammy Terry - King Kong 1933 DVD

Nightmare Theater: King Kong
Starring – Fay Wray & Bruce Cabot       Not Rated       1933

Host: It’s Halloween and its Sammy Terry’s birthday and we open the show with Ghoulsby sitting on Sammy’s coffin playing with a whip, Sammy comes from his coffin and thanks the viewers for watching as this episode is live! George appears and tells Sammy that they have a surprise birthday gift for him and it’s a new used coffin and Sammy loves it. He then sees the in studio live audience and insults them with love telling them they are truly horrific. He then tells them about the nights film that is King Kong.

Movie: Carl Denham needs to finish his movie and has the perfect location: Skull Island. But he still needs to find a leading lady. This ‘soon-to-be-unfortunate’ soul is Ann Darrow. No one knows what they will encounter on this island and why it is so mysterious, but once they reach it, they will soon find out. Living on this hidden island is a giant gorilla and this beast now has Ann in its grasps. Carl and Ann’s new love, Jack Driscoll, must travel through the jungle looking for Kong and Ann, whilst avoiding all sorts of creatures and beasts.

Note From Matt: This was a live episode and sadly the original taper cut out all of Sammy’s bumpers besides his opening. We get small clips throughout but nothing whole. It’s also missing the end segment. While it only has the opening still a very cool and fun watch.

Sammy Terry - King Kong Escapes DVD

Nightmare Theater: King Kong Escape
Starring – Rhodes Reason & Mie Hama       G       1967

Host: Sammy comes out of his coffin and starts talking about the fall weather and the amazing things that come with it like burning leaves as well as blisters on your hands from racking those said leaves. We next join Sammy who is with George and they talk about all the public appearances that Sammy has made this far, and Sammy even summons Ghoulsby as he tells more places he will be all through the fall, and plus his posters and shirts being for sale. Next Sammy is enjoying a cocktail and sits in his rocking chair as George tells him that things will be going crazy tomorrow and that’s because of baseball as the World Series is starting. In the end Sammy tells you about next week’s film before getting into his coffin and ending the show.

Movie: Inspired by the Rankin/Bass cartoon, the evil Dr. Who captures King Kong to dig for Element X when his mechanical doppelganger, Mechani-Kong, is unable to do the task. Kong escapes and soon confronts his mechanical double.

Sammy Terry - King Kong vs Godzilla DVD

Nightmare Theater: King Kong vs. Godzilla
Starring – Rhodes Reason & Mie Hama       Not Rated       1962

Host: Sammy exits his coffin and hopes we are all feeling terrible, he then starts talking about the cold winds of March and the sounds it makes at night! He then talks about the epic fight that we will see between King Kong and Godzilla but says next is the most scary thing…commercials! We next see Sammy who talks about epic boxing matches and how they do not compare to Kong and Zilla’s brawl, George then shows up to remind everyone that you can get Sammy Terry shirts and posters. George then tells folks to run away from fights, so you can have more time making out with your partner! We next join Sammy who is bouncing a basketball and talks about the NCAA games coming up as it’s that time of the year and he talks about records that can be broken this season. He then says that sports will change but some things will not, before he sends us to commercials. Next Sammy and George take a moment to try and sell you a wall crawling toy spider! We later join Sammy who is once more talking about the winds of March and the howls it makes and really talks about how spooky it sounds.

Movie: Eric Carter, a reporter for the United Nations, reports on a submarine which collides with an iceberg and frees Godzilla. The news of this soon leads to Mr. Tako, the chairman of a pharmaceutical company, to seek a monster of his own to generate publicity. He sends out an expedition to Farou Island where they discover the god of the island in the form of King Kong. The giant ape is capture and returned to Japan, upon which it escapes and heads off on a collision course straight towards Godzilla. The two rivals soon clash in a giant climatic battle.

Note From Matt: This is the first movie of the night with the second being The Terror, and with that this episode does not have the last segment.

Sammy Terry - The Mummy DVD

Nightmare Theater: The Mummy
Starring – Peter Cushing & Christopher Lee       Unrated       1959

Host: Sammy exits his coffin with his trademark laugh and welcomes us to the show and starts talking about fright can make you feel so good and then talks about voodoo and how it strikes fear and fright. But then starts talking about The Mummy and the rituals of there curses and then takes us to the first part of the nights film. We next join Sammy who is caring a box of strawberries and talks how much he likes them and digging them up is easier than digging up a Mummy, then George asks Sammy if he has ever seen a Mummy and they chat about it with George and him then talking about how to get a Sammy Terry shirt and poster to freshen up a tomb. Sammy next is hanging around and wants the viewers to help focus on seeing a image of Sammy Terry’s mother so that she will appear, instead it’s a beautiful woman’s image that appears and then George introduces Sammy and the viewers to his Mommy a very large spider! Sammy is hanging around the cemetery and tells a spooky Mummy tale to frighten the viewers. After the movie he talks about being hugged to death before talking about next week’s film and then the second film of the night.

Movie: In the 1890s a team of British archaeologists discover the untouched tomb of Princess Ananka but accidentally bring the mummified body of her High Priest back to life. Three years later back in England a follower of the same Egyptian religion unleashes the mummy to exact grisly revenge on the despoilers of the sacred past.

Note From Matt: This is the first film of the night with the second being Devil’s Own.

Sammy Terry - Navy And Night Monsters DVD

Nightmare Theater: Navy vs. Night Monsters
Starring – Mamie Van Doren & Billy Gray       Not Rated       1966

Host: Sammy comes out of his coffin with his signature laugh and says we are just in time for a fright, he then starts talking about the night and how scary it can be and what evils await us in the darkness. Sammy then says he knows all about the things that go bump in the night and talks about them and then takes us into the nights movie. Next we join Sammy and George talking about May flowers blooming, but then start talking about some local sporting events as well as how to get Sammy Terry shirts and posters, and then tells them he will be a guest at the Indiana Indians baseball game. We later join Sammy in the graveyard as he is having a meal and Ghoulsby is behind him is digging up grave for some bones, and he talks about his salad before he go back to the movie. At the end of the episode Sammy tells us about next weeks movie before getting into his coffin and wishing us unpleasant nightmares.

Movie: Operation Deep Freeze, a scientific expedition to Antarctica discovers unusual tree specimens. When specimens are shipped out for further study, the trees are accidentally introduced to a south seas Navy base, soon revealing themselves to be killer, acid-secreting monsters that live by night.

Sammy Terry - Phantasm DVD

Nightmare Theater: Phantasm
Starring – Angus Scrimm & Reggie Bannister       R       1979

Host: Sammy exits his coffin with his legendary laugh and welcomes us to the show and talks about the mind and how it can go wrong and cause fear and figments of your imagination and how if can drive you mad, he then takes us to the movie. Sammy is talking to George and can not choose what color of his shirt to wear for the Pan American Games that is the following day his choice is blue or black, Ghoulsby shows up and models the shirts for Sammy who ends up reminding the viewers that they can get a shirt as well as posters from him. Sammy can not choose the color so decides to wear them both! Next Sammy is in the cemetery and talks about things that can rise from the cemeteries as well as ghosts and that no one has 100% proved that they are not real and that they could only be in your mind. Sammy ends the show talking about caskets going into the ground, and if that is truly what they will do at the graveyard with the bodies…he then tells us about next weeks movie before getting into his coffin and ending the show.

Movie: Mike, a young teenage boy who has just lost his parents, afraid to lose his brother follow him to a funeral, where Mike witnesses the Tall Man lifting a coffin on his own. Mike decides to investigate, and discovers that the Tall Man, protected by his flying spheres, is shrinking dead bodies down to half their normal size and reanimating them as slaves. It is then up to Mike, his brother, and Reggie the ice cream man to stop the Tall man.

Sammy Terry - Re-Animator DVD

Nightmare Theater: Re-Animator
Starring – Jeffrey Combs & Barbara Crampton       R       1985

Host: Sammy as always comes out of his coffin with his laughter filling the air and chats about the unknowns of the world and how scientists still to this day learn about all types of things from earthquakes to the human bodies, and then promises how to show how to bring something back to life and even George says he will later as well. We next see Sammy who is hanging out in the dungeon with Ghoulsby and George who are hanging up Sammy Terry posters on the walls and then they talk about shirts and how the viewers can get their own…they even make a young lady appear out of thin air wearing one. The young lady ends up going over to George and given him a hug. We later join Sammy who is with Ghoulsby and George and on the coffin is some skull and bones and Sammy uses black magic to bring flesh back to the bones to revel that the bones belonged to a The Wolf Man and this scares George and Ghoulsby as Sammy is delighted! At the end of the show Sammy talks a little about the films sending and then talks about next week’s film before getting into his coffin, as Ghoulsby walks around smacking a rubber chicken.

Movie: After an odd new medical student arrives on campus, a dedicated local and his girlfriend become involved in bizarre experiments centering around the re-animation of dead tissue.

Sammy Terry - Silent Running DVD

Nightmare Theater: Silent Running
Starring – Bruce Dern & Cliff Potts       G       1972

Host: We start off with two radio guys by the coffin of Sammy Terry with one crying, but Sammy rises up and talks about how he is teaming with them for the 11 o’clock movie before going to the movie. Next time we join them Sammy is talking about Bruce Dern and one of the radio guys makes a cheesy joke about knowing them. Next up the two guys chat about buying cemetery plots as Sammy laughs that they are telling the truth. They end the show with the Dj’s thanking Sammy for having them as guests, Sammy snaps his fingers and they are gone and he tells the viewers he will see them next week.

Movie: In a future Earth barren of all flora and fauna, the planet’s ecosystems exist only in large pods attached to spacecraft. When word comes in that the pods are to be jettisoned into space and destroyed, most of the crew of the Valley Forge rejoice at the prospect of going home. Not so for botanist Freeman Lowell, who loves the forest and its creatures. He kills his colleagues taking the ship deep into space. Alone on the craft with his only companions being three small robots, Lowell revels in joys of nature. When colleagues appear to “rescue” him, he realizes he has only one option available to him.

Sammy Terry - Star Crash DVD

Nightmare Theater: StarCrash
Starring – Caroline Munro & Marjoe Gortner       PG       1978

Host: We first join Sammy in the cemetery and he is sitting with George and they are chatting about the stars and planets in the sky and how some of the planets are named after classic Gods and Goddesses, George then talks about a woman that he found beautiful that visited the dungeon and then it starts the talk of the shirts and posters that fan can buy. Next Sammy, George and Ghoulsby are in the dungeon and Sammy is confused as his friends are marching around with Ghoulsby waving a checker flag…he soon finds out that they are doing it for Flag Day and he tells them that this holiday is for the American Flag and Ghoulsby grabs one and with Magic they place it on the old witches castle.

Movie: An outlaw smuggler and her alien companion are recruited by the Emperor of the Galaxy to rescue his son and destroy a secret weapon by the evil Count Zarth Arn.

Note From Matt: Sadly the opening credits and segment are missing from this episode as are the end ones. But it contains the two middle ones as well as the commercials and bumpers.

Sammy Terry - Swamp Thing DVD

Nightmare Theater: Swamp Thing
Starring – Dick Durock & Louis Jourdan       PG       1982

Host: All we get is a get seconds of Sammy’s bumpers taking us in and out of the nights film, sadly this one is very edited.

Movie: Dr. Alec Holland, hidden away in the depths of a murky swamp, is trying to create a new species – a combination of animal and plant capable of adapting and thriving in the harshest conditions. Unfortunately he becomes subject of his own creation and is transformed . . . Arcane, desperate for the formula attempts to capture the Swamp Thing. An explosive chase ensues that ultimately ends with a confrontation between Holland and a changed Arcane.

Note From Matt: This episode is a mess as the opening and closing segments are gone and who ever taped it off TV edited out the commercials and the breaks and what you get is just a few small clip moments. I hate when people cut out the commercials and host segments!

Sammy Terry - Terror In The Crypt DVD

Nightmare Theater: Terror In The Crypt
Starring – Christopher Lee & Ursula Davis       Not Rated       1964

Host: Sammy comes out of his coffin with his laugh and welcomes us to the nights film and starts talking about torture and all the different kinds, but is quickly cut off. We next see Sammy who is talking to George and Ghoulsby who tell him what they want for Christmas this year and they are making their list, they were joined by a talking Skull for a moment…but then they all say that what makes great gifts are Sammy Terry shirts and posters! We then join Sammy who before getting into his coffin tells us what he has in store for us next week.

Movie: Count Karnstein sends for a doctor to help his sick daughter Laura. Her nurse believes she is possessed by the spirit of a dead ancestor, Carmilla. A young woman becomes intrigued by the mysterious deaths surrounding Laura after a carriage accident outside the castle forces her to stay. They become close friends until Laura becomes convinced the spirit of Carmilla is forcing her to kill.

Note From Matt: It looks like some of the host segments were cut short by the original recorder, but most of them are there.

Sammy Terry - Terror Of Mechagodzilla DVD

Nightmare Theater: Terror Of Mechagodzilla
Starring – Tomoko Ai & Akihiko Hirata       G      1975

Host: Sammy as always comes from his coffin and lets out his iconic laugh and welcomes us to his show and introduces himself. Sammy then talks about his coffin and how comfortable about when George comes down for a visit as they talk about basketball as George says that he plans that turns out to be we wants to go to Florida for spring break…as he wants to see the ladies in bikinis! Sammy then starts talking about the true horrors that await in the ocean for people that include sharks and monsters. We next join Sammy as he watches as George and Ghoulsby packing for spring break and this of course includes Sammy Terry posters and shirts along with towels and bandages. A little later Sammy is in the cemetery and talks about technology as well as space and the horrors that could await for us, as who knows what aliens have as weapons. This one is a little dark as Sammy tells us all that we will all end up in a cemetery someday!

Movie: Attempts to salvage Mechagodzilla are thwarted, causing an INTERPOL investigation that uncovers the work of a shunned biologist and his daughter, who’s life becomes entwined with the resurrected machine.

Note From Matt: Sadly this episode is missing the end segment.

Sammy Terry - Theatre Of Blood DVD

Nightmare Theater: Theatre Of Blood
Starring – Vincent Price & Diana Rigg       R      1973

Host: This episode is not really a Sammy Terry episode and only starts with a clip of the ending of his show, so in other words this one is not what it seems on many trade lists.

Movie: A Shakespearean actor takes poetic revenge on the critics who denied him recognition.

Note From Matt: This one is a total scam when grey marker dealers as well as tape traders try and pass it off as an episode of Sammy Terry…I for one was burnt with this one as it has nothing to do with the classic Horror Host show.

Sammy Terry - The Thing DVD

Nightmare Theater: The Thing
Starring – Kenneth Tobey & James Arness       Not Rated       1951

Host: Sammy once out of his coffin delivers his laugh and welcomes us to the show and tells us that we are unlucky tonight as horrible things are happing as winter is here and making dark and cold. He then talks about the horrors of the nights film The Thing that comes from another world and has super human strength that can kill you with its bare hands! Later Sammy talks about the strange things that can be found on Earth and how much land that is still unknown, George then shows up to listen about the spookiness of the arctic ice and waters. George then starts talking about Christmas and Santa Claus and what makes great gifts are Sammy Terry posters and shirts. Sammy returns this time a head that is his Head Cook and him are talking about ideas that have for Thanksgiving dinner and the main item will be turkey of course as it’s a joke to say George is a turkey! When Sammy returns he talks about a lost seaman that was found frozen in ice and this makes him wonder if more will be found and why they were that far into frozen waters for him to get lost. At the end of the show Sammy makes you think that if the jell-o in your refrigerator is real or is it a thing, he then speaks about life in space before he then tells us what is in store for us next week.

Movie: Scientists and American Air Force officials fend off a bloodthirsty alien organism while at a remote arctic outpost.

Sammy Terry - Tower Of London DVD

Nightmare Theater: Tower Of London
Starring – Vincent Price & Joan Camden       Not Rated       1963

Host: Sammy comes out of his coffin and starts talking about all the ways to torture someone including being tickled! And talks about how some are just so bad they will drive you insane including water torture and being buried up to your neck. And this ties into the night’s film as it is said to have the worst torture! Sammy and George are talking about the nights film and George starts talking about Pizza when one is thrown at Sammy who barely catches it and the two start chatting about the Sammy Terry shirts as the pizza sauce will blend in with the color if the blood red ones, they also talk about the posters as well as a public appearance. Sammy Terry next is hanging out in his cemetery and talks about the leaning tower in Italy and how terrible it would be if it was used as a place of torture. Sammy closes the show by getting into his coffin and talking about real tower of London and they talk about the next film they will be showing next weak.

Movie: The twisted Richard III is haunted by the ghosts of those he has murdered in his attempt to become the King of England.

Sammy Terry - Track Of The Vampire DVD

Nightmare Theater: Track Of The Vampire
Starring – William Campbell & Marissa Mathes       Not Rated       1966

Host: Sammy is sitting on the coffin and wraps up the last film and says he hopes that we are truly scared as the next movie is something that could happen to you even in the cold nights of winter and how monsters and killers like to stalk their prey late at night, and that vampires are truly dangerous as they can appear normal and get you this night. Sammy is looking out his window and then starts talking about collage basketball in Indiana and how that fever is spreading to everyone and how the sport has grown over the years. The next time we see Sammy he is still talking about winter and show and how animals leave tracks in the snow, and wonder have you ever seen tracks that you can not trace nor identify of a man and realize that he could be stalking prey and if you ever seen human prints that disappear those are of a vampire! Sammy ends the show by talking about the vampire of the film and how it’s a shame he could not get his prey, he then talks about the next week’s film before entering his coffin and ending the show.

Movie: A crazed artist who believes himself to be the reincarnation of a murderous vampire kills young women, then boils their bodies in a vat.

Sammy Terry - Valley Of Gwangi DVD

Nightmare Theater: Valley Of Gwangi
Starring –Gila Golan & James Franciscus       G       1969

Host: Sammy Terry comes out of his coffin and introduces himself and it’s very late at night as he talks about mangled bodies, wars and big bombs that would strike fear into hearts of the people. He then chats about the start of time and dinosaurs before ushering us into the film. Sammy looks out his window and sees fireworks as George says that he is the one that set them off as he is running a test for the fourth of July and talks about the food he will be fixing for that holiday and its all gross spider food, they both then talk about the posters and shirts of Sammy Terry that you can buy. Later the fireworks are still going off and Sammy and George watch them and this time they do now know who is setting them off as the fireworks are now going off in the dungeon and it was the old witch that is doing that to them. Later Sammy uses a black magic spell to force the fireworks out of the castle and the battle goes on until he finally is able to make them go back outside, and George says that he spied on the witch and she plans up her attack as she wants to stop the night’s show! Sammy fights back by creating a thunderstorm with lots of rain that stops the fireworks.

Movie: Cowboy James Franciscus seeks fame and fortune by capturing an Allosaurus living in the Forbidden Valley and putting it in a Mexican circus. His victim, called the Gwangi, turns out to have an aversion to being shown in public.

Note From Matt: This is the first film of the night and is missing the opening credits but not segment and sadly there is no end segment either.

Sammy Terry - Vampire Lovers DVD

Nightmare Theater: Vampire Lovers
Starring –Ingrid Pitt & Peter Cushing       R       1970

Host: Once out of his coffin Sammy welcomes the viewers as a monster man comes out of the shadows and crawls into his coffin, Sammy is confused but keeps going as he talks about the weather, lovers and vampires all the while the blonde ghost woman can be seen during his talk. When Sammy comes back he talks about his love of the fall and the month of October and talks about some of his pubic appearances coming up throughout the month. Later in the show George and Ghoulsby want to leave the dungeon as Ghoulsby wants to find a woman to kiss and hug and George as well wants to do the same, Sammy warns them that love can also be very dangerous as they all lust over the blonde ghost woman.

Movie: Seductive vampire Carmilla Karnstein and her family target the beautiful and the rich in a remote area of late eighteenth-century Germany.

Note From Matt: This is missing the end segment, and that stinks as this was a fun episode.

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Sammy Terry is really one of my favorite Horror Hosts of all time and his style of hosting is a lost art as he is both creepy and also funny when he needs to be, and I love that his son has stepped into the role and is keeping the legend and character alive for the next generation of viewers. I also want to say that for those wondering, I also do have the official released DVD’s of Sammy Terry, but for this update wanted to focus on the original broadcast ones I have. For me the Halloween season is a time that I look back at the Horror Host of my past that helped make me into the monster kid I am today. Well as you can see, this update is coming to an end as is our Halloween 2022, but before we part and head out into the dark for that one last trick or treat I would like to tell you our next update will be about that 1960’s kid show Diver Dan! So until next time, read a Horror Comic or three, watch a Horror Film or two and as always support your local Horror Host! See you next time for a deep-sea adventure complete with a sexy mermaid!

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